Looking for c25k friends :)



  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    I started C25k on Sunday and would love some friends on here who are also doing it. Second 'run' tomorrow morning. Am doing it at 7am when there's no one around - there's a nice little lake about a 5min walk away from where I live so I ran/walked around that on Sunday. I have pain now at the front of my thighs but I forgot to warm up which was stupid, so will be doing that from tomorrow. Really excited to be trying this. Running outside has always been incredibly daunting for me as I feel so self-conscious but I'm enjoying the challenge so far and found the first day easy enough thank goodness. Can't imagine ever running a full 5k but I'm gonna do my best!
  • kimimila86
    kimimila86 Posts: 399 Member
    I'm glad you decided to give the C25K program a try! I'm currently on week 5. It's not easy but I feel so good after I complete a run! I signed up for a 5K and it's in 3 weeks, so hopefully I'm going to be ready by the event! I'm also looking for friends who are on the program too. Any support is helpful :D Good luck!
  • lindsay0515
    lindsay0515 Posts: 41 Member
    I actually just finished the program and ran my first 5K on March 10th. I thought I would never make it but it was awesome! The program really works!! And I have to say that running the event was easier than practice because of all of the motivation and support from other runners and the "crowd" that day. I ended up doing better than I thought I could - 30:26 was my official time! Good luck in finishing the program everyone!
  • I'm dong Week 4 Day 3 today! I'm doing it because I like the feel of running, plus I want to play soccer again!

    And the Zombie 5K does look really interesting...

    waaaaait, what is Zombie 5K??? (if Zombies run behind, you, you'll run faster? lol)

    The zombie 5K is an obstacle course run! You can get more info here :)
  • littledumplings
    littledumplings Posts: 223 Member
    I'm on W6D3 tomorrow, happy for any fellow dieters/C25Kers to add me...I'm still 40lbs to target and 43 years old, so not the fastest or the prettiest lol, but loving the programme. My favourite thing about it now is that my 10 year old daughter cycles along next to me...and I've seen the puppy fat drop off her too :)
  • RacheyJ
    RacheyJ Posts: 1 Member
    I am actually starting today! I'm nervous...but excited!
  • tifferzb1206
    tifferzb1206 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm pretty sure I'm going to start this week. I've never been a runner and I HATE the treadmill so I'm scared and excited at the same time lol. We shall see...
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    A good friend of mine has encouraged me to go on a 5K with her. This is my first. I am restarting the C25K now with hope to be in good shape for it. I have sat along the virtual side lines and cheered so many people on, watched them in awe, and no I am excited to be on the other side! :drinker:
  • Im starting tomorrow, have downloaded podcasts have over 50lbs to lose. Good luck to everyone
  • gracieabem
    gracieabem Posts: 211
    I will actually be a c25k graduate today! :D Week 9, Run 3 is schedule for this afternoon. Funny, because my favourite time to run is the morning, but I feel I should mix it up.

    I am very, very happy with this program and I love my running. It is something that I will be continuing. I'm not sure what I'm going to do exactly for my next goal/program, but I think I'd like to run around six months of 5k and try and bring my speed up a little before moving on to a 10k program. Still, I'm not really sure. Perhaps I can aim for both.

    I remember that I couldn't even run 800m in primary school without feeling awful, so I never tried in my adolescence. Definitely not a natural. I remember feeling awful in the first couple of sessions of c25k, but the recovery walks were just enough to make me feel that I could continue. Everything got better from that week! I had to stretch out week 4 to 5 sessions, partly because of me feeling unprepared mentally, and partly because I got a mild head cold - sorry, complete sook. I'll run in the rain no worries, but if I'm feeling sick, I rest.

    I had a few very crappy sessions - the beginnings of the head cold one, my post hangover run (this was particularly stupid, finished the run, but had awful period-like pain except there was no period and got the runs after my run lol. I deliberately wanted to finish a little away from home to get in a nice leisurely walk at the end and that was a very bad idea. I had no phone and I was an excruciatingly long way from home. Anyway, it was a really silly thing to do and will not be repeated! It caught me by surprise because I haven't had a hangover in years lol.)

    Some sessions just feel ordinary, for no apparent reason but I guess that is the nature of the game for me so far. The good sessions far outweigh the bad and you feel so... powerful and strong, I guess you could say, when you realise that you absolutely can and will finish a run. Once I got past the big mental bump that is longer runs, things got a lot easier for me. I really look forward to my sessions. How will I feel today? Is there a wind? Where will I run? Do I feel like I'm waiting on the time to end or am I just enjoying my run? Do I feel I can go further? I had an absolute buzz in my last session because I felt unfinished when the session was over. I could've ran longer... I'm so excited about this prospect.

    The first 10 minutes has always been the hardest for me. I'm still warming up and part of me is asking myself why I am so silly as to put myself through this again. I could stop and no one would know. And some days I DO feel like stopping in the first 10 minutes because I'm not in the mood, or my body isn't responding as I'd like, the conditions are not favourable etc. But I do get through them (haven't stop yet, I'm a stubborn girl) and once I'm past them, everything gets easier mentally. Physically, it's still challenging, but again, some days more than others. I think I'm addicted.

    Lots and lots of good advice here. Good shoes, go slow. Enjoy the journey and always remember that first week, because you will amaze yourself!! :)
  • goodmonster
    goodmonster Posts: 165
    I just started the c25k today on the 8 week program app thingie...thing. It felt good but by the end I still had a 15 minute walk and then I kinda just collapsed on the bed and grabbed my laptop to write on here :P
    Can't wait for the next installment! *flex*
    But I could always use new friends, feel free to add me!
  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    Friend me if you want. I am on day 2, week 6 today. No injuries or major setbacks yet, though I did take one week off while I was on vacation.
  • I started week 1 this week, but I have yet to complete day 1 in full. I'm going to keep repeating it till I've done it! So far I've managed three of the eight runs and I'm hoping to complete at least 4 tomorrow. My running speed is slightly slower than my walking speed too! I'm the most unfit person I know, but I'll get there, eventually! Please feel free to add me.