Plateau After 10lbs? Goal weight is still 40lbs away...

Hi guys,
I've been tracking my calories and working out since January 2012. I did have to take a month off of exercising due to an injury, but I restarted my workout routine in mid March. All together, I managed to lose 10lbs and 3 inches off my waist and 2 inches off my hips, but the weight loss/inches has come to a grinding halt. I've been working out 3x-4x a week doing mostly cardio and really pushing myself. I eat between 1650 and 1800 calories a day. Can anyone give any suggestions to get back on track? Could I already be in a plateau even though my goal weight is 40 lbs and several inches away?

Stats: 5'11
195 (last week was 192 :( )



  • bump
  • Hmmm, usually plateau means you need to change something. Maybe up some calories, more exercise and eat back cals, drink more water to lower your sodium, that helped me before.

    Are you a girl? if you are, period is also a factor...
  • RebeldeMM
    RebeldeMM Posts: 7 Member
  • I had the same problem after losing only about 10 lbs.. I was eating well and exercising 3-4 x a week, alternating between cardio and weights.. After weeks of frustration I cut out bread, rice, pasta and potatoes.. and the next 15 lbs fell off. Now I've plateaued again (or have I just gotten lazy with what I eat? Corn chips are my vice lately) So I guess what I'm trying to say is that it is possible and that maybe you need to change things up a bit. :)
  • RebeldeMM
    RebeldeMM Posts: 7 Member
    I stay within my calories limits, but a good portion of those are from carbs. I'll try cutting back on carbs and upping my protein, and I see if that makes a difference.

  • icandoit203
    icandoit203 Posts: 170 Member
    Im having the same issue I been doing so much cardio and only losing half and ounce or a pound a week, as ppl have told me I need to change my workout instead of 2hrs cardio have an hr cardion and hr weights. So Im going to try that this week to see if that helps, I am losing inches my clothes are looser just not #s on the scale.

    We can do this like life you gotta change it up
  • I'm assuming maybe only females should be replying to the OP since it was a female who initially posted....and only those have replied...

    But no1's stated what their caloric burn is per day. I assume you're all tracking that as well as what you're burning off.

    I've plateaued about 3 times in my 30 month journey to weightloss, and each time, you have to change up your routine in order to see desired results.

    Your body will become, for lack of a better phrase, like a factory, going through the same motions every day, for days on end. It will realize this after a few days/weeks and then become accustomed to doing the same exercises day in/out. Therefore, it will exert less energy at other times knowing it has to save it for the same old thing every day.

    Have any of you tried a basic Thermogenic to get your heart rate up for the entire day? I currently use OxyElitePro from USPLabs, and if your heart can handle it, even 1 pill a day (also curbs appetite and is a caffeine "supplement") in the morning before your day begins will get your body burning calories faster.
  • jemachharo
    jemachharo Posts: 144 Member
    When I plateau I eat very high calories for 2 days and then go back down - focus on protein and fat, not sugar. Usually breaks it.
  • prettypaula96
    prettypaula96 Posts: 32 Member
    Definitely add weights to your workout routine. Lifting weights continues to burn calories way after you finish working out as your body repairs the muscles, keeps your muscle mass (which burns more calories as well), and drops inches like crazy because your body has to resort to "eating" the surrounding fat to maintain your muscles. It's a win all around.