30 Day Shred Question.....

Is it recommended the 30 day shred is done daily for 30 days?


  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 447 Member
    I'm on day 16 but I've had a rest day here and there (1 day during the weekend I take off) everybody's different you just gotta do what you feel us best for you! I'd still do it for no less than 5 days a week at least, you'll still get results x
  • gorhamk1
    gorhamk1 Posts: 9 Member
    Good job. If you dont mind, how much have you lost since you started it?
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 447 Member
    I have only lost 1lb BUT I've lost over 7.5 inches in total (measured on day 8) x
  • momwhosbusy
    momwhosbusy Posts: 154 Member
    Dittio with the "what works best for you". I just finished level 1 and it took me 14 days, I re-measured and have lost 8.5 inches total so far.

    I also get in a short walk (2-3 miles) or run most nights as well...

    No weight loss though, but I am fine with that if I am losing inches! I plan to take about 14 days for level 2 as well just because of an extremely busy schedule and I have a feeling that after 3 days of level 2 I will be needing a rest day! Good luck!
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    Same here...30 day shred took me about 45 days (was training for a race in between). Still, amazing results. Doing Ripped In 30 now...will probably take the same amount of time.

    Don't forget to pay attention to your meals as well to have maximum results.