33 year old (21 in spirit...lol) looking for MFP friends



  • seizethefray
    Ha! You sound like my kind of friend. I love my beer too! Request sent...
  • moepwr
    moepwr Posts: 349 Member
    Hello Carla,

    Also a mom but to two kids. Youngest is 5 months next week. I feel about 85 today! I am also 33. I just finished a beer with dinner. It's Saturday!! You need one day where you can relax a bit! Life is for living. I have been on here for three weeks and have lost 6 pounds! So far so good. Add me if you like! Anyone else too! I find this a kinder Facebook without all the people who didn't talk to me in high school.
  • cblackc
    cblackc Posts: 12 Member
    I have started this site a few weeks ago and I have to admit... I LOVE IT!!!! I'm seeking people who are motivated in meeting new friends and being successful in their life with their own personal goals.... I have sent a friend request.... I'm 28 years old and a single mother of one (5)...
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I'm 39 with two kids - but I feel much younger as well. :)
  • Superstar_81
    Superstar_81 Posts: 88 Member
    Hey Carla...I'm 31 from Scotland and I have a 6 yr old daughter (still tryna lose the baby weight lol). I joined MFP to help hold me accountable as I can almost always talk myself into an extra cookie etc!! All in all I probably need someone to kick my *kitten* every now and then haha! Like you Im always messing around on my phone app and I'll try to be as encouraging as I can! :laugh:
  • SaraEllie80
    SaraEllie80 Posts: 20 Member
    I know what you mean about justifying that extra cookie or treat!

    And Hi Carla-- I am looking to meet people who are ready to make some changes in their life-- this isn't a punishment, it's our life!

    Sending friend requests to both of you!

  • ednabnana
    ednabnana Posts: 304
    Hello Carla. I am fairly new to this site as well but I am hooked. I love the app. My only complain is that I can't access the MB & view my friend's diaries with the app.

    Best wishes on your goal. Feel free to add me.
  • tifalva
    tifalva Posts: 220 Member
    Hey there! I'm looking for support to. I LOVE this app and am on my phone at minimum 5 times a day :-). I've only just found it though, about 2 weeks ago, so weight loss is small. I'm 31, married and no kids. Hope we can stay in touch :-)