Easter Sunday.

What are you doing for Easter Sunday and what are you having? are YOU going to stay inwith your calorie intake?


  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Going to eat what I want. Will do day 27 of 30 Day Shred.
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    Turkey roast lunch and already had a Cadbury Creme Egg. It will be soup for dinner.
  • ATK57
    ATK57 Posts: 302 Member
    My Easter is next week. I will definitely pig out.
  • BlaireV
    BlaireV Posts: 137
    Easter Sunday is a big deal in my family, it's almost celebrated like Christmas. I've spent the past 2 days preparing food and desserts with my relatives and I plan on eating it! I did a very rough log of what I think I will eat and it came just over 3000 calories. It's only one day a year, and I've been in enough of a deficit to see a loss this week. It's okay to let loose on special occasions :) I wish everyone a Happy Easter!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Already pigged out, in a big way, and will be abstaining from chocolate tomorrow. I am amazed that eating so much of it has not put me off for life, it really, really should have done. I doubt anyone here will manage to inhale 800grammes of the stuff in a 16 hour period, lmao.
  • shakama
    shakama Posts: 13 Member
    Well, so far I have done 45 min on the treadmill, had my water, and my usual breakfast. Easter Bunny did not come to me (I didn't buy myself an egg) but I am going out to lunch and then will have a light dinner. Thinking that it will be just my (now) usual day!

    Have a Happy Easter everyone!
  • tinydreams
    i am going to have eggs for breakfast! hehe :3
  • Yacki
    Yacki Posts: 46 Member
    Going to have Ham and yummy sides. Then going to get in the pool and swim - hopefully I will burn some of it off.
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    i'm not really a choccy person apart from that 1 week a month that is obvious to most ladies :wink: , i prefer to buy my son a gift for easter and a few small eggs made from the over sweet choccy i don't like so no tempting me there
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    We're having Easter dinner at my mom's house tomorrow. It's a big deal -- I hardly get to see my family except on major holidays. My plan is to eat whatever I want, but in small amounts. I hope to stay within my calorie goal. I've gotten pretty good at training myself to eat small amounts, so that now when I *try* to eat a meal the size of what I used to eat, I literally can't stuff it all down.
  • Amy_Lee_2012
    Amy_Lee_2012 Posts: 156 Member
    Not doing anything for Easter, but I am having some chocolate Marshmallow eggs...just making sure I stay within my calorie goal. :)
  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 140 Member
    I'm making a spiral ham, salad, homemade rolls, deviled eggs, and mashed taters. I'm going to follow that with running around hunting Easter eggs with the kiddos! I'm not worried about the extra calories (due to being in an upping cycle) but I'm probably going to work out a little extra on Monday. I'm more worried about the wedding I'm going to be in next week!!! Yikes! It's a formal dinner and an open bar and of course cake! Unfortunately, I'm really good friends with the bride who has informed me of her intent of ruining my diet with lots and lots of alcohol. At least I will look good in my dress for the ceremony!
  • braign
    braign Posts: 89
    This 'eating until you hurt' thing on special holidays is pretty new to me since I married into an American family, so I'm trying not to let it become a habit, and eat only what I am comfortable with. I got fat by overeating constantly and justifying every time as 'worth it' or 'date night' or 'special occasion', so I'm going to take it as just another day, and prove to myself that I can have fun and celebrate without excess calories, and without justification.
  • lucybell333
    Going to the gym, then to my mum's for lunch, Easter egg hunt and Easter bonnet decorating. I expect it'll be a turkey roast followed by some hideously calorific pudding, but I'm going to enjoy it! No Easter eggs for me this year, although I might sneak one of the creme eggs from my daughter's Creme Egg Easter egg!!
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm having what ever one of my friends hooks meup with. I will be sleeping during the day and working tonight, So what ever I get, I will be appreciative of. Somebody always finds me at work on the holidays. I just hope it's good.
  • kiwi1855
    kiwi1855 Posts: 218 Member
    Dinner with the hubby's family on Sunday, dinner with my family on Monday, so I've got two indulgent days! However, I've been prepping like a madwoman to get everything I need to bring done! I have a salad (no, not a healthy one... it involves a copious amount of bacon!), meatballs, a cake and homemade creme eggs (see http://www.raspberricupcakes.com/2012/04/cheesecake-filled-chocolate-easter-eggs.html) for my husband's family gathering; and then I'm pretty much making the entirety of my family's dinner on Monday (roast goose, stuffing, mashed potatoes with parsnips in them - if you haven't tried it, you should! - , beets, etc). Oh! And I had to make a birthday cake for the Monday dinner as well, and the birthday "boy" (who's turning 50) has an INCREDIBLE sweet tooth... so I made him this cake: http://www.sprinklebakes.com/2012/03/chocolate-chip-cookie-dough-devils-food.html#more

    Needless to say, I will be packing on a couple pounds. But hey, they came off once... they'll come off again! I'll hit the gym Tuesday hardcore!
  • jaydubbayu
    jaydubbayu Posts: 456
    My wife's grandmother's house for some ham and sides. Then an easter egg hunt for the kids.. So it'll be a somewhat active day, running around with my little one helping him find eggs. Maybe before sundown tonight I'll take a little stroll around the neighborhood to burn some of that food off!
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Easter Sunday is a big deal in my family, it's almost celebrated like Christmas. I've spent the past 2 days preparing food and desserts with my relatives and I plan on eating it! I did a very rough log of what I think I will eat and it came just over 3000 calories. It's only one day a year, and I've been in enough of a deficit to see a loss this week. It's okay to let loose on special occasions :) I wish everyone a Happy Easter!

    ^^^ I agree with this.

    Life is short. If you can't celebrate the holidays with friends and family and throw caution to the wind 2-3 days a YEAR then that's not living life; that's just existing through it.

  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    My Easter is next week. I will definitely pig out.

    My Easter is next week too at mums where we will have lamb on a spit etc plus dyed boiled eggs. Also having the choc eggs. This Sunday ( today) hubby's Easter so did have some choc easter eggs. So kind of two Easters.
  • spottedlee
    spottedlee Posts: 372
    going to enjoy myself,, not counting calories... Happy Easter