Best Food Before Cycling ?

graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
I was eating a small banana with peanut butter, or a tub of cottage cheese before heading out, but finding it a real struggle to keep going for the time I cycle for... generally about 2 hours, sometimes more.

After a recent chocolate overeating accident, I noticed I could cycle much easier and with much less effort, but obviously I don't want to be overeating chocolate to fuel my rides, lol. But it made me realise that obviously I am doing something wrong.

If I eat anything too much beforehand, I notice my muscles ache more cycling, and I tried a protein bar and found it did nothing for me... it didn't fill me up and I noticed no help in energy.

So what can I eat before cycling or during that might give me the type of energy I need to cover these hills?
In the past, I simply had a chocolate bar with me on the go, and that is what my bf has always done, but it cannot be a healthy way to do things.


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    chocolate = caffeine simple as that.

    there really is no magic food that will help you cycle. only those who are marathon runners, not 5k or 10k ers..need to carb load before hand.

    if you want energy, try one of those energy drinks they have them in low 5 hr energy etc etc. (i know some will complain about energy drinks and all that but they can get over it..if you take these in moderation you will be fine). you'll know if they are having a negative impact on your body.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    For 2 hour rides you shouldn't need special nutrition or food mid-ride, unless you've not eaten much pre-ride. Once you hit 3+ hours having food along or stopping for something small (maybe 200-300 calories every hour or so) is a good idea. If you're struggling on 2 hour rides I'd suspect that you're riding faster than your current fitness will allow and/or not recovering enough between rides.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    For 2 hour rides you shouldn't need special nutrition or food mid-ride, unless you've not eaten much pre-ride. Once you hit 3+ hours having food along or stopping for something small (maybe 200-300 calories every hour or so) is a good idea. If you're struggling on 2 hour rides I'd suspect that you're riding faster than your current fitness will allow and/or not recovering enough between rides.

    I tend to not get up until around midday most days, and usually just have a 200g tub of cottage cheese and a banana before I set off, as I am not usually that hungry on first getting up. I do have to put considerable effort in because 1) my bike isn't particularly light or fast 2) lots of hills 3) I have mild COPD, aka emphysema and 4 ) I tend to cycle almost everyday just about for the 120-150 minutes. Maybe I should have 2 rather than 1 day off a week.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    Yeah, in your case you might want a snack in the middle. 2 days off isn't a bad plan, either...or make one of those days a shorter, totally easy ride.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Yeah, in your case you might want a snack in the middle. 2 days off isn't a bad plan, either...or make one of those days a shorter, totally easy ride.

    Will try a shorter ride, or maybe a couple of 1 hour rides, and see how it goes. Very rainy weather coming up this week anyway, so I may be forced to take a longish break, haha.
  • kjc7
    kjc7 Posts: 14
    Oatmeal with some dried fruit is very good. Good carbs, very filling. Digests slowly.

    I actually enjoy a cup (or 2) of coffee before a ride. I find it helps me loosen up and get the legs engaged more quickly.

    Very important to fuel on the ride though. I can do an hour without eating. But longer than that and I'll eat before the hour is up and every hour or so.

    Chocolate and sugars are easy fuel but don't really give you the staying power for a long strenuous ride.
