JUST SET>>>>My first Goal and Reward

Have decided my first 'Mini Goal' to get to 260lbs im 267lb atm so only 7 away! (half a stone for us brits :)) and my reward id a book i so very nearly bought yesterday! im a bit of a chick lit geek. The new Jenny Colgan screamed to me. and its a cheap treat but gives me something to aim for!! cant wait to get to 260lb now!!

the book is about a sweetshop thought dunno how good of an idea this will be lol



  • sshetland
    sshetland Posts: 31 Member
    Well done! Mini goals are a great idea :) Keep going :) I've also got half a stone to go to my first goal.
  • ktousi
    ktousi Posts: 8
    Great idea to have a motivator that is NOT food.

    - For every time I exercised for at least 30 min, put $ toward new clothes to spend when I hitmy goal (this is longer term)
    - I listen to audio books but can only do so when I exercise (walking) - makes me anxious to get out and walk so I can learn what happens next.

    Good luck hitting your goal - and enjoy the book when you do!