UK peeps - any examples of 1200 diet pls?

Hi all,

Just wondered if anyone from the UK (only because i need to be able to get the food!) has any examples of 1200 calorie diets?

I've been doing ok but sometimes go over my calorie intake and would like to have more structure!

thank you! xxx


  • sophiareal
    sophiareal Posts: 43 Member
    Not sure whether my diary is open but 1200 really requires a lotbof discipline. To be able to eat well, stay within the limits and not get too hungry, I tend to have porridge for breakfast (pret porridge has about 247 kcal) with a white americano. Snacks would be 1-2 pieces of fruit. For lunch, I either bring something from home, so it is easier to keep lunch to 350-400 kcal, or I get a rice and avocado or rice and salmon box from itsu (both under 400 kcal and very filling). With snacks and maybe another americano during the afternoon that leaves me with ca. 400-500 kcal for dinner. Not much by all means but very doable with lean proteins, pulses and lots of veggies. If I am going to the gum after work or running home and very hungry already, I will have a banana or a nakd bar from Holland and Barrett, at home I tend to have a date before a workout to give me a quick sugar boost. If I am doing bootcamp workouts I will have a protein shake with some frozen berries and brown rice syrup, only ca. 150 kcal and ver filling.

    For what it is worth, 1200 was difficult for me to stick to so I have now set my loss to 1/2 pound per week. I also try to walk to work and run home (ca three miles each way) and that buys me extra calories if I need them. Otherwise I hvae cut out all sweets during the week, even the single piece of chocolate one of the cafes close to work gives us and it has helped tremendously to stay within the limit and still eat well and to curb cravings as well. My tummy is flatter and sometimes I dont even crave sweets when It is the weekend.
  • MissyHiggins
    MissyHiggins Posts: 1 Member

    I am just starting to count calories too, tried everything before - now its the calorie counting attempt!

    So I am no use to you - all I know is its 2x weetabix for me with 100ml of skim milk for breakie......

    No structure for the rest of the day yet!
  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
    thanku!! did you lose well on 1200??
  • Maldivesbeachbodplease

    I am just starting to count calories too, tried everything before - now its the calorie counting attempt!

    So I am no use to you - all I know is its 2x weetabix for me with 100ml of skim milk for breakie......

    No structure for the rest of the day yet!

    eeeek me too!!! hard isnt it?!
  • sophiareal
    sophiareal Posts: 43 Member
    At first i lost well on 1200 but it was hard and nay impossible when being with family or travelling, so after two indulgent weekends, some weigt crept back up. Now with 1300 I am finding it easier to stick to it, I dont event go up to 1300 everyday. I have also increased the amount of exercise I do again and suddenly the weight is dropping off again. Mind you, it is a very slow process. I have jus pt under one stone to loose in total and damn it is hard. Jillian Michael dvds have helped me tone up quite a bit and although I did not take any measurements the 7 lb I lost since early January mean i finally fit into 28 inch jeans again and all my existing clothes (including my work clothes) are a lot looser, so that makes me happy.

    How much are you trying you lose?
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hi Sarah,

    Not sure of your stats or how much weight you want to lose, but when I started out I kept mostly to 1200-1400 Calories. You can eat quite well on 1200 Calories, but I wouldn't recommend it for more than 4-5 weeks. Better to get exercising and bank a few 100 Calories extra and start enjoying foods. 1500 Calories is a better baseline to work from.

    Here's a sample from my early diary entries:

    Breakfast: (250)
    3 Ryvita with low-fat cottage cheese and smoked salmon or lean ham
    Cheerios (30g), semi-skimmed milk, small banana

    Lunch: (200-300)
    Soup (1 can or carton) (200-300)

    Dinner: (600-800)
    meat, potatoes & veg
    fish, 2 x potato croquettes, peas or salad.

    Snacks: (100-150)
    fruit, celery sticks & low-fat cottage cheese, carrot sticks, Ryvita with Philadelphia light.

    You will need to buy some digital food scales and start weighing portions to get used to portion sizes, because looks can be deceiving.

    Are you cooking/eating for yourself or sharing meals with other?
    If it's just you, you can easily make portion-controlled meals and/or use some of the calorie-controlled meals in M&S, Tesco and the like (although some of their other ready meals have fewer calories!)

    If you're sharing meals, then best to eat half the portion-size you are used to eating.

    It's amazing how quickly you become calorie aware and it stops being a chore and becomes second nature.
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    Hi all,

    Just wondered if anyone from the UK (only because i need to be able to get the food!) has any examples of 1200 calorie diets?

    I've been doing ok but sometimes go over my calorie intake and would like to have more structure!

    thank you! xxx

    I have tried the Rosemary Conley diet before which is fab, I got quick results and never felt hungry doing the plan.
    If you check out some websites you can find the plan by looking for Rosemary Conley Amazing Inch loss. xxx
  • cask16
    cask16 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi there, I'm officially aiming at 1200 but I usually try to earn another 300 ish to eat back through execrise.
    Breatfast = cereal with SS milk.
    Morning snack = carrots or clementines or banana.
    Lunch = home made vegetable soup
    afternoon snack (whatever I see when I get home)
    Dinner = meat veg and carbs
    evening snack or glass of wine.

    Hope this helps.
  • walleesmitface
    I think the best thing to do is not skip any meals!

    Always have a good breakfast - Porridge made with skimmed milk (240 cals)

    Lunch I have a torilla wrap (weight watchers is 106 per wrap) filled with lean protein usually salmon (200 cals) and lots of salad (20 cals)

    For dinner I have protein again so chicken or fish with vegetables. I try to avoid a lot of starchy carbs like potatoes or rice or pasta as they are high in calories. Carrots, peas, broccoli, beans etc are low in calories so you can have a big portion with less cals (a dinner like this works out at about 350 cals). Sometimes I'll add a poached egg if I'm hungry (70 cals).

    I snack in the morning afternoon and after my dinner. Fruit/raw veg is best or you can get low calorie cereal bars which are great!

    All this works out at around the 1200 calorie mark.

    The trick is to snack thoughout the day and have smaller dinner portions. I never let myself get hungry... that's when the dangerzone hits!