Diet Pills?

Right now I'm taking Phentermine (half a pill) and started it on march 24th.. It really helps me not want food as much.. Has anyone tried this? Once I started the pills I joined this site and I also started counting calories.. I'm pretty happy with the out come so far I was 198 lbs n now I'm 185 and 5foot 3.25inches short =p I'm way over weight according to the BMI chart I need to b like 130ish pounds.. Dose that sound right? Im thinkin maybe 150 would b enough but not sure all i know is i want to feel better bout my self and get in to shape =) Let me know ur thoughts on this.. Oh and btw add me as a friend if u would like.. I need motivation and id love to help motivate others


  • arkansascountrygirl
    arkansascountrygirl Posts: 234 Member
    I have not tried diet pills but my friend Gene told me about some vitamins that contain Asian Mango and green Tea the two key ingredients (natural ) that help with weight loss, curbing appetite. when they arrive I am going to begin taking them 45 minuets before I eat. He' s lost 13 pounds so far on his.
  • phendleman
    phendleman Posts: 1 Member
    I tried Healthetrim about 2 years ago and I lost 25 pounds in 3 months and went down 2 sizes in clothes. I did workout and drink a LOT of water. I really did feel much better health wise and more energy. I got off of the band wagon and now I am back to 190 lbs and back up 1 size in my clothes. Today I am starting the Healthetrim again and working out. I have read alot of material and it all goes back to drinking water, exercising, and counting calories. Also, it is recommended to eat several meals/snacks daily ( bout every 2 hours), I also did this the last time I tried it. Good Luck! Keep us posted on your success!
  • OutiR
    OutiR Posts: 93 Member
    I don't believe in pills alone. Lifestyle has to change or kilos come running back after you finish eating them. So keep on logging here and putting down everything you eat and exercise, also after you have got rid of the pills. Hope they help you in beginning though and you'll get into your healthy weight and manage to stay there too! :-)
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    Right now I'm taking Phentermine (half a pill) and started it on march 24th.. It really helps me not want food as much.. Has anyone tried this? Once I started the pills I joined this site and I also started counting calories.. I'm pretty happy with the out come so far I was 198 lbs n now I'm 185 and 5foot 3.25inches short =p I'm way over weight according to the BMI chart I need to b like 130ish pounds.. Dose that sound right? Im thinkin maybe 150 would b enough but not sure all i know is i want to feel better bout my self and get in to shape =) Let me know ur thoughts on this.. Oh and btw add me as a friend if u would like.. I need motivation and id love to help motivate others

    Diet pills can be a bad thing, or if you use it right, an ok thing. I don't think I'd ever call it a good thing.

    It sounds like you're only using half the dose, so that's good. Well, that's better. Diet pills can help you break a habit of mindless eating, but please don't rely on them to help you lose weight. Only you can lose the weight. In a month or so,you'll have broken that habit of mindless eating, and you can stop taking them.

    Now, you can also break this habit by being more aware of your body and it's signals. I did.

    There are people who will yell at you for using pills, I'm not one of them, but they are coming from a place of concer. The market has put it in our heads that all we have to do is take this pill and viola the weight comes off, and that's just not true. You can only lose weight by doing the work. And if you somehow manage to lose weight on pills, or surgery, etc, and don't do the work to figure out why you gained in the first place, the minute your stomach becomes normal, or you stop the pills, the weight comes back on.
  • cherryolac
    I would highly recommend getting rid of the pills. I have seen some rather HORRIBLE complications as severe as death in people who take pills. It is your obesity also leads down that path. However i would look at why you are having mindless eating and keep busy by going out with friends or reading or even exercising. Also remove all food that you have problems with and replace it with fruit and veggies.....just some thoughts. Good luck with you loosing!
  • zoeluiisa
    zoeluiisa Posts: 392
    I'd be very wary of taking Phentermine - it's considered so dangerous here in the UK it's illegal. Is it commonly used in where you are?
  • ShevelleBurr
    Its been hard cuz i use to eat sooo much and feel hungry all the time. this isnt something im gonna b takin for ever just only to get me on the right track. once i cut down on my eating it will b harder to eat like i use to and im only takin half a dose its not a pill that u take for ever its only to help you get back in track which i needed. Im doin great tho i think and drinkin lots of water and working out almost ever day. Lots of people i agree dont need to take a diet pill.
  • jconnors2012
    jconnors2012 Posts: 22 Member
    i have tried taking a supplement called F-10 by Advanced Genetics. Seems to help cravings such as fast food and i seem to stay full longer than i used to. It recommends taking 2 pills twice a day. I only take 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. It has helped me definitely however because of the high caffeine in these types of supplements i would not encourage taking the full dose. Alot of people's bodies do not agree with these supplements so it's kind of a take at your own risk type of thing. Also, general rule of thumb for any supplement is never to take longer than 3 months without taking a 2 week break.
  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
    I am taking Bontril (phendimetrazine) and counting calories right now. It has only been a week but I honestly don't feel much of a difference in my appetite. I wanted Phentermine, and my doctor will prescribe it, but only if I can get my BP down. I am cutting out caffeine to try to help bring my BP down by my next appointment.
  • ShevelleBurr
    Yea in the UK its so different then here. My fiance lives up there. Im not sure if its a common med but its fda approved and the dr that gives it to you checks up on you every month. but you cant just take this pill you have to work out and count calories. you will never get ur weight off with just a pill u will lose the weight maybe but u wont take it off for good you will end up finding your weight back and then some
  • ShevelleBurr
    I am taking Bontril (phendimetrazine) and counting calories right now. It has only been a week but I honestly don't feel much of a difference in my appetite. I wanted Phentermine, and my doctor will prescribe it, but only if I can get my BP down. I am cutting out caffeine to try to help bring my BP down by my next appointment.

    I use to drink alot of coke ALOT!! I found it lots better to get a caffeen pill 200mg n take one pill a day and it helps lots.. I have to have the caffeen cuz i would have withdraws n drink so much coke to keep me doin ok but yayy for caffeen pills to cut off the shuga n stuff..
  • clarkjean
    I have tried them and they work great. But once you no longer take them the weight comes back fast. Maybe because I did not do any exercise or count calories with them. I will love to keep in contact with you to follow your progress while you take them. Maybe I might try them again. Especially since I'm counting calories, walking and dancing. Good luck
  • cherryolac
    What are you eating and when. I am a HUGE(literally and figuratively speaking) eater and try to eat something every 3-4 hours combining a fruit/veggie with a protein for a snack and then for meals....protein veggie carb(maybe). Now the servings are generally no bigger then my fist which at first may be hard so start with a good breakfast and as you start to feel a little hungery in few hours eat some cottage cheese and peaches(no suger added of course) or pb and celery(watch serving size on pb its sneaks up on you). For lunch I generally have a veggie and turkey sandwich with a bagel thin and I use fat free may or fat free cream cheese(sounds gross but its pretty good) and sometimes fruit(depends on how hungry I am) and then for another snack in 2-3 hours after lunch another protein and veggie/fruit and then dinner chicken broccoli and potato or brown rice....3 hours after dinner another snack I have skinny cow or some sort of low fat low cal desserty type food just to help keep the sugary cravings under the table...or a smoothie of some sort. Hope this food diary is open....the last week or so has not been ideal but I will be back on tomorrow for sure if you want to add me.
  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
    I use to drink alot of coke ALOT!! I found it lots better to get a caffeen pill 200mg n take one pill a day and it helps lots.. I have to have the caffeen cuz i would have withdraws n drink so much coke to keep me doin ok but yayy for caffeen pills to cut off the shuga n stuff..

    I drink a lot of soda, too, but it's all zero-calorie soda. Right now I have "cut back" to only drinking two caffeinated sodas a day and the rest are caffeine free, plus I usually have one cup of caffeinated coffee in the morning. I have also added in my 8 glasses of water a day so I drink a LOT of liquid.

    I’m hoping that by my 30-day check-up I will be drinking all caffeine free soda and just one caffeinated cup of coffee a day.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Another bad thing about diet pills is that it doesn't teach you how to eat properly. Which means, after you lose the weight, your old eating habits will return. You remember those, there the ones that caused you to gain the weight in the first place.
  • Kris1997
    Kris1997 Posts: 241
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    There is no quick fix. I would encourage you to stop taking those pills immediately. You are not doing yourself any favors. Most people gain the weight right back plus some after taking diet pills.
  • Kris1997
    Kris1997 Posts: 241
    I am taking Bontril (phendimetrazine) and counting calories right now. It has only been a week but I honestly don't feel much of a difference in my appetite. I wanted Phentermine, and my doctor will prescribe it, but only if I can get my BP down. I am cutting out caffeine to try to help bring my BP down by my next appointment.

    I was on that a few years ago. Had great results with it. I lost somewhere around 11 pounds first month, and 5 months had lost 22 pounds. However i have since gained it all back. Good luck with it! If i could afford it I would be right back on it.
  • ladykaisa
    ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
    When are you eating? I've found, personally, I am *always* hungry. I find if I snack throughout the day I'm so much happier.
    Pick up some almonds/peanuts/cashews, Ocean Spray dried cranberries, apples/almond butter (my faves), grab a litre of water, and snack the morning away. Slowly! It's amazing how much 1/4c Salsa Almonds can last (I'm currently going on an hour ;) )
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I don’t do diet pills. Period.