Diet Pills?



  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I think that if you need them to kickstart your weightloss then go for it...Everyone is different....I have been on here for a little over 2mths & have only lost 6lbs so I really need some help kickstarting my fat to leave me as :smile:
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    I took phentermine to "get on the right track." And then I quit taking it and guess what happened? Gained back all the weight, plus more.

    All it is is legalized speed. The side effects suck.

    I think you can do it with sensible eating and exercise...yes, more work than popping a pill, but the results will be longer lasting...
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Please stop taking diet pills. The only safe, effective and long term solution to weight loss is by consuming fewer calories than you're burning. Monitor what you eat, forgive yourself when you slip, and make sure you exercise at least 3x a week for at least 30 minutes.

    Diet pills are dangerous. Give your body what it needs: healthy, nutrient rich foods throughout the day, and it will take care of you.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I have tried them and they work great. But once you no longer take them the weight comes back fast.

    Q. So, if they work great why does the weight come back?

    A. Because they're a band-aid, they may suppress appetite in the short term but they can't be used indefinitely and when the user reverts to old habits....

    Eat better, move more forget pills.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Right now I'm taking Phentermine (half a pill) and started it on march 24th.. It really helps me not want food as much.. Has anyone tried this? Once I started the pills I joined this site and I also started counting calories.. I'm pretty happy with the out come so far I was 198 lbs n now I'm 185 and 5foot 3.25inches short =p I'm way over weight according to the BMI chart I need to b like 130ish pounds.. Dose that sound right? Im thinkin maybe 150 would b enough but not sure all i know is i want to feel better bout my self and get in to shape =) Let me know ur thoughts on this.. Oh and btw add me as a friend if u would like.. I need motivation and id love to help motivate others

    I don't know anything about this medication.


    You are taking this medication under a doctor's supervision;
    It is genuinely helping you gain momentum;
    You realize it can only be temporary;
    You are conditioning yourself to eat differently and to be more active and realize that change will be for the rest of your life


    I don't see a problem with it for short-term use.
  • Jstewartdesigns
    Jstewartdesigns Posts: 51 Member
    The whole idea of taking the diet pills, under doctor supervision, is to kick start your weight loss but the only way to make it work is to make a lifestyle change. If you don't make that change, of course, the weight will come back. It's a simple equation of calories in vs. calories expended. A pill won't do the work for you. The change has to start with you! A doctor will only prescribe these pills for no longer than 3 months at a time because they can be addicting. As long as you are under doctor supervision and see him each month for that period, make the lifestyle changes, you will be successful for the long term but ultimately, it's up to you to make it last!
  • ShevelleBurr
    it will b short term you really have to discipline your self and If you cant yes there will b a problem. I have faith in my self and when your eating lots n lots like i use to its hard to eat a lil bit but once you eat less (in my case 75% less) it will be easier not to eat as much. and yes I agree its not the right thing to take pills for like a "band-aid" I'm a pretty strong girl and once i get on track i can stick with it.. Im only gettin older and it will b so much harder to keep the fat off n stuff so yea lol =p When I started on thez pills I started working out and counting calories n stuff n feelin so much better..
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    I am on phentramine and it helps quite alot. I am also taking naltrexone - it's prescription used to help people fight addictions. And you can be addicted to food! The thing I notice when taking these 2, is that I'm no where near as hungry, and when I do eat, a few bites of it is all I really want.
  • priescm
    priescm Posts: 95
    I took Phentermine for about 3 months almost 2 years ago. I lost 30lbs. I LOVED it. I wish I could take it again. It was such a great lifestyle kickstart for me.
    A lot of people will give you the "DIET PILLS ARE BAD" thing and it's probably true, but Phentermine was a miracle worker for me. I was recovering from a herniated disc, I was borderline diabetic, I was getting high blood pressure...and I was only 21 years old.
    After taking Phentermine, I lost 30lbs and many of my other issues. With my disc problem I wasn't able to move around a lot and any exercise hurt so bad. I started out doing only minimal exercise while on Phentermine and still lost weight.

    I don't think it would be good for a long-term thing. It's not a good long-term solution, but I took it for a little bit.

    It cut my hunger pretty much in half though. I kept all 30 of those lbs off so far, but still have quite a bit to lose. I can't knock Phentermine though since it helped me out so much! Their forums were also really helpful, so I would look there if you're trying to find people that are supportive of your Phen use. :)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I am taking Bontril (phendimetrazine) and counting calories right now. It has only been a week but I honestly don't feel much of a difference in my appetite. I wanted Phentermine, and my doctor will prescribe it, but only if I can get my BP down. I am cutting out caffeine to try to help bring my BP down by my next appointment.

    I use to drink alot of coke ALOT!! I found it lots better to get a caffeen pill 200mg n take one pill a day and it helps lots.. I have to have the caffeen cuz i would have withdraws n drink so much coke to keep me doin ok but yayy for caffeen pills to cut off the shuga n stuff..

    Interestingly, I went looking for caffeine pills a month or two ago. Can't buy them here anymore. A family member who is a nurse told me they were causing all kinds of problems that just drinking coffee doesn't cause. So I'm just drinking coffee. Way too much coffee, trying to get on top of these allergies. I'm up to 30+ cups a day, no heart attacks...yet.
  • Kaci86Descutner
    Kaci86Descutner Posts: 13 Member
    Ive taken phentremine. It works if you take it right. But dont rely on it. Once you stop taking it, you will gain every lb back if you dont really try to maintain your weight on your own. Also, it will curb your appetite to the point where you eat nothing all day which is not good for you or your diet because with out the pill you wouldnt go all day with out eating. Hope this helps :)
  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
    Interestingly, I went looking for caffeine pills a month or two ago. Can't buy them here anymore. A family member who is a nurse told me they were causing all kinds of problems that just drinking coffee doesn't cause. So I'm just drinking coffee. Way too much coffee, trying to get on top of these allergies. I'm up to 30+ cups a day, no heart attacks...yet.

    I can't imagine drinking that much coffee. I mean, I like coffee and all but... sheesh.
  • karendsmith
    karendsmith Posts: 167
    I have not tried diet pills but my friend Gene told me about some vitamins that contain Asian Mango and green Tea the two key ingredients (natural ) that help with weight loss, curbing appetite. when they arrive I am going to begin taking them 45 minuets before I eat. He' s lost 13 pounds so far on his.

    can You send me more info on your vitamins?
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Interestingly, I went looking for caffeine pills a month or two ago. Can't buy them here anymore. A family member who is a nurse told me they were causing all kinds of problems that just drinking coffee doesn't cause. So I'm just drinking coffee. Way too much coffee, trying to get on top of these allergies. I'm up to 30+ cups a day, no heart attacks...yet.

    I can't imagine drinking that much coffee. I mean, I like coffee and all but... sheesh.

    I weaken it a lot, it looks more like a cup of tea than coffee, and because it's weak, I definitely get all my water and then some, but I'm not doing it for the taste, I'm doing it for that caffeine. I'm taking ephedrine, too, but that's for my allergies, and I won't be able to get it much longer if what the pharmacist says is true. Nasty stuff, I miss the herbal I used to get from GNC. My country has idiot laws made by idiots, though, so not much I can do about it until I don't live here anymore.
  • karendsmith
    karendsmith Posts: 167
    I tried those pills last year, under a doctors supervision, and yes they curbed my appetite to where I did not want to eat ANYTHING, which was not healthy. My biggest problem with them was that they threw me into horrible panic attacks. I talked to my doctor and she then prescribed a mild low dose anti depressant, which was suppose to counter act with them giving me panic attacks. It didn't really help and I just did not want to be mixing medicine and being so zapped out by them. I decided that it just wasn't worth it for me to trade the kick start of the diet pills for the awful panic attacks I got. I stopped taking them and decided I would have to get tough and do it on my own!
  • jill92787
    jill92787 Posts: 158 Member
    What a lot of people will not understand or won't take the time to try to learn, is that Phentermine is a PRESCRIPTION medication. It is something that you and your doctor discuss and decide upon together, and you are under the supervision of a doctor while you are taking it. If you and your doctor decided that this is the best way to go for the goals and issues you have in your life, don't listen to other people. It's not a "diet pill" you randomly picked up at GNC.

    I've been on it for about a month and after the first 1-2 weeks the side effects have subsided almost completely. It gives me energy and curbs appetitie, but yes, it is a TOOL to use. It is not a miracle that will permanently remove weight from you while you continue to eat whatever you want and not work out. It is supposed to be something to help you while you learn better lifestyle habits. As long as you go into it with open eyes, and really are honest with yourself about what you need to work on, it will be helpful. For me, I've had several injuries in the last year, the worst of which was fracturing my spine in a car accident. It was hard to even walk for a long time and some of the weight I lost came back with a vengance. Carrying extra weight makes it even more painful to try to work out with an injury. Hence, my doctor suggested this medication to assist me getting back on track. But he knows that I'm not trying to use this as a "magic bullet" so to speak. I'm using it to try to get back on track. I run 10 miles a week, command PT three times a week, Jillian Michaels DVD's 3 times a week, softball team...etc. It's a weight loss AID. Just make sure you use it as such.

    And tell the haters to shove it haha.

    Just make sure you are eating enough when you first start using this. You won't realize you're hungry. Eat anyway when you know you need to. And if you have to take any drug tests for work make sure they know about this med. It will fail you on a drug test.
  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
    What a lot of people will not understand or won't take the time to try to learn, is that Phentermine is a PRESCRIPTION medication. It is something that you and your doctor discuss and decide upon together, and you are under the supervision of a doctor while you are taking it. If you and your doctor decided that this is the best way to go for the goals and issues you have in your life, don't listen to other people.

    A million times this.

    I love how everyone on the internet thinks they know what is better for me than my doctor does. :noway:
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Don't always trust your doctor, either. Doctors have very little clinical hour training in nutrition and diet. The best people to listen to are nutritionists, dieticians and pharmacologists.

    If I'm having an adverse reaction to a pill, I will be calling my pharmacist first, my doctor second.

    Bear in mind that doctors make money from pushing certain pills to their patients. If a doctor is going to profit from a patient's 6 month prescription for diet pills, why would they be motivated to push a healthier eating lifestyle on their patients?

    My doctor recommended I go on sleeping pills. I did, for about three years, until I started exercising and eating right. My insomnia was cured by changing my eating habits and exercise habits. I haven't needed my pills in over a year now.

    I love my doctor, but the health of my body is more important than the thought of putting chemicals into my body to chemically change my metabolism instead of doing what it takes to get my metabolism to naturally change on its own.
  • jill92787
    jill92787 Posts: 158 Member
    Don't always trust your doctor, either. Doctors have very little clinical hour training in nutrition and diet. The best people to listen to are nutritionists, dieticians and pharmacologists.

    If I'm having an adverse reaction to a pill, I will be calling my pharmacist first, my doctor second.

    Bear in mind that doctors make money from pushing certain pills to their patients. If a doctor is going to profit from a patient's 6 month prescription for diet pills, why would they be motivated to push a healthier eating lifestyle on their patients?

    My doctor recommended I go on sleeping pills. I did, for about three years, until I started exercising and eating right. My insomnia was cured by changing my eating habits and exercise habits. I haven't needed my pills in over a year now.

    I love my doctor, but the health of my body is more important than the thought of putting chemicals into my body to chemically change my metabolism instead of doing what it takes to get my metabolism to naturally change on its own.

    Since I'm in the military and so is my doctor, he receives no financial incentive from drug companies or the like. AND he has to abide by a much stricter set of rules than civilian doctors since many things that are allowed for civilians are not allowed for military members. Just because you don't trust YOUR doctor doesn't mean all of them are uneducated in these matters. If people are going to the doctor specifically regarding these issues, it's often to a doctor who specializes in them.
  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
    Just because you don't trust YOUR doctor doesn't mean all of them are uneducated in these matters. If people are going to the doctor specifically regarding these issues, it's often to a doctor who specializes in them.

    Word. The doctor I am seeing is a weight loss specialist. And, hold the phone, I am actually losing weight this time.
    Bear in mind that doctors make money from pushing certain pills to their patients. If a doctor is going to profit from a patient's 6 month prescription for diet pills, why would they be motivated to push a healthier eating lifestyle on their patients?

    The advice of a hundred different internet articles or message board posts wasn't helping me. My doctor is helping me. You can be a conspiracy theorist all you want. I will continue to follow the weight loss plan given to me by my doctor, which does include a healthy diet, exercise, and - yes - medication.