Any other soon to be brides?

Hello! I'm Vica. I'm getting married June of 2013 and am using my wedding as a time-line of sorts to get myself in the best shape possible (both mentally and physically).

I'm finding losing weight challenging. I currently sit around 135lbs, and while I don't feel BAD, I felt healthier when I was sitting around 126. I like being at the gym. It's the getting there that's the problem (as it is for everyone, I guess). The tough thing for me is food. I don't like to feel like I'm starving myself. The big problem is training my body not to need as much.

Are there any other brides-to-be out there who are using this time as a period to get it together?


  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    Hi Vica

    I'm getting married October 2013, and am terrified of being a plus size bride! I have always been on the chunky side, but gained a tonne of weight when I was pregnant with my little girl last year. Now I've got my butt in gear, am going to the gym three times a week and am on a strict calorie controlled diet. My aim (my wish, more like!) is to lose 75lb in time for my wedding. It's possible, if I lose around a pound a week, but won't happen overnight. If my dream comes true, by my wedding day I'll be in the best shape I've ever been!

    Hazel (Bridezilla haha) x
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Another June 2013 here. My wedding isn't a factor in my weight loss, and I have no specific goals for it, but I've got plenty of other things to plan and focus on!

    We've planned a lot of our wedding already - very exciting.
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    I'm right there with you, October is my wedding. I've found that by uping my calories a little and spreading my food into 5 meals each day my weight has started dropping. Still worried that I won't make it to where I want to be though. Feel free to add me if you want some support!
  • hoffo83
    hoffo83 Posts: 51
    I’m a soon to be groom. Does that count? I’m also using my wedding day as a reason to loose weight. Plus looking to start a family soon after so even more reason to do so. My wedding is July 15th this year so I need to get a move on. Wish me luck
  • maija18
    maija18 Posts: 6 Member
    Im soon to be bride. Getting married august of this year.
  • hoffo83
    hoffo83 Posts: 51
    p.s good luck to you all. im sure that you will all reach your goals and make beautiful brides.
  • tiffanyvc
    tiffanyvc Posts: 99
    Sadly, I am no longer a soon to be bride, but my one year anniversary is next month! Congrats on your upcoming wedding! Wedding planning is kind of stressful, but trust me - it pays off in the end. I had the time of my life on my wedding day, and DH and I were just talking the other day about how much we wish we could do it again.

    Before my wedding, I was a size ten. I bought a new pair of size 6 jeans for my honeymoon, and recently bought a size 4, which was my goal. I think having a goal in mind is a great motivator. You can totally do this. Feel free to add me for support!
  • EversBeautiful
    Soon to be bride getting married in March 2013 :)
  • koneil83
    koneil83 Posts: 82 Member
    HI! Another bride here! Getting married September, 15th this year. I am trying to lose this weight before my wedding! It seems with all the changes I have made so far I would of lost more by now.

    I was a soda addict and for 2 months I've had nothing but water and I never exercised before to exercising everyday! UGG!

    Good luck to you all!
  • cellokitty91
    cellokitty91 Posts: 127 Member
    Hey :) I'm getting married August of 2013. Are any of you girls on weddingbee? That's how I found out about my fitness pal!
  • jolean732
    jolean732 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm November of 2012 and I am definitely being motivated by the thought of the photographer. I've been making progress slowly over the last 5 weeks. I have to say getting married is probably the best motivation I've had to lose weight.
  • friscogrl26
    friscogrl26 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone. My Name is Michelle and I am an alcoholic. When I got sober 7 years a go I also quit all sugar and avoided all non-veggie carbs. I lost 40 lbs. Now Im 33, I have an amazing 1 year old daughter who has sober parents! And 6 months ago I was diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder called Sarcoidosis. I went on prednasone and gained 25lb. of the baby weigh that I had just shed back. I am almost back at my pre sobriety weight.

    I joined a center in the SF bay area called Jumpstartmd. I have a long way to go and a wedding coming up in November. phew!!! thats exhausting just to type. Sarcoidosis causes debilitating fatigue so I hope eating better will boot my energy