For those who run...

I have a couple of questions for you...

1. How often do you run?
2. How far do you go daily?
3. What pace do you keep?
4. Do you participate in races or train for races?
5. How do you try to improve yourself?

I'm asking because I enjoy running, but I'm feeling pressure to go faster/go further because I run with a runner who has been doing it for several years, whereas I've only been running since November. I'm stressing myself out more about the runs than I should be.


  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I run one day a week when not traing and 3 when training. I run more when the weather is better. I follow a training plan for longer distances when training. But.... I simply enjoy a long runs far more than short runs. I train for about a 9:10 or so race pace. I've been running about 2 years. I race but mainly just to test my self mentally, and push myself to improve. I think if you enjoy what you are doing keep what you enjoy. If you have never signed up for a race that is something I think everyone should do at least once. There are generally a 5k in most communities. You may find it is your thing.
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    I'm just now getting back into running, before my last baby, my mileage per week was around 50-60.

    Right now, I run three days a week, coupled with cycling, and then swim the other three because I'm training for a tri.

    I go usually for 5k.

    Right now, it's slow, like around 5.5 - 6 mph.

    I do, this year, I'm doing the platte river fitness 12 in 2012 series.

    I do interval training to improve my speed, and I do long, steady runs to improve endurance.
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    Checking in. Interested in the responses since I just started running a few weeks ago.
  • USMCConditioning
    I have a couple of questions for you...

    1. How often do you run?
    2. How far do you go daily?
    3. What pace do you keep?
    4. Do you participate in races or train for races?
    5. How do you try to improve yourself?

    I'm asking because I enjoy running, but I'm feeling pressure to go faster/go further because I run with a runner who has been doing it for several years, whereas I've only been running since November. I'm stressing myself out more about the runs than I should be.

    1. 5 days a week, sometimes twice a day.
    2. generally run for about 40-45 minutes, or 4-6 miles.
    3. 5.5 MPH is a really good brisk half walk/half jog type deal. But personally, i'll go 7.0 - 7.5 MPH.
    4. I do not no, if i had the money i would participate in half marathons.
    5. Add incline if you're on a treadmill, or if you have hills in your surroundings. Find grass to run in, or soft dirt/hiking paths. Also, sand is probably one of the most difficult terrains to run in. (2 steps forward = 1 step back.) I personally put incline at 3.5%, then i do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) for about 20-25 minutes.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    Before I answer those specific questions, lemme tell you about my runs and my running partners.
    The first partner I had started out with me.. we were newbies together. Her stride is a little bit longer and her feet a little bit quicker, and sometimes she'd end up 1/10 of a mile ahead of me on a long run. I let her. And told her to go, it was fine. She needed to run her pace, I wasn't naive enough to think I needed to keep up with her.
    I then began running with my brother. He's 6'0, very muscular. I'm 5'2" and at the time, not so muscular. His pace is several minutes/mile faster than mine. I'd lay out the path (being the more experienced one) and we'd see each other at the end. I still considered us running 'together'' even though we didn't see each other for more than a few minutes of the run.
    Then one day I ran with a friend I'd made at the gym.. a man that was long and gangly, well over 6 feet tall, and ran like an antelope. Because he wasn't familiar with the area, he would lap me as we ran just to keep me in sight, since his stride was soooo long and he could cover much more ground per stride than I.
    I've enjoyed all these runs with these people, and none of them were perfectly suited to my stride. You get out there and run your pace. Improve it if you want, but not because you're trying to catch someone else. Running is about beating yourself.

    Now, to answer your questions, 1. I run about three days a week now, because that's what on the most current training schedule.. but I used to run 5-6 days a week, when I was training for a half marathon.
    2. I only go 3 to 5 miles when I do run nowadays (but I'm training for a 5K Warrior Dash)
    3. I started out running a 12 minute mile, now I'm right at 10 or 11.
    4. I train for races just because if I don't have a goal, I'll give up the training. I need a reason to be disciplined. I live by the line in the sand.
    5. I study the sport, I study the workouts, and I study what the pros say works best. Then I practice it. I lay out schedules and keep them like they are appointments. The biggest thing I think that has improved my time is strength training. You can run faster if you are stronger. Especially in your core.
  • USMCConditioning
    I have a couple of questions for you...

    1. How often do you run?
    2. How far do you go daily?
    3. What pace do you keep?
    4. Do you participate in races or train for races?
    5. How do you try to improve yourself?

    I'm asking because I enjoy running, but I'm feeling pressure to go faster/go further because I run with a runner who has been doing it for several years, whereas I've only been running since November. I'm stressing myself out more about the runs than I should be.

    1. 5 days a week, sometimes twice a day.
    2. generally run for about 40-45 minutes, or 4-6 miles.
    3. 5.5 MPH is a really good brisk half walk/half jog type deal. But personally, i'll go 7.0 - 7.5 MPH.
    4. I do not no, if i had the money i would participate in half marathons.
    5. Add incline if your on a treadmill, or if you have hills in your surroundings. Find grass to run in, or soft dirt/hiking paths. Also, sand is probably one of the most difficult terrains to run in. (2 steps forward = 1 step back.) I personally put incline at 3.5%, then i do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) for about 20-25 minutes.
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    1. 3 days a week
    2. 2-3 miles mid week, 4-6 weekend.
    3. 4.5-5 miles an hour, anywhere from 13:00 to 12:00 minute mile. (Sometimes slower for long runs or runs with friends)
    4. I'm not currently training, but yes I race and train. I have a 5K and a 10K coming up soon, ran my first Half marathon back in march.
    5. Honestly, for right now, I dont. No hills, no speed work, nothing. I just run. As the weight comes off and I run more races eventually I will get into that stuff but not right now.
  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    I try and go three times a week - I do a short (30 minutes), medium (45-60 minutes) and a long (60-90 minutes). I am trying to build up to 90 minutes (approximately a 15k). I am up to 80 minutes on my long run. Some weeks are better than others. I try to stick around a 10 minute mile. Do what you want to do and what is right for you. Right now just finishing a race is more important than the time I finish it in.
  • sluedu09
    sluedu09 Posts: 107 Member
    I've done two 5ks and love it! I absolutely love the way running makes me feel. I haven't been able to go in a couple of weeks because of a really, really bad cold. Before I got sick, I was running 3 days a week, 3 miles each time. So nothing too impressive, but not bad for a beginner either. I'd love to eventually do a half marathon. I just feel like I've been putting too much pressure on know?
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    I was running about 3 days a week...but this week i have taken "off" and have been doing some treadmill workouts. I plan on getting started with a combo of the 2 this coming week. I try to do about 3 miles, and the pace depends on what I can do. It just depends on what I can do that day, and what is comfortable. If you are just starting out, try the couch to 5k program. That's what I did and I really enjoyed it.
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    i just completed the bridge to 10k today. and i did couch to 5k before that.
    that means that i run 3x a week.
    i can currently run at 5.0 miles per hour.
    I plan to continue to run 10k 3x a week and start to try to increase my speed.
    my goal is to run 10k in 60 minutes.
    The improvement came through doing the programs and not forcing myself to run at a speed i couldn't handle.
    idk how to get faster....i have an mfp buddy who is super running man i have sent him a note about how to safely get faster to meet my goal.
    i have not run a race since high school. i currently run on a treadmill and am afraid to run outside. the treadmill forces me to run at a constant speed....don't know how accountable i would be without that speed forcing me to keep up.
    i also walk my dogs and do workout dvds on the days i don't run. it is nice to do different things.
  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    I try and go three times a week - I do a short (30 minutes), medium (45-60 minutes) and a long (60-90 minutes). I am trying to build up to 90 minutes (approximately a 15k). I am up to 80 minutes on my long run. Some weeks are better than others. I try to stick around a 10 minute mile. Do what you want to do and what is right for you. Right now just finishing a race is more important than the time I finish it in.
    Opps missed a couple of questions..

    Last year I did 3 5ks. This year so far I have done 1 5k, and am training for a 15k. I might venture to a half marathon in the fall. I find that doing some races helps keep me motivated to run. I am also trying to vary my runs. Some are flat and I do try to do some hills on other days. It depends on how i feel.
  • sluedu09
    sluedu09 Posts: 107 Member
    I've tried telling my partner that she can go ahead, but she says no and stays with me. She doesn't intentionally put pressure on me, but she's very competitive, and that's how she likes to run. But anyways, the problem isn't with her, it with me. I put way too much pressure on myself and I know it. I run about a 12:00 mile to 12:30 mile, but if I'm racing, I'll go a little faster.
  • sluedu09
    sluedu09 Posts: 107 Member
    I did the C25k...that's how I got started. I like having the structure, so maybe I'll do a training program for a 10k. Or I could just keep going with the 3 miles per run. I don't know what I want to do.
  • docsallen
    docsallen Posts: 159 Member
    1. How often do you run? 4-5 days
    2. How far do you go daily? I am training for a half marathon so every other week I increase my long run by 1 mile. This past week, I ran 18 miles.
    3. What pace do you keep? Overall, 10.2 minute miles. I start off with a 12 minute warm-up mile and gradually increase my speed.
    4. Do you participate in races or train for races? train for races - it is how I motivate myself to increase the distance, run faster, etc. That said, I'm not a fast runner compared to most people.
    5. How do you try to improve yourself? By reaching distance and speed milestones I set out for myself.
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    1. This week I've run 6 days, but generally 4.
    2. Started at 2 miles, have gotten up to 6.25 miles each day in the last 2, hoping to continue that!
    3. i do about 9-10 minute miles.
    4. I've done a few 5k races, though i've never actually "competed" if ya know what i mean. just more for fun.
    5. i run all hills. where i live, there's no choice, so any route is hilly. I also try to make my run/walk ratio better. Been doing 2 days of c25k at a time this week, interval training. Even with walking, i keep the 9-10 minute mile pace, and at times even better.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I've been running consistently for 13 months.

    1. How often do you run? 6 or 7 days a week. Twice a day usually 4 days a week.
    2. How far do you go daily? Anywhere between 3 and 15 miles. Average around 70 miles a week.
    3. What pace do you keep? aerobic runs around 8 min/mi. Tempo runs usually 7 to 7:30/mi. Recovery runs around 9 min/mi. Intervals around 5:30 - 5:45/mi. Group runs 9 to 12 min/mi.
    4. Do you participate in races or train for races? Both
    5. How do you try to improve yourself? Running high volume with some speed training following sound training principles.
  • Pickles11
    Pickles11 Posts: 310 Member
    I have a couple of questions for you...

    1. How often do you run? I run 3-4 days a week
    2. How far do you go daily? At the moment, I usually go between 8-13k (on the lower end for tempo runs, higher end for long runs). I am increasing while training for a half marathon.
    3. What pace do you keep? Depends on the type of run- tempo run I go quite fast, long run I go quite slow
    4. Do you participate in races or train for races? I am just finishing up a 10k running program and will start a half marathon training program after my race.
    5. How do you try to improve yourself? I follow a specific training program that does things like hill training to improve my running weekly.

    I'm asking because I enjoy running, but I'm feeling pressure to go faster/go further because I run with a runner who has been doing it for several years, whereas I've only been running since November. I'm stressing myself out more about the runs than I should be.

    I think you should find a training program to follow. It will give you goals and it will also help you improve. Personally I only like to run alone- it's me time. :)