Help Motivate me! So much effort, so little results...



  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Have you ever calculated your BMR or TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). You aren't eating the calories used during breastfeeding which is about 500 calories on a day you are not running your net intake is 700 calories. That is too low. BMR is basal metabolic rate...the amount of calories needed to just breathe laying in the bed for a 24 period. So you not only give it less than BMR, but you have added nursing on top and the deficit is so significant your body has slowed down the metabolism to conserve energy.

    I would strongly suggest taking a look at some of the articles in the "Eat more to weigh less" group

    Here is some more info on eating too little

    I know it sounds strange, but you must eat to fuel your body, which will allow your body to release fat. As a runner you are burning so many calories and probably losing muscle with so few calories.
  • sara1923
    sara1923 Posts: 53
    Cant really give advice without seeing your diary.
  • finz96
    finz96 Posts: 102
    I never lost weight breast feeding either. When I tried to lower my calorie intake at all, my milk supply suffered. So, I had to eat a lot to feed my daughter.

    Anyway, I've been working out 6 days a week regularly over the few years since her birth, and have always had some excess on my stomach and upper thighs that never went away. Very frustrating. I recently started strength training and altered my diet to get a minimum of 110 gms of protein a day. I have never been a big meat eater or protein consumer, so I'm sure that was part of it! Over the past month, I can see and feel a big change in the muscle tone and firmness of those areas! I'm very excited about it! I'm finally making progress! The scale hasn't gone down any, but I'm not concerned about that as I SEE the results! :) So, maybe try upping your protein intake, although I'm not sure what you are intaking now to be for sure, and add strength training!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Not bashing the extended breastfeeding at all. I breast fed all three of mine, not that long, but I still did it, and it is great.

    BUT, it may be part of the weight thing, too. I think my body held on to fat in certain places while I nursed. I think my body knew I needed that extra fat reserve for milk production and held on for dear life, particularly in the places I didn't want it. If you are committed to it, by all means, keep it up. Just give yourself a break on the body shaping until you are done. Then, you can see if it makes a difference. I think it will.

    I'm starting to feel like this HAS TO BE the "problem"... which is fine if it is (totally worth it, and it will eventually end)... but I want to make sure I'm not overlooking something else.

    The issue is not breast feeding itself, the issue is if you provide your body too few calories to do its job, it will slow the metabolism to conserve energy...literally shutting down some functions to make sure there is energy for the more critical ones. When the body thinks it is starving ( are eating a net so far below your BMR), it will hold anything you give it...the fat stores will remain because it thinks it is starving. When you binge (which I know I did on such a restrictive diet) the body will take it and convert it right into fat.

    It is a vicious cycle.

    You really should calculate your TDEE and use the activity level of at least moderate activity. I would tell you to eat maintainence (TDEE) for at least six weeks so your body will know that it will be getting food on a regulary basis and start to release fat. You are already at a huge deficit with just nursing which is why I wouldn't even suggest doing the 15% cut that I usually do. The TDEE takes into consideration your running, but there are times you may burn higher calories...if you find that you have burned too many calories that you are now under BMR, then you need to eat more calories so you never go lower than BMR.

    Just a suggestion...I know it sounds crazy, but it works...when you don't eat enough at some point people plateau...then they think to exercise more and cut even more calories...sending the poor body into further survival mode. The frustration is never ending and you feel like a failure....that is where I was at for 8 mos...until FINALLY I started to do some research and ran across New Rules of LIfting Weights for Women and a light bulb went off. I have been screaming it from the roof tops and created a group which is over 1000 strong right now (Eat more to weigh less). It is not a drop weight quick scenario at all, but it is a regimen that you can maintain life long...who in the world can seriously eat 1200 or even 1500 calories for the rest of their way! And trust those that try, the moment you start to eat more you will gain, then you jump back on the diet, and you hit the same plateau but you are now only heavier than when you started because you have reset your metabolic rate lower with each deprivation cycle.

    I would say if nothing else, read some of the articles at least...and as a nursing mom your body is working extra hard...that is such a special moment and gift don't give it up because you think that will help...EAT to support that function...
  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    Holy moly... I just calculated my BMR and it is 1569.

    I thought MFP calculated that for me and took it into account when it gave me the 1200 calorie goal!

    Okay, silly question perhaps...

    When I do this part: To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows...

    Is it better to calculate based on sendentary, and then log each exercise session, or calculate based on moderate and not log exercise?
  • Jsimonsfam
    Jsimonsfam Posts: 6 Member
    I can empathize with you!! My youngest is just over 2 years old I have been strictly trying to lose for a year now. Watching calories and working out and my weight comes off sooo SLOWLY. I have to work way to hard to lose so little.

    I believe breastfeeding has some to do with it. Your body is hording the fat to make milk. NO bashing here. It prob sounds weird but I miss nursing. I miss being the only one to be able to calm her down or get her to sleep :o( LOL
    I say good for you! Sounds like you work hard and are in GREAT health.
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    Are you taking measurements? I, too was having difficulty losing but my measurements were showing consistent loss, so that was a great motivator. I have only lost eight pounds in three months, but I have lost four inches off of waist and three off hips. I do think that your running is causing a lot of muscle build up so that may be the problem with you actual weight.

    As for your belly, I know that people say you can't spot reduce, and that is true, but I have found that taking lifting classes at my gym has definitely trimmed down my belly and all other areas. Lifting works your core muscles and your will see a huge difference. Eventually, the scale will move, albeit slowly, but the inches will fall off and you will see much less belly fat.

    Hang in there, you will succeed!
  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    Okay, based on moderate activity level, my TDEE is 2431, so basically double what I have been netting, without accounting for the BFing. Should I jump right in to DOUBLING my calorie intake? Or should I ease it up to that point, so as to not send my body into shock?
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Holy moly... I just calculated my BMR and it is 1569.

    I thought MFP calculated that for me and took it into account when it gave me the 1200 calorie goal!

    Okay, silly question perhaps...

    When I do this part: To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows...

    Is it better to calculate based on sendentary, and then log each exercise session, or calculate based on moderate and not log exercise?

    Calculate it based on moderate. The sedentary is for those that literally do nothing most of the are a mom and so am I...we surely don't qualify for sedentary.

    Your TDEE is breast feed, so you could happily eat your maintainence of 2432 and still be at a deficit because of the 500 burn from nursing.

    Also, try getting in at least 1gr of protein per pound. If you haven't started strength training, that is another body tones the body beautifully.

    I believe if you start eating your TDEE (again you already are at a 500 cal def w/ nursing) you will see your body start to let go of the weight. I would say give it no less than 6 wks. Remember at first the body will think you are binging so you will have a slight gain and then it will say, oh this is consistent and the fat will start to roll off.
  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    Are you taking measurements? I, too was having difficulty losing but my measurements were showing consistent loss, so that was a great motivator. I have only lost eight pounds in three months, but I have lost four inches off of waist and three off hips. I do think that your running is causing a lot of muscle build up so that may be the problem with you actual weight.

    As for your belly, I know that people say you can't spot reduce, and that is true, but I have found that taking lifting classes at my gym has definitely trimmed down my belly and all other areas. Lifting works your core muscles and your will see a huge difference. Eventually, the scale will move, albeit slowly, but the inches will fall off and you will see much less belly fat.

    Hang in there, you will succeed!

    I haven't been measuring, but my clothes aren't getting any looser... I should start measuring though.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Okay, based on moderate activity level, my TDEE is 2431, so basically double what I have been netting, without accounting for the BFing. Should I jump right in to DOUBLING my calorie intake? Or should I ease it up to that point, so as to not send my body into shock?

    If it were me...I WOULD JUMP IN HEAD LONG!!! lol...the only thing it won't be easy because you are accustomed to such a small amount. It is not easy to get in so many may need to opt for more calorie dense foods..nut butters, avocado (please tell me you are eating lots of good fats...your cells need them and so does the baby), olive oil, coconut oil, nuts...etc.

    Also, if it is possible, try cutting back on the cardio a little bit or keeping your burns lower some how...sometimes people burn so many is HARD to eat some of them back to even net BMR....and you need to almost thing of your NET BMR as BMR plus your breast feeding need to support them both each and every you should never eat less than 2000 cals approx.

    Again I know it sounds like a lot, but if you feed yourself good healthy nutrients, your body will thank you!
  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    Holy moly... I just calculated my BMR and it is 1569.

    I thought MFP calculated that for me and took it into account when it gave me the 1200 calorie goal!

    Okay, silly question perhaps...

    When I do this part: To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows...

    Is it better to calculate based on sendentary, and then log each exercise session, or calculate based on moderate and not log exercise?

    Calculate it based on moderate. The sedentary is for those that literally do nothing most of the are a mom and so am I...we surely don't qualify for sedentary.

    Your TDEE is breast feed, so you could happily eat your maintainence of 2432 and still be at a deficit because of the 500 burn from nursing.

    Also, try getting in at least 1gr of protein per pound. If you haven't started strength training, that is another body tones the body beautifully.

    I believe if you start eating your TDEE (again you already are at a 500 cal def w/ nursing) you will see your body start to let go of the weight. I would say give it no less than 6 wks. Remember at first the body will think you are binging so you will have a slight gain and then it will say, oh this is consistent and the fat will start to roll off.

    This eating more to lose more thing is super scary to me... But you can't all be wrong! I am willing to commit to 6 weeks.

    I do think that 500 calories towards BFing is probably an overestimate though, since he only feeds once or twice a day. I found something that says 20 calories per ounce. I would guess he probably drinks 10 to 15 oz maximum per day.

    On the protein thing, being a vegetarian, 170 g is gonna be hard without a protein supplement. Heck 2400 calories is going to be hard. I'm thinking a protein shake might be in order? Any recommendations there? I'm afraid of adding too much sugar doing that.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Holy moly... I just calculated my BMR and it is 1569.

    I thought MFP calculated that for me and took it into account when it gave me the 1200 calorie goal!

    Okay, silly question perhaps...

    When I do this part: To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows...

    Is it better to calculate based on sendentary, and then log each exercise session, or calculate based on moderate and not log exercise?

    Calculate it based on moderate. The sedentary is for those that literally do nothing most of the are a mom and so am I...we surely don't qualify for sedentary.

    Your TDEE is breast feed, so you could happily eat your maintainence of 2432 and still be at a deficit because of the 500 burn from nursing.

    Also, try getting in at least 1gr of protein per pound. If you haven't started strength training, that is another body tones the body beautifully.

    I believe if you start eating your TDEE (again you already are at a 500 cal def w/ nursing) you will see your body start to let go of the weight. I would say give it no less than 6 wks. Remember at first the body will think you are binging so you will have a slight gain and then it will say, oh this is consistent and the fat will start to roll off.

    This eating more to lose more thing is super scary to me... But you can't all be wrong! I am willing to commit to 6 weeks.

    I do think that 500 calories towards BFing is probably an overestimate though, since he only feeds once or twice a day. I found something that says 20 calories per ounce. I would guess he probably drinks 10 to 15 oz maximum per day.

    On the protein thing, being a vegetarian, 170 g is gonna be hard without a protein supplement. Heck 2400 calories is going to be hard. I'm thinking a protein shake might be in order? Any recommendations there? I'm afraid of adding too much sugar doing that.

    Ok, so you will run at a deficit of 300 calories...I would still eat maintenance since you have been eating so few, it is good to give yourself a metabolic reset. There is info on that as well on the group site.

    Can you do whey? There is NO way I would get in enough protein any other way. I find it hard enough to meet my numbers and the protein too...I drink 3 or so a day sometimes...I am not a huge meat eater, but I do work to get in my protein with fish, salmon and along with other meats. I like Dr. Mercola Pure Power Protein (can only get on his site) and Jillian Micheals all natural whey( found in walmart, target and someone told me Kroger's too).

    So glad you are willing to do it for 6wks...please read the topic on what to expect when upping cals. Also, take measurements as well...I found most ladies lose inches before the weight...Me...I LOVE inches...that means fat is leaving forever!
  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    Also, if it is possible, try cutting back on the cardio a little bit or keeping your burns lower some how...sometimes people burn so many is HARD to eat some of them back to even net BMR....and you need to almost thing of your NET BMR as BMR plus your breast feeding need to support them both each and every you should never eat less than 2000 cals approx.

    My next fitness goal is to improve my running speed at much shorter distances, so my longest runs of the week will drop from 10 to 11 miles down to 5 or 6 max. So that is going to reduce my cardio burn.
  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    Holy moly... I just calculated my BMR and it is 1569.

    I thought MFP calculated that for me and took it into account when it gave me the 1200 calorie goal!

    Okay, silly question perhaps...

    When I do this part: To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows...

    Is it better to calculate based on sendentary, and then log each exercise session, or calculate based on moderate and not log exercise?

    Calculate it based on moderate. The sedentary is for those that literally do nothing most of the are a mom and so am I...we surely don't qualify for sedentary.

    Your TDEE is breast feed, so you could happily eat your maintainence of 2432 and still be at a deficit because of the 500 burn from nursing.

    Also, try getting in at least 1gr of protein per pound. If you haven't started strength training, that is another body tones the body beautifully.

    I believe if you start eating your TDEE (again you already are at a 500 cal def w/ nursing) you will see your body start to let go of the weight. I would say give it no less than 6 wks. Remember at first the body will think you are binging so you will have a slight gain and then it will say, oh this is consistent and the fat will start to roll off.

    This eating more to lose more thing is super scary to me... But you can't all be wrong! I am willing to commit to 6 weeks.

    I do think that 500 calories towards BFing is probably an overestimate though, since he only feeds once or twice a day. I found something that says 20 calories per ounce. I would guess he probably drinks 10 to 15 oz maximum per day.

    On the protein thing, being a vegetarian, 170 g is gonna be hard without a protein supplement. Heck 2400 calories is going to be hard. I'm thinking a protein shake might be in order? Any recommendations there? I'm afraid of adding too much sugar doing that.

    Ok, so you will run at a deficit of 300 calories...I would still eat maintenance since you have been eating so few, it is good to give yourself a metabolic reset. There is info on that as well on the group site.

    Can you do whey? There is NO way I would get in enough protein any other way. I find it hard enough to meet my numbers and the protein too...I drink 3 or so a day sometimes...I am not a huge meat eater, but I do work to get in my protein with fish, salmon and along with other meats. I like Dr. Mercola Pure Power Protein (can only get on his site) and Jillian Micheals all natural whey( found in walmart, target and someone told me Kroger's too).

    So glad you are willing to do it for 6wks...please read the topic on what to expect when upping cals. Also, take measurements as well...I found most ladies lose inches before the weight...Me...I LOVE inches...that means fat is leaving forever!

    I can do whey. I do very poorly with anyting containing lactose though.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    Holy moly... I just calculated my BMR and it is 1569.
    Calculate it based on moderate. The sedentary is for those that literally do nothing most of the are a mom and so am I...we surely don't qualify for sedentary.

    Your TDEE is breast feed, so you could happily eat your maintainence of 2432 and still be at a deficit because of the 500 burn from nursing.
    This eating more to lose more thing is super scary to me... But you can't all be wrong! I am willing to commit to 6 weeks.

    I do think that 500 calories towards BFing is probably an overestimate though, since he only feeds once or twice a day. I found something that says 20 calories per ounce. I would guess he probably drinks 10 to 15 oz maximum per day.

    On the protein thing, being a vegetarian, 170 g is gonna be hard without a protein supplement. Heck 2400 calories is going to be hard. I'm thinking a protein shake might be in order? Any recommendations there? I'm afraid of adding too much sugar doing that.

    HIGH FIVE GIRLFRIEND! Best of luck with your change!

    I wouldn't count 500 cals for BFing either. I add breastfeeding as a food, but I use the -300 calculation becuase my LO eats other food, and bfs 4-5 times a day. I will also have to adjust as I wean to only bedtimes.

    I can't suggest anything re: protein cause I'm not a vegetarian, but a shake and/or bars might help. I see other people on my friends list do it that way.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Once you have done it for 6 weeks, then you can start with some small cuts like 10% first...give that 6wks...then another 5% if needed...

    Me personally, when I finally found out I needed to eat more I went up to a 20% cut of TDEE, then hit a plateau after 8wks...I didn't go down in calories I bumped to a 15% cut which is where I am now. It took a month, but I saw another lose finally once my body stopped bouncing...(you can read all about that...the important thing to watch is how you are trending...). I stopped weighing for a few weeks, so now at the higher cals I will start to watch how I am trending and if I hit another plateau, I am going to bounce up to my maintenance cals for 6 wks then do a cut of 10% to get loss going again...

    It is a slow process. I don't want you to think it isn't, but you have more energy, and you lean out...that to me is key...not so much the scale but how do I look in my clothes and in the mirror.

    Please let me know how it goes!!! There group topics for before/after/progress, nsv...just all kinds of topics you can keep us posted!
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Have to motivate yourself - we can't be the ones to motivate you.
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    Unscientifically, I agree with eating more. When I had my son 42 yrs ago I breastfed for 9 mo and at that time I was not watching my weight. I ate like a horse and lost 40 lbs over those 9 months so I think you can up your calories. Hard to make the decision to jump way up because you are not always sure that you are calculating your exercise calories accurately. Had I know how beneficial the BF would be would have applied to be a wet nurse LOL.
  • nicolacaria
    nicolacaria Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Lillebanon,

    I saw you already calculated your BMR and this is the way to go.
    As a general rule, you need to save 800 Kcal to burn 100 g (3.5 ounces).
    8000 Kcalories burn makes you lose 1 Kg (or little more than 2 pounds)

    Therefore, if you are saving 300 kcal a day CONSTANTLY you should lose 2 pounds per MONTH.
    If doesn't happen, means that probably you are not doing it correctly.

    I suggest to not replace completely your calories depleted during exercise and try to remain below 1000 3 times per week.
    It should stress your diet enough without enter starvation mode.

    Saving for instance 600 Kcal per day you will lose ONE pound in One week.
    You should not do that too long though.
