What am I doing wrong?



  • If doing what you did 2 years ago didn't help, and doing what you did 1 year ago didn't help, and doing what you did this year didn't help... Don't give up! Keep trying. Keep educating yourself on nutrition.

    Also, look for other methods of measurements. Body fat percentage, waist/hip/thigh measurements and other indicators can be revealing as to what is happening.

    Did you gain muscle, lose fat, and gain weight? A common indication is how your clothes fit.
  • MostlyHealthyMomma
    MostlyHealthyMomma Posts: 44 Member
    Have you checked your sugar levels too?
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I'm sorry to say this, but I think it's the alcohol.

    I know more than a few women who did not lose one pound until they stopped drinking.

    Also - eat more vegetables!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    It's possible you may be overstating your exercise. When you log cleaning, for example; while it burns energy, the calories logged for it may be high. Keep in mind that some fraction of it is also factored into your daily activity level.

    Also, you have 60 minutes of walking logged on many days. Is that a specific 60 minute walk you take, or are you just rolling up the walking you've done in a day, and logging it?

    Finally, consider doing some strength training. Cardio, cardio, cardio may well lead to loss of muscle. A good strength routine will preserve or increase lean mass, and keep your metabolism revving.
  • comtlvr
    comtlvr Posts: 5
    Cut back on carbs, drink green tea, and try Shakeology. That has taken me to new heights with my weight loss!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I can't be happy with the small steps Ive taken though. Yes clothes do fit a little better, But I hate how I look when I see myself in a mirror, I don't have more energy at all, I'm exhausted all the time, and I guess I'm in a little better shape then I was before...
    It's just, I've put so much emotional energy into this, and I feel like I'm getting no where and nothing I do works. I don't want counting calories, carbs, sodium and fats to control my life.

    You don't need to track the rest of your life. Once you start eating healthy and in a good workout routine, then it becomes second nature. i stopped calorie counting and I am consistent in losing 1 lb per week. Some days I am eat too much, some days not enough, but it washes out over a week.

    BTW, start weight training. It will provide huge benefits. And I am not talking light weight, high rep crap. I am talking low rep high weight.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    Sodium is not the reason you are not losing weight. I would not get worked up over a small shift in weight - water weight fluctuates. I've dropped and gained 8 lbs in 1 day - it's just water weight. You should look for trends over time, forget about day to day differences.
    I've always been set to the goal of "lose 1 pound per week" so this is the calorie intake that was designated.
    so I should completely ignore what MFP sets because its probably wrong? And try to teach myself whats proper for me?
    Don't use flawed cookie cutter recommendations.

    You need to provide more information if you want productive help.
    Here's some for starters:
    1. Weight/age/height
    2. How long you've been dieting, how much weight you started with and have lost so far
    3. How many calories have you been eating in your diet? Macronutrient levels?
    4. Do you incorporate any resistance workouts into your training?
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 487 Member
    I would definitely add more fresh fruits and veggies. I would cut back a little on the carbs as well. I never eat my carb goal and try to be under. Good luck.
  • xraylady33
    xraylady33 Posts: 222 Member
    Have you done your measurments? This can be a wonderful indicator of how you are shrinking. Make the tape measure your friend and put the scale away if possible for 30 days....YES, don't freak, it helps!

    OK..I AM NOT A NUTRITIONIST, but I have been there, done that, rode the horse, paid the admission and NO two people can have the same blueprint....with that being noted.

    Try this....
    108 grams of protien daily for 30 days....use powder if needed.
    Try the 1450 calories two days in a row, then 1800, then 1450...

    If you want the specifics of food, inbox me.

    I have lost 70 pounds, and IT WAS HARD, but this helped my plateau! It was modified to what I like to eat, because I do not like many green veggies, but I eat some.

    Some think fruit is bad..NOT
    Some hate Sweeteners...your choice
    Some say 30 min exercise....your choice...

    If you are logging cleaning...DO NOT....your body is use to this! Log actual activitiy you spend on you! If you are interupted by a munchkin....then do not continue workout, rewind or start over!

    We all are so different. I know when I eat pre made, out of a bag, or freezer, or the WORNG calories, I am doomed. IE....blackberries, vs candy with same calorie content! Not the same in the body....and get your fiber HIGH....start slow and work up because of gas, but increase the fiber!

    Best of luck....

    You got this..I PROMISE! and guess what...YOU ARE NOT ALONE>:flowerforyou:
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    With 33 pounds to lose, I think 1 pound a week is very reasonable. I wouldn't say MFP is "wrong". It is just that there can be a lot of factors going on.

    -you could be underestimating the number of calories you are eating. (if you aren't measuring, this is likely)
    -you could be overestimating the number of calories you are burning. (unless you are using a heart rate monitor, this is an estimate)

    Have you also gone to the doctor and ruled out any potential health issues that would prevent you from losing?

    Very good advice. Also may need to check your thyroid function if you have not recently.
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    GO see if there is a bod pod at your gym (or anything alike) and see what your body fat is. You are probably eating too much, depending on your body fat. If you have muscle, you might be eating too little. I was told to NOT eat back my workout cals, to just maybe add in a protein shake (up to 200 cals) post workout. They might sugest you to start lifting weights. I was told to set my goals to 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% healthy fat. If you are not loosing, you are taking in too many calories or not feeding your body enough healthy food. Get rid of the scale for a while and focus on your body fat...the scale can say you loose 5 lbs but you might have lost 7 lbs of fat and gained 2 lbs of muscle. BUT this takes time. Good luck!
  • olong
    olong Posts: 255 Member
    First thing's first.. don't give up. I agree with another poster, fiddle with your carb-to-protein ratio. Read sites online about what works for different people. I use 35/30/25 (C/P/F) and it seems to be working. You're body will change and will need different things at different activity levels. MFP doesn't set you up for failure, but it also doesn't ask enough questions to truly customize your needs, because different people have such a variety of needs.

    Don't be discouraged, just work on solving the puzzle.
  • coconutty420
    coconutty420 Posts: 47 Member
    think of the settings on MFP as an average....an average of what works for most people. I know my body, weight, skin, mental all function better when I have lower carbs. Thats not the case for everyone...some are good at 100-150 per day....some are fine with 300+. you have to listen to your body and do what works for you. for me fats do not hurt...they help and i have a lot less joint pain and less dry skin...but its the carbs that make me feel and look like a marshmallow. so try a month where you reduce your carb intake...if you do it by 50% your normal then i think it would be enought to feel a difference...and see how your body repsonds. and a good rule of thumb that so often isnt pushed is to "stay as close to the earth as possible" if you are having an apple have a whole fresh raw apple and not applesauce....roast your own turkey breasts for your sandwich instead of buying cold cuts....make your own granola bars at home....dont open a package for one....this is where most of our sodium and intake of chemicals come from. if you follow the KISS method and try to keep to whole foods as much as possible then you wont need to rely on MFP as much...u know when u eat too much but if u do it on veggies or fruit it doesnt hold u back as much as an entire tray of Duncan Hines brownies! lol
  • Before you give up try changing different things. I'm not an expert, and I'm new here, so take it as you wish. I notice alcohol and brownies or ice cream FREQUENTLY in your diary. Ask yourself if you honestly feel like those things should be in your diet while you are trying to lose weight. I get that you shouldn't deprive yourself, and should have an occasional treat. But ... I'm willing to bet that if you cut alcohol out completely and limited yourself to one brownie a month or every other week, I bet the number on your scale will go down. I feel that your diary is more suited for someone in maintenance and not for someone trying to lose. Just my thought. Not trying to be mean, but your title is "what am I doing wrong" so I put my 2 cents in. It's hard to give up those treats at first, but once you do, you feel so much better about the healthier options. I found some yummy mini chocolate rice cakes that fill my need for chocolate. I crave those now, not brownies and ice cream lol.
  • kittymoney
    kittymoney Posts: 115 Member
    even though mfp sets our cabs/fat/protein it is just a guide. some people lose weight very well with higher carbs - I don't. So I manually changed my settings to be 35/25/40 % in my goals. also try more veggies and fruit and cut back on the processed food. also try cutting back on not eating all of your exercise calories because mfp has calculated that on the high side unless you have a heart rate monitor. good luck you can do this.
  • BrieGoorts
    BrieGoorts Posts: 48 Member
    I've always been set to the goal of "lose 1 pound per week" so this is the calorie intake that was designated.
    so I should completely ignore what MFP sets because its probably wrong? And try to teach myself whats proper for me?

    It's worth considering. You can try calculating your BMR, then calculate your TDEE and times it by 7 to get calories per week. One pound is approx 3500 calories. That means you can take your TDEE x 7 then reduce that by 3500. Divide by 7 again and that might be closer to your true caloric intake required to lose 1 lbs per week.

    Try this link: http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/harris-benedict-equation/

    A lot of people suggest not eating below your BMR. Some people think that eating below BMR messes up metabolism. Eating more to lose weight is confusing because of what we've learned growing up. But that's how so many yo-yo dieters exist. Still don't beleive me? Check out the groups section. There are lots of groups dedicated to people who eat more to lose more. :) Good luck!


    So I clicked your link, to maintain my weight it came to 2480.9 calories, and by doing your next equation to loose 1lb per week the result was 1980.38 calories, does that look accurate?
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    It might be that you gained 4lbs of muscle hun! Don't freak out just yet, it could be a good gain -- if you cut your calories significantly and you are exercising like that, I'm certain it's muscle that you gained and not bad weight -- keep up the good work, you seem to be on the right track!!

    Actually its not at all possible that its 4 lbs of muscle.
    You can not gain muscle on a large calorie deficit.
    And even with great genetic and heavy lifiting you are lucky if you can put on a pound of muscle in a month.
  • I have been there. The exhaustion thing is telling. You aren't eating enough...especially enough cals that are feeding your body well. I would be sure you hit your minimum amount of cals no matter what. Your body goes into starvation mode. It screws up your metabolism. Here are some key things. Eat breakfast within an hour of waking up, eat every 2-3 hours, drink lots of water all day long, get at least 7 hours of sleep. Try having dessert only once a week and make sure it's an awesome one that you love. Instead replace your nightly snacks with something healthy like a yogurt. Your calories need to be quality ones. Eat fruits and veggies, whole grains etc.... I got these tips from an awesome trainer who started up www.noexcusesworkouts.com He has a free group you can join and also does a once a week blog talk radio show. he is super inspiring. You need to get your head in a better place and stop beating yourself up. You are awesome!!! You can do this!!! Hang in there.
  • linaahh
    linaahh Posts: 2
    How are you calculating your calorie burn? I would not rely on what MFP calculates for activities because they are generalized for men/women and all age groups. I think they tend to overestimate calorie burn.

    Whatever MFP estimated for how many calories you should be eating may also be too high. I am 27 and I know from wearing a legit metabolic monitor that my resting metabolic rate is around 1400 calories per day. This means If I eat over 1400 calories I will gain weight. If I go under or work out, I will lose weight.

    Some tricks you can try:

    1) Manually decrease the number of calories you can eat per day by 150 calorie incriments until you find the number that allows you to lose weight without excercising. Once you figure out your metabolic resting rate you can excercise and adjust from there.


    2) Do not eat the calories you burn in excercise. In other words, do not let MFP credit you for the calories you burn OR cut the number of calorie credits you earned from excercise in half.

    Either way would decrease your calorie intake.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    cleaning isn't exercising unless you are pouring sweat out of you in my book. I don't raise my heart rate when I'm cleaning I raise my heart rate when I exercise.

    It's not all about calories it's quality of calories. 200 cals of veggies will react with your metabolism and body totally differently to 200 cals of brownies/ice cream and rum and coke.