Lets lose 50lbs together... MFP wanted!



  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal. :smile:
  • robinrainville
    robinrainville Posts: 20 Member
    I need more support, got 30 to lose and have been stuck for about 3 weeks! I'll send you a friend request!
  • devildogmom
    I am trying again .. I need to lose about 50 myself.. Count me in Ladies.. I saw my pictures today and I am not doing this anymore.. I am a mess......... :noway:
  • Schenck55
    Hi. I just heard about this web-site from a friend at work. I am excited to try it and would like to try to lose 100 pounds total. So, if you are game, I'd like to share this experience with you. I will do my best to be a good support system for you. Talk to you again soon. Good luck. Pat S
  • Camie3
    Camie3 Posts: 16
    Hi Can I jump in? I need to lose 100 but 50 is a start. I've tried dieting alone only to fail. Please I need the support...:sad:
  • poohbear1971
    Add me!! I have about 75 lbs. to go until I reach me goal so I am always looking help and motivation. I welcome any new friends.
  • FuzzyFatSacks
    I've got about 40 left and would love some additional support. I've been going strong for 40 days now (minus a few bad days) and am starting to lose motivation and fear self destruction. Must. Remain. Focused! Please feel free to add me :)