Weekends Ruining Weight Loss

Aside from this past weekend being a holiday weekend full of friends, family, and special food we only get once a year, does anybody else have the problem of ruining their chance of weight loss due to weekend indulgences/binges? For the past 6 months I have been eating extremely well during the week days and exercising every day. But once the weekend rolls around I either binge or over indulge. Come weigh in time I'm up quite a few pounds from water retention. It'll take me until about thursday to lose the water weight. By that time the weekend has rolled around again and I put back on the water weight! My weight has been either staying the same or creeping up slowly, and I am about tired of working so hard during the week to have the numbers just go right back up after the weekend. On top of that I even feel larger due to the bloating. It's very discouraging.


  • arsalak
    arsalak Posts: 40 Member
    You need to stay focused over the weekend. Do not lose sight of your goal. When I am at my low point, I come on MFP and read success stories and see lots of photos. That motivates me to stay put during weekend as well. Find something that works for you and stick to it.

    Most important of all, do not lose heart. Do not give up. Never stop trying to lose more.

    Take care.
  • leamj87
    leamj87 Posts: 20 Member
    Yes, me too! Every weekend! I think it's because I go off my 6 meal routine. I wake up so much later so it's already mid to late morning when I eat breakfast, and then it's pretty late when I eat lunch, so I'm actually too low on calories and hungry, and then I go out with friends and eat disgustingly at restaurants and drink at bars and it's such a hot mess! I don't know how people manage to go out to chain restaurants and stick to diets. It's the one thing I CANNOT master.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    It's hard but it''s called self-control, every now and again every body falls off the wagon. Instead of getting discouraged get resolute.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Weekends can be really tough, especially if you're doing a lot of spontaneous things. It's not always easy but when possible, plan as much as you can, just like you do Monday through Friday. Keep most of your meals as light as you can and drink a rediculous amount of water all week long in order to offset the weekend's high sodium. Also, try to get at least a light workout in on the weekends to counteract some of the extra calories.

    Not sure what you're indulging in but if it's treats/snacks in the house, get rid of them. If you're dining out, try making better choices - just because someone else is doing the cooking and clean-up, doesn't mean you can go wild. If it's drinking, switch to the lowest calorie option you can - margaritas without sour mix, clear liquor with diet soda, light beer, etc.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Binging is what happens when you aren't able to indulge in something without moderating yourself. You need to eat things that you enjoy eating sometimes. and the weekend is a good time to do that, but it's also hard because you usually have more free time to eat "idly". What helped me was pre-portioning out chips or snacks. Don't eat things right out of the container, put them in a separate dish in an amount that you won't feel guilty eating. Also, spending more time being active on weekends will help keep you on track.

    It sounds like you have been using weekends as an excuse to take a break from a diet. Maybe it will help if you allow yourself some treats during the week so that you don't feel deprived when the weekend comes.

    When I was losing weight I did not allow myself to slip during weekends.. I admit I was TOO rigid, but weekends are crucial to not completely fall back into bad eating habits. Remind yourself that every (OVER)-indulgence you allow yourself, you will be working extra hard to take off, when it is so much easier to just eat less of it.

    I shouldn't be talking when I ate a chocolate bunny and half a bag of cadbury mini eggs yesterday but uhhhh........
  • jameehardey
    I know how hard it is. I have started doing the same thing but funnily enough
    Mine are usually Wednesdays haha. Then I play catch up over the week lose the weight I put on and a bit extra. Started telling myself that weight I put on and lost could have taken the number further down and I think about how many kilos i could have lost makes me use my self control. If you go out try eat the healthiest thing there and drink water and have a small snack before so your not absolutely starving and make bad food choices. Just think of the end goal hun, you'll get there it doesn't happen over night small changes are the best and I know you'll figure it out :)
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    When is your Weigh-in day? When I was weighing in on Mondays, I was much better about staying on track over the weekends. But, if you weigh in on Fri or Sat, then it's not as bad if you use weekends as "cheat" days, because you still have Mon-Thurs/Fri between those days and your next WI... You should try to live your life as much as possible. Walk around as much as possible if you're out and about with friends. Get up earlier in the morning and work out before going out. Drink water in place of a soda if you're out. If weekends are your worst days for being on track, keep that in mind throughout the week. But enjoy your time out and try to not stress so much... :-)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    It's hard but it''s called self-control, every now and again every body falls off the wagon. Instead of getting discouraged get resolute.


    I've fallen off bigtime twice. Just get back up and keep moving forward!
  • laurastrait21
    laurastrait21 Posts: 307 Member
    I love the idea of weighing in on Mondays -- a little scary, but I think that can really help -- weekends are ruining me too!
  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    I would think that everyone has problems during their weekends. I know I do. Most of the time weekends aren't structured that was you work days are. Sure, sometimes you have a number of scheduled events, but for the most part you don't. That's when I get into 'food' trouble. When I don't have anything going on. Luckily for me, weekends are full of running. I usually have a race every Saturday morning and that is a great start to my day. Depending on the length of my Saturday race, my Sunday mornings are for my long runs. They usually range from 6 - 15 miles. More if I'm marathon training.

    The key is to stay focused like someone else here said. Look for distractions or activities to keep you busy. Hey, if it was easy, no of us would be here right now!

    Hope this helps!
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    I have a weekly "bonus" calorie allowance in which I use most of on the weekends for dinners out, drinks, etc. Whatever I don't use, I spread throughout the rest of the week. It's a nice way of staying on track but still keeping my daily average calorie intake at a healthy losing rate. I weigh in on Thursdays, that way I'm eating the bulk of them at the beginning of my week and then taking it easy up until weigh in. If you've ever done weight watchers, this is basically their plan except I'm using cals instead of points :)

    Good luck!
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 356 Member
    I to have the same problem.....like I have read on the post here the key is structure.......this is so true.........during the week I have my meals set as to what to eat and when also my exercise which days I am doing what......the weekend comes and I sleep later and do things with my husband because i feel like with my schedule during the week I don't spend much time with him between work, exercise and the daily house chores......so he wants to go to the movies or out to eat or have hot wings then I lose my structure and my commitment, so when things like that come up I now try to eat something small before hand and this way I don't pig out, exspecially with popcorn (that is a major snack food that I just love).

    Stay strong you can do this............
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    I was literally just complaining about this to my friends list:) I posted it up on my wall this morning. I do so great during the week, then the weekend comes, I am always able to get the exercise in especially now that its nice, but I either eat way to much, eat to little, or eat way to much sodium and I don't get nearly enough water until maybe Sunday evening where just relaxing i'm so thirsty for water I end up drinking over a half gallon! Anyway, I've decided that on Friday, i'm going to plan my food, snacks, beers and all for the weekend and see if that can keep me on track! Good Luck to you, I know it's hard.
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    I agree, weekends are much harder to stay on track. I usually allow myself one yummy meal Friday night and then work out Saturday and catch up on house items Sunday. I try to stay busy and not go anywhere that I might pig out at.
  • kvissy
    kvissy Posts: 205 Member
    Weekends and idle time are what kill me. As long as i keep myself busy I'm usually good w/ food.

    I haven't even weighed myself this morning, I'm terrified.
  • Zumbagurl64
    Zumbagurl64 Posts: 155 Member
    had to look and see if this wasn't my posting girl.....this is EXACTLY I'm going through and i'm soooo frustrated!
  • Zumbagurl64
    Zumbagurl64 Posts: 155 Member
    a "plan" for the weekend would be a great idea!
  • jessicawrites
    jessicawrites Posts: 235 Member
    Heck yes, weekends are the worst. Even when I don't have holidays spreading temptation everywhere, the fact that I have leisure time means I have time to sit and eat that bag of popcorn or what have you. I just started Monday weigh-ins so I can remind myself that I'd like to see progress instead of a water bloat! I'll probably have to figure out a better way of taking time for smaller treats during the week so I don't see weekends as my chance to *finally* let go.
  • spoulsen82
    spoulsen82 Posts: 30 Member
    I shouldn't be talking when I ate a chocolate bunny and half a bag of cadbury mini eggs yesterday but uhhhh........
    mmmm... cadbury eggs are one of my weaknesses too!
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    i usually weigh in on friday to motivate me to stay good on the weekends, and always plan to weigh in on monday to scare the hell out of me over the weekend. seems to work most of the time...