5-Day Gym Workout?

a bit confussed, I go to the gym at least 5x a week and I do not want to be wasting my time. Any advice on what to do? I am at the gym for about 30-60 minutes. I love love the stair climber :D

Age: 22
Height: 5'5
Weight: 142
Frame" Medium


  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    I'd advise to get a premade routine/plan & stick with it. I do the Body for Life program. It has a basic routine that isn't at all too hard to figure out. I do my work & I get home to my little boy. I used to make my own routine & to be honest, I had no clue what I was doing. I never saw good results & I got discouraged. Good luck!
  • Ging07
    Ging07 Posts: 21 Member
    I just looked on the body for life website and I can't find any programs, just supplements and protein powders. Where did you go to find the programs, because I would be interested. Thanks!
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    Squat variation
    Bench Press variation
    Overhead Press variation
    Row variation
    Pulldown or Pull-Up variation

    Split these into a Workout A/Workout B routine. Do it 2-3x a week. Bam.
  • Friend me and I'll send you what I have. I think I got it off the website.

    Update- sorry i did not realize you could send a message without being friends....i'm a newbie.

  • I think it is just your thought. You need to consult a doctor if it is very true. Just try to make a better routine for your daily life and also consult a good personal trainer.
  • particleastro
    particleastro Posts: 68 Member
    Premade? Pah! You gotta listen to your body and feel what works for you! Ever noticed why there are so many goddamn books, shows and blogs telling you what to do? Cos there are SO MANY different ways to do things.

    Chances are if you're on here you already know about healthy eating. You know how many calories to be consuming and how to consume them.

    Exercise wise.....what do you enjoy? You like the stepper, great! Ever thought of climbing some hills? Hiking through somewhere? What else do you like? Include that too!

    One thing I will add though is lift some weights. Not machines, not cables, grab some dumbells, kettlebells, barbells, churchbells and get swinging, lifting, pulling pushing....whatever. If you're not sure of the moves you can always ask someone who knows....

    Remember, at your slowest pace, you're still lapping the guys on the couch.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Monday: Upper Body, Ab crunches, 20 minute cardio
    Tuesday: Lower Body, Glutes, 20 minute cardio
    Wednesday: Upper Body, Obliques, 20 minute cardio
    Thursday: Lower Body, Glutes, 20 minute cardio
    Friday: Upper Body, Calf Raises, 20 minute cardio

    I take the weekend off from working out for right now.

    Come Monday, I begin with what I did on Last Tuesday (Lower Body, Glutes, 20 minute cardio) and go from there. I keep track of this on my own workout spreadsheet that I created and use an HRM for more defined caloric burn/HRM results
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Squat variation
    Bench Press variation
    Overhead Press variation
    Row variation
    Pulldown or Pull-Up variation

    Split these into a Workout A/Workout B routine. Do it 2-3x a week. Bam.

    although never deadlift til your squat is perfect and don't do overhead press til your deadlift is perfect
  • Moriarty_697
    Moriarty_697 Posts: 226 Member
    I guess the big questions is are you looking to do just cardio? Or are you looking to add resistance training? If you're just doing cardio, I'd say try to change things up at least a couple times a week to keep your body guessing and to help avoid bordom. Maybe look at alternating stair climber days with stationary bike or treadmill or something.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Squat variation
    Bench Press variation
    Overhead Press variation
    Row variation
    Pulldown or Pull-Up variation

    Split these into a Workout A/Workout B routine. Do it 2-3x a week. Bam.

    And eat at least 1700 daily.