Busy Moms, HELP?!

Hi Everyone!
I'm a busy mom of 3 and I need to lose about 40lbs. I'm totally lost when it comes to how to eat right. Any pointers on creating menus that aren't random foods I would never eat? Thanks!


  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    Think about what you normally eat, and make it yourself.
    Fast food is toxic. Like hamburgers/ french fries/ chicken nuggets? Make them yourself.

    Look around online for "kid approved" recipes.

    Throw more veggies into your meals. Kids might detest at first, but they'll adjust. Its not just a diet, its a life change.

    Don't buy junk food. If you see it, you're tempted; "its only A chip" is never just one. Make your own trail mix... Popcorn is fun, cheap, easy, and only a few calories per cup! Easter eggs- all the stores in the next week are going to have the coloring kits on SUPER sale. (I paid 9 cents at Target for the ones we used today, a year ago.) Plus, its a fun activity you guys can do together!

    If they're having something that is just overboard for you, make a salad instead! only takes a few mins to chop up veggies and throw dressing on. :)

    Even though planning ahead might be time consuming, it will save you time throughout the week. :)

    Good luck, you can do it!
  • miekaluv
    miekaluv Posts: 2
    Thank you!!! I really appreciate it!
    DSCLBD Posts: 40
    I have 3 little monkeys myself! I alter a lot for my meal from the 'family' meal - like make something that is a base for each of the plates to be made up with the additions that each person likes.

    Like tonight I cooked hamburgers for the kids and hubby - they had theirs on toast and I just had the mince patty with a side of lettuce, tomato, onion and cheese (it actually looks a lot more when placed on a plate than if it were stacked between bread or a roll!

    When I cook spaghetti hubby likes wheat pasta, the kids have gluten free and I leave the pasta off my plate and have a salad with the bolognese mince on top

    Breakfast would usually be a sachet of quick oats made with water and a chopped banana added after it was zapped in the microwave, stir and let cool.

    Lunch is cheese/tomato on corn thins and some fruit or a sheet of mountain bread with warmed corn, low fat fetta (if I feel like some saltyness) lettuce, tomato, red onion and maybe some ham if I have any or feel like it - also could substitute for tuna or chicken, or even an egg.

    If I'm really busy I mix up a fatblaster shake with water, grab an apple and enjoy a few extra calories with dinner.

    One big thing is to cut out sugar! I couldn't drink coffee for a couple weeks without milk and sugar added, and spent two weeks drinking peppermint tea whenever I wanted something but wasn't hungry. I love coffee though, and bought a Moconna French Style instant coffee and it is very pleasant without sugar and milk (in fact, I can't add milk or sugar to drinks now without feeling sick, and usually tip them out!)

    Also make sure you drink 2 litres of water a day to flush and hydrate your system. I like to have a 1.5lt bottle and fill it every morning then try to drink 2 of them.

    And one little trick I have found if I've hit my calorie intake or just about and still want something then I have some orange metamucil (fibre powder you mix with water) and it fills me up and gives me that sweetness without having any sugar or gluten :)

    Good luck, I'm right here on the same path!
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    When you have a spare hour (spare? yep I know not easy. Ive got 6children and struggle to find a spare minute some days) jot down what you have in your fridge, freezer and store cupboard and write a meal plan for the coming week then jot a shopping list that you can take to the supermarket. I used to do myself seperate meals to the rest of the family in the evening but for budget reasons and because the children are starting to ask questions as to why I wasnt eating with the rest of them Ive started to just adapt their meal to suit me. I really do think the best way to make sure you stick to your plan long term is to adapt what you already eat as a family.

    Breakfast I tend to have a packet of oatso simple, or avid protein porridge or a shake. Lunch is usually soup or a crustless quiche with a salad or if Im really organised I make extra dinner in the evening and have the left overs next lunch and Mr takes some for his lunch at work.

    This weeks evening meal planner is

    Gammon steaks with dry roasted potatoes and parsnips and veggies. They will have more potatoes, Ill have more veggies.
    Spag bol. Made with lean mince. Ill have salad and just a small amount of wholewheat spagetti.
    Paprika chicken and homemade wedges (younger kids will have nuggets)
    Pasta bake for the family. Ill make mine using courgettes instead of pasta as Im not good with a lot of pasta
    Chilli con carne. Again lean mince. Ill have mine with cauliflower rice or served on spinach (think I forgot to buy cauliflowe!)
    Beef stew. They will have roast potatoes with theirs. Ill have brocolli.
    Sunday roast. I dry roast the potatoes, parsnips etc and only make a small amount of stuffing so I cant pig on it. I mash potatoes with quark not butter.

    Sugar free jelly makes a great stand by for when you NEED something sweet. The kids have it with fruit, icecream and sprinkles and I have it with fruit and yoghurt.

    Each time I get a spare 5minutes I add a family recipe to here so I can just click 'pasta bake' and add it to my diary. I think logging everything really helps.

    Good luck :)
    J x