30 Day Shred



  • momwhosbusy
    momwhosbusy Posts: 154 Member
    Just did day 1 level 1 this morning! :-) Wish I had more time before work this morning cause I feel great and don't want to be inside at work! I feel like being active!! oh well! maybe i can take the kiddos for a long walk later! Have a great day everyone!!

    I ended up going for a run after dinner last night (Day 1 of 30DS) because of a stressful/emotional weekend and I just HAD to work out the frustration. Surprisingly enough I don't regret the "extra" this morning like I thought I would. I am not excited to do day 2 but not completely dreading it either. We can do this!
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    Day 3 level 1 completed. I have said it before but I'll say it again. I hate push-ups and jumping jacks! I thought this would be getting easier but it's just not seeming to. And I gained a freaking pound so I'm kind of upset. I figure I can A. quit but I don't really want to do that. B. throw my scale away, or at least hide it from myself since I just bought it, lol or C. Set my scale up so even though it will show my weight it will also show my body fat % and just try to focus on that number. Hopefully though if I stick with this I will start seeing the huge number on the scale become smaller...I hope!
  • rdchick
    rdchick Posts: 49 Member
    Had the DVD for ages, started day 1 stage 1 today :D Let's keep it going!
  • Cityperks
    Cityperks Posts: 69 Member
    Day 4 done. Def not as sore today. Arms and chest feel like they got a good work out :0)
  • THTchristina
    THTchristina Posts: 18 Member
    Did level one day 5 :) I hope I will follow through this time! I gave up before because of how it is so repetitive, but I hear of good results! So I def want to continue!
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    Day 4 level 1 finished. It is repetitive but I see posts where people are posting amazing pictures so I am hoping I get some of the same results. Of course I'd also love to see the scale going down not up, with as much weight as I have to lose I'd think I'd being seeing both the inches and the weight going down but it's early yet so I'll keep on trucking
  • Cityperks
    Cityperks Posts: 69 Member
    L1D5 done and dusted. I really like how short and sweet the workout is. I was up at 04.30 for work......10 hr day, most if it on my feet. I am buggered now, off to bed.
    Keep up the good work everyone :0)
  • ToEKnee213
    ToEKnee213 Posts: 1,031 Member
    There is a bunch of us doing it in the month of April.

  • momwhosbusy
    momwhosbusy Posts: 154 Member
    Just finished day 5 level one and I am so much less sore then when I started, almost not at all! I still have trouble with the push ups (even the modified ones, but can do 5 in a row now with out a rest!). How is everyone else doing? I had a NSV this week too!!!! My new skinny jeans are falling off me! (The bummer is I only got them about 1 1/2 weeks ago :frown: but I'll take it!)
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I did day 6 level 1 this morning. So far I've made sure to do it everyday with no breaks. I am rather proud of myself, lol. It's the dang jumping jacks and jumping rope that get to me, not to mention the last ab routine she has us do. But I did notice this morning that my endurance is much better. I don't have any skinny jeans (and the world thanks me for that, lol) I haven't really noticed a difference in my clothes but maybe it's because I haven't lost enough weight yet? I haven't even reached 10lbs but I'll get there...eventually
  • hnsiler
    hnsiler Posts: 25 Member
    Even after taking a few days off and starting fresh i can tell that my strength has slightly improved...the jump ropekills my calves though and the push ups still seem really hard! But i feel great after the workout. I have also been trying to get some walking in if the day allows for it. I think the eating part is the hardest for me especially with all this stupid easter candy around! :P
  • momwhosbusy
    momwhosbusy Posts: 154 Member
    Have to agree on the easter candy, that with hormones is killer! The 30DS is going so much better, yesterday was day 9 but I missed 2 days in there + today as well so I am going to continue with level 1 till monday and then maybe I'll be up to more than 1 regular push up! I did the whole thing with NO breaks yesterday and am not too sore today, just had a really off day all around today. Tomorrow is another day, but with only about 4 hours total home tomorrw from 8 a.m. till about 10 pm and not in one stretch it will be difficult to get any exercise in at all...hmmm maybe if its nice I can convince one of my meetings that we can meet and walk at the same time. ( happens to be with the youth leader of our church and he also is doing the 30DS and crazy hours all day tomorrw in prep for easter services the rest of the week. lol)
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I'm starting level 2 today. I took a "rest" day yesterday. I had already completed level 1 and honestly I just didn't feel like getting up extra early to workout after getting home so late from school and having to get up early anyway to go to work. Now I need to get off my butt and actually start my workout. I'm kind of dreading it. I can only do 5 real pushups but I can do all the girly kind. Depressing to know I can only do 5 :cry: And jump rope kills me too. It's probably the most dreaded exercise in there. Here's to hoping level 2 doesn't do it, lol
  • kford12
    kford12 Posts: 112
    I finished Day 9 on Level 1 this morning, so only one more day of Level 1 to go! (Eek!!)

    I notice a big difference in my waist already and feel SO much stronger! I am doing it Mon-Fri before work and then taking the weekends off because I think that is the most realistic way for me to stick to it.

    I still find the jumping jacks/jump rope combo at the beginning a real killer and can JUST about do it all without stopping. It takes some real discipline and mind tricks though!!

    Have you all taken 'Before' meaurements? I weighed myself last week and had lost 4.5lbs after the first 5 days :happy:
  • momwhosbusy
    momwhosbusy Posts: 154 Member
    1 day left of level 1 and then I am going to take Sunday off and start level 2 on Monday when everyone goes back to school/work. Right now i don't mind an "audience" as i can do the whole thing without stopping now! I did take measurements but have not lost any 1bs. since starting...oh well. None of my pants fit (in a good way) so I am ok with that. It will have taken me 14 days to complete level 1 and I am guessing it will take just as long for level 2 but i can def tell a difference already!
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 178
    Today is Day 5 for me, and I love it! I have to severely modify some things because my knee is a bit swollen, but I'm enjoying the burn.
  • momwhosbusy
    momwhosbusy Posts: 154 Member
    OK So I just got all of the motivation I need to keep going at the 30DS! I measured after level 1 which took me 14 days to complete. I am NOT down any lbs. BUT I am down a total of 8.25 inches overall! Here's the breakdown incase anyone is interested:
    Thighs: -1.75
    L Arm: -.75
    Waist: -.5
    Bellybutton: -2
    Hips: -1.75
    chest: -0
    Bust: -1.5

    I didn't really feel like that I was geting anywhere with this, Yes, I could feel my strength and stamina improving but the scale wasn't moving. I just decided to measure to "prove" to myself that it wasn't working and boy was I shocked. Now I can't wait to finish and take more measurements!!!! Hope this helps to keep the rest of you going too!
  • kford12
    kford12 Posts: 112
    OK So I just got all of the motivation I need to keep going at the 30DS! I measured after level 1 which took me 14 days to complete. I am NOT down any lbs. BUT I am down a total of 8.25 inches overall! Here's the breakdown incase anyone is interested:
    Thighs: -1.75
    L Arm: -.75
    Waist: -.5
    Bellybutton: -2
    Hips: -1.75
    chest: -0
    Bust: -1.5

    I didn't really feel like that I was geting anywhere with this, Yes, I could feel my strength and stamina improving but the scale wasn't moving. I just decided to measure to "prove" to myself that it wasn't working and boy was I shocked. Now I can't wait to finish and take more measurements!!!! Hope this helps to keep the rest of you going too!

    OMG that is amazing!! I measured myself after doing 10 Days of Level1 (took 14 days, the same as you) and didn't have anywhere near the results you have had! The most I lost was 1.5 inches from my hips?! Wow! Hopefully I would have lost a bit more after Level 2, otherwise I think the DVD shall be going out the window!! Haha!!
  • racheltb92
    Ive been doing level 1 for 4 days now and ive lost 2lbs and 7.5 inches all over. I just have a few problems... when im doing the workouts im about die but as soon as i finish i feel like it just wasnt enough. I dont feel "worked out" anywhere but my legs. Should i combine some other workouts?
  • hnsiler
    hnsiler Posts: 25 Member
    I would add in some more cardio when your done like walking or jogging. I like to do my 20min turbo jam video afterwards to make myself feel like I did a lot more. and its fun after getting killed by jillian micheals for 20!