Having a hard time staying on track! tips?

I'm 21 and always have been on the smaller side and now after two kids I was almost 190 lbs and after a few different diets and exercise routines I was down to 150 and then I reached 175 and wanted to start a new diet where I would be aware of what I eat and how to control how many calories I eat. On my own I got to 168. Then I found this site and have been doing it for a month or so and am down to 164. My goal is to get to 135, and it seems fast food has got the best of me and I cant control my eating of it! It seems the more I think about what not to eat and how much to eat makes me eat more and feel hungry all the time! I need some tips...


  • Ijparsons2004
    Water and planning your food for the day helps me. I have a busy schedule but I work from home so I always have 'access' to food :) If I know I am having this and that through out the day, I don't feel the need to snack, hope it helps!
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I think the first thing you need to do is the the phrase "things I CAN'T eat" out of your vocabulary!!! If you diet you will fail. Diets are temporary changes that are all about restricting what you can't have (and it's usually all the good stuff and the stuff you can eat isn't all that good/yummy). I'm the queen of all things diet and I've always gained weight back because it wasn't sustainable or realistic.

    The difference can be, depending on how you want to use this site, that that is about a lifestyle change and making more positive choices and changes when it comes to your food. I do a lot of pre-logging of my food so then I don't have to think about it all the time, taking away the desire to focus too much on food and making you hungrier. Also, if you can't stay away from fast then figure out how to work it into your day and make better choices. You don't have to totally give up the junk but keep it to a minimum (I have McDonalds and a "naughty" meal--like Big Mac or Double Cheeseburger--once a week and I work it into my calories for the day.

    and if you really want to eat the less healthy food then get your butt up and earn it. Go for a walk, do a workout DVD, get to the gym and earn the calories (I broke a plateau by eating more calories and exercise calories). But also learn how to make your favorites in a healthier way, learn to swap out higher calorie stuff for healthier options.

    Feel free to add me or message me. I'm down more than 30 lbs and I LOVE food and refuse to give it up (I still eat out at restaurants, fast food, eat dessert and have alcohol and I'm still losing). It can be done but it's not easy!!