What am I missing here?

I have been playing with my calories, and for a couple months had it set to 1700, at maintenance for 140lbs goal that I met. Then i started adding in dvds to my cardio routine. I am slowly creeping up in weight, and tho i know i should be more concerned with measurements, i would still like the scle to say 135-140 and flucuate there. Not 140-145.

I have strained something in my left leg and have taken some time from running now, its been just two weeks, so i have started to bike when i can, and i add an extra dvd workout here and there as well. i do the Jilllian Michaels dvds, ripped in 30, 6 week 6 pack and Shred it with weights.

For a month i have seen the weight flucuate up to 145 and usually come down to 140 or 141, but i am not coming below 142 anymore... But i eat pretty good i thought and exercise often.

Thoughts anyone?


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    It's water weight. Unless you are eating 3500 calories above your TDEE, then you aren't gaining fat. My best piece of advice is drop some of this cardio crap and add strength training. Doing ST will help you cut fat and work on building lean muscle. Cardio leads to a greater chance of preserving fat.
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    Anyone else?
  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    It's water weight. Unless you are eating 3500 calories above your TDEE, then you aren't gaining fat. My best piece of advice is drop some of this cardio crap and add strength training. Doing ST will help you cut fat and work on building lean muscle. Cardio leads to a greater chance of preserving fat.

    I agree with him because I was having the same problem. Eating my regular amount of calories and doing the same workouts as you, I have my goal set to 0.5 lbs a week but I was going up 0.5 lb a week, I took some time off from the jillian michaels work outs and am down lower then I was, its water weight, your muscles are trying to repair from the cardio so its retaining water.
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    OK, so i need to take a few days off altogether from the dvds? and just maybe walk for a few days to make sure i do something? I know i have a weekend of very little activity coming up so maybe a few days off will woork out that way...
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    What does the tape measure say?
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    basically static since Feb-march, tho i think(depending on how accurately i remember where i put the tape measure) i have gone down 1/2 in two areas...

    Not much but its something i know
  • fitjen1
    fitjen1 Posts: 4
    Interesting post. I'm learning from this one since I have had the same issue in the past. Thanks.

    On another note any advice on how to lose the 25 you already lost? I started with MFP a few weeks ago. I'm on a 1200 cal a day goal and it's not easy but with exercise it's not bad. I weigh around 170 and I"m 5.8. I want to get down to 160 or the 150's but for years since I had my kids I have been struggling. I've lost weight since then but it's tough to get below 168 for me. My thyroid disease doesn't help. I'm incorporated more ground flax seed as a helper too. Now I'm just over 40 so it may be even tougher. I've rotated with Strength and cardio for years. Any advice on how to lose this 10! How much time should I be spending on strength vs cardio? I can't run outside any longer due to leg/hip issues and that seemed to burn the most for me in the past. I do spin in a class sometimes, elliptical, weights, etc. I'm growing impatient. The belly and thigh bulge is the worst. What worked for you?
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    Honestly, i have taken up running and am aiming for a half marathon May 6th. So knee injury needs to be healed. I like strength, i don't have a gym membership yet but do strength dvds at home. and I add more and more weight. Even tho from June to now i have lost only 4 lbs, i have gone down 2 sizes and ppl still notice and say i am losing more weight, tho i am not. Strength should be the focus and cardio added in to help. I just want to lose another 5 lbs or so, or see another size or two disappear form this body of mine!
  • fitjen1
    fitjen1 Posts: 4
    Thank you. Congrats on your success and good luck in your marathon. I so wish I could still run but I guess my body is not in favor. Two rounds of physical therapy were enough for me although I do try to do one race per year. It's an addiction as you know.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Interesting post. I'm learning from this one since I have had the same issue in the past. Thanks.

    On another note any advice on how to lose the 25 you already lost? I started with MFP a few weeks ago. I'm on a 1200 cal a day goal and it's not easy but with exercise it's not bad. I weigh around 170 and I"m 5.8. I want to get down to 160 or the 150's but for years since I had my kids I have been struggling. I've lost weight since then but it's tough to get below 168 for me. My thyroid disease doesn't help. I'm incorporated more ground flax seed as a helper too. Now I'm just over 40 so it may be even tougher. I've rotated with Strength and cardio for years. Any advice on how to lose this 10! How much time should I be spending on strength vs cardio? I can't run outside any longer due to leg/hip issues and that seemed to burn the most for me in the past. I do spin in a class sometimes, elliptical, weights, etc. I'm growing impatient. The belly and thigh bulge is the worst. What worked for you?

    Generally, 1200 calories is not enough, especially if you are exercising. Your body can't receive your proper nutrition to cut the fat. Also, you should be aim for 1/2 lb per week and aim to eat back 50-75% of your exercise calories. Now if you have a thyroid issue, your BMR might be lower than the norm, so you wan to reduce the amount of calories you eat back. Also due to this, I would highly suggest really concentrating on ST and even more so with your injuries. If you like getting your heart rate up, then start doing lower and upper body exercises together (like a lunge with bicep curls).

    Do yourself a favor and use the link below to estimate your calories and then back off 200-300 calories for your under active thyroid. i have a feeling, you should be 1500-1600+