No Support for thin, but not fit....



  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member
    Sorry you're not getting the support you would like.
    I'm not a member, but I saw this group you might be interested in joining:

    - - -

    That said, you might want to set up some fitness and body fat % goals since you are already at a 'Normal' BMI. :flowerforyou:
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    I think thats the difference on here between the guys and girls. A lot of guys are on here for fitness reasons, whereas generally women are here for losing weight. I reached my goal weight on here ages ago, but now I want to focus on being fit, and now to get lean. The comments that I get if I eat something "bad" are "oh, I didnt think you were allowed to eat that???" Its not that people dont care. Theyre probably jealous that you look amazing.
    There are loads of us who are on here for the same reasons as you, feel free to add me if you want :smile:
  • nroisland
    nroisland Posts: 254 Member
    I hear you, anytime I bring up working out my friends just laugh and tell me how they wish they were my weight. Yes I have always been on the thinner side, but after 2 kids in 2 years my tummy and thighs do not look like they use to. I am currently 128lbs at 5ft5 and flabby, but determined not to be!

    Feel free to add me.
  • rkgb
    rkgb Posts: 22
    :laugh: I am also 5ft 2in with 2 kids that extra 10 lb really does show.
  • braign
    braign Posts: 89
    This is a totally different side of the fat/thin debate that often gets unheard. Getting fit transcends weight, and I admire you and I wish some thin people I know would be more concerned with their health than their weight. One of my sisters is chronically underweight, and if you tell her this she takes it as a compliment, especially if I say it (I'm the fat sister, and she like to think I'm jealous). I'm 80lbs heavier than her and I know I can outrun her, outswim her, and pretty much outlast her in any physical activity, because she does no exercise, smokes, and eats awfully.

    So I wish you luck in getting fit, and I'm sure your family will come around when they see you toned and energetic and healthy :)
  • afwatson15
    afwatson15 Posts: 39 Member
    If people around you already see you as thin, it will be hard for them to understand why you are trying to lose weight. If you are trying to increase your fitness and tighten up your core, then thats what you should focus on when you speak to them instead of reducing it to simply weight loss. You may get more support if you're bragging about how much weight you benched, or how many sit ups you did, or that you can keep up with your kids, etc. Theres nothing wrong with someone being thin who wants to lose weight and shape up, but it can be difficult for people around you who may be struggling with 30 lbs of fat or a high bmi to relate to what you're going through or be excited for you. There are just some journeys we have to take for ourselves and we may find we are alone on those journeys.


    Nobody wants to hear the thin girl complain about being fat. Nobody wants to hear the genius complain about only getting a 99% on a test. Nobody wants to hear the CEO of a company complaining about lack of benefits. Etc.

    Most people are only eager to support you if they see a real need. You're already thin so it's difficult for people to sympathize with your circumstance - regardless of your actual goals.

    I'm in a very similar situation. I'm thinner, but I would still like to lose about 15 lbs and get toned/fit. I've simply stopped talking about it to my family, friends, and coworkers because of a similar response.

    From here it's all self motivation - and letting your bathing suit do the talking at the end of your road.
  • smoten
    smoten Posts: 53 Member
    I get the same thing. In my clothes i look ok you wouldn't think i have an issue at all. I know how to dress to hide my belly pretty good and really, i only need to lose maybe 5 more pounds. if i didn't lose any more but could get rid of my flabby midsection i would be thrilled (and i am now focusing on some core strengthening/toning that i hadn't done before). So when people offer me donuts or other junk and i decline i get the eye rolls or other rude comments too. I don't talk about weight with anyone but my hubby, he gets it. My new approach is "no thanks, I'm training for a race." that seems to work much better.
    I agree with the others, if people cant appreciate what you're doing, it will only bring you down. Maybe focusing on the fitness portion of your accomplishments would be better when talking to others, its too bad you have to hold back with family, but you are not alone.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    Speaking as a slight devils advocate here, it could be that their internal monologues go something like this: "oh god, she's just trying to rub it in and get us to praise her and tell her how wonderful she is which is the LAST thing we want to do because we feel so awful ourselves" I know this because I have had the same internal monologue when my mum talks to me.

    (Granted, she talks very differently however, she doesn't say positive things like "I lost this" or "I suceeded in that", she goes "ooh I'm SO p*ssed off, because my size 12 jeans are tight" - which when I have just had to buy size 16 trousers, at 25 years her junior and no children under my belt, is just plain depressing. And my mum IS fishing for compliments, as well as being the one to tell me "gosh look at the SIZE of your BUM!")

    I think, rather than weight goals or achievements, if you were to tell them of fitness goals and achievements they may be more open to acknowledging just how well you're doing. When larger people have your size / weight goal in mind for themselves, they probably think that you must be fine and dandy. It doesn't occur that your goal could be different. For me, weightloss is going to be slow and steady wins the race, and I'm fine with that. I will be seeing my mum for the first time in a month next week, and depite my recent 8lb weightloss, she will not notice it. But when I tell her that I can run for over 20 minutes, I know she'll comment positively on that!

    Everything on this journey is a case of perspective - and there will always be support here :flowerforyou:
  • dis5150
    dis5150 Posts: 157 Member
    You're right....people dont want to support you because you're tiny already, and yes, most people on here do have a much harder journey than you have.

    Are you sure you should be on here?? Losing weight and getting in shape are two different things. You're obviously eating correctly if you're as thin as you are, so you just need to exercise to get that muscle tone back in your stomach after having children. That's a very difficult thing to do because your stomach muscle's stretch and seperate down the middle of your stomach when you are pregnant.

    Maybe you should concentrate on exercise instead of asking people for support for losing weight.

    good luck.

    Of course she should be on here!! This is "My FITNESS Pal"! She wants to be FIT and healthy! Sheesh!!
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I understand your struggle. I also do not have support from my friends and family. I have to find the ability to just stand up to them and state my goal and have the willpower to stick with it. Sometimes it does make life difficult to continue focusing on your goal.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend for support.
  • braign
    braign Posts: 89
    You're right....people dont want to support you because you're tiny already, and yes, most people on here do have a much harder journey than you have.

    Are you sure you should be on here?? Losing weight and getting in shape are two different things. You're obviously eating correctly if you're as thin as you are, so you just need to exercise to get that muscle tone back in your stomach after having children. That's a very difficult thing to do because your stomach muscle's stretch and seperate down the middle of your stomach when you are pregnant.

    Maybe you should concentrate on exercise instead of asking people for support for losing weight.

    good luck.

    Haha as much as I joke about it and call it 'my fatness pal' to my husband, it's a fitness website and whether that means losing, maintaining or gaining, it pretty much encompasses everyone!
  • eknobbe
    eknobbe Posts: 106 Member
    Agreed!! Bump to read when im not at work!
  • Tennybird
    Tennybird Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you so much for all the replies. I never excepted that!

    Some background.....I admit I am very lucky. But I was no where near healthy or fit. In the morning I would grab a Diet Coke and a chocolate covered granola bar for breakfast and not eat again until 3:00 pm. I joined MFP to make me accountable. I set a rule for myself that I have to put something in for breakfast, lunch and dinner. With that I'm not talking about just junk food, I need to put a real meal in.

    I admit I have been very lucky in the past. But I am getting older, my body isn't the same as it used to be. I have 3 kids who I have to be an example for. What am I teaching them about eating right if I put veggies on their plate, but have a junk food for my meal? Kids learn by example and I want to be a good example for them. I have learned so much on this site, I was amazed about how much I didn't know about food, exercise and an overall healthy lifestyle. So YES, I do think I belong here.

    I have been doing Jillian Micheal 30DS along with the Couch to 5K plan (even thought I have no desire to fun a 5K, but I know so little about exercising properly I need to be told exactly what to do). I am on Level 3 of the 30DS and my plan for when that is done is to get a couple more of Jillian Micheal videos (not sure which ones yet) and I also got the New Rules for Lifting for Woman (as talked about so much on this site, which again I would have never heard of if I wasn't on this site) and plan on starting to lift too. I am very lucky again to have a husband who lifts and have all the equipment at home. So I really have no excuse.

    I think you are all right, IF I'm going to brag I need to do it about something other then weight. But in all honestly I really don't care what the scales says if I fit in my clothes better and feel comfortable in my own body. I guess weight is the easiest thing to measure to make sure I'm on the right track.

    Thank you so much for the support! It really does mean the world to me!!
  • Tennybird
    Tennybird Posts: 22 Member
    Also those of you who said I can add you as a friend I think I soon as I figure out how to!! :smile:
  • la8dcruz
    la8dcruz Posts: 82 Member
    You're right....people dont want to support you because you're tiny already, and yes, most people on here do have a much harder journey than you have.

    Are you sure you should be on here?? Losing weight and getting in shape are two different things. You're obviously eating correctly if you're as thin as you are, so you just need to exercise to get that muscle tone back in your stomach after having children. That's a very difficult thing to do because your stomach muscle's stretch and seperate down the middle of your stomach when you are pregnant.

    Maybe you should concentrate on exercise and asking for support for that instead of asking people for support for losing weight.

    good luck.

    WOW! :noway:

    My Fitness Pal is for anyone looking for a healthy lifestyle...... It shouldn't matter if someone is thin, thick, muscular or flabby..... everyone is here for their own journey and should receive support.
  • eponine1976
    eponine1976 Posts: 143 Member
    I understand what you are saying. For many many years I was one of those people who was super thin (137 lbs and 5'11" tall) but I was not at all healthy. I figured since I was thin that it was okay to eat fast food every day and never exercise. I wasn't healthy though, not at all. I couldn't even walk up a single flight of stairs without gasping for breath (and only in my early 20s!). I also had no body strength. Then in my mid 20s I was still very thin but found out I had prediabetes and high cholesterol from my unhealthy lifestyle. I started trying to eat healthy and exercise and the reaction from people would be "why are you eating those diet foods, you need to eat more!" or similar comments. They didn't understand that I NEEDED to eat healthy and exercise because my doctor was telling me I was going to turn into a diabetic or get heart disease if I didn't do somethin ASAP. I had no support for trying to get healthier from most people. They would just look at me being thin and be jealous of me when in reality my heavier friends were actually far healthier and fitter than I ever was!

    These days I'm a bit heavier (not overweight but trying to lose the last of the baby weight from my last pregnancy) but I've started strength training and for several years now I've been doing cardio and trying to eat as healthy as I can. I've not been able to reverse the prediabetes but my cholesterol has improved and I feel better now that I have a healthier lifestyle. However I still hear people at work making comments about why am I doing all this when I'm not that heavy. I know I need to do these things though for my health. I just make sure I don't talk about how much I've lost when I'm around those people and I just instead answer these people's derisive comments with remarks that everyone needs to exercise and eat healthy no matter what their size in order to be a healthy person. That usually shames them into leaving me alone since they are embarrassed that they aren't doing those things and they know they should.
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    Well I have lost like 65 pounds and some people don't congratulate me for that.

    I am not being critical - because I know how hard it is to deal with people who you are getting fit - but perhaps it doesn't have all that much to do with the weight you start at. In fact, it most likely has nothing to do with you.

    It has everything to do with the person who you are talking to. If you are staying "I lost 5 pounds" to someone who just gained 10 they might not be thinking about your victory, but instead about thier own percieved failure. Of course they should be happy for you, but keep in mind they may not be in the place to do that right now.

    And frankly, everyone gets the entire "oh just eat it." thing, regardless of what they weigh. I just can't let that get to me.
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    Sorry to hear that your friends and family aren't being supportive. Are they heavier? It may be that they are jealous of how good your looking. That is no excuse for them to act that way though, they should be happy of your accomplishments and be happy that your happy.

    For what its worth, Congrats!!:flowerforyou:


    Good for you for choosing your own healthy path! to heck with them if they don't support you!
  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    people make fitness and weight loss a competition. its ridiculous. sometimes people would rather have you one step closer to diabetes or heart disease if it means they can be the thinnest one in the room.
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    You're right....people dont want to support you because you're tiny already, and yes, most people on here do have a much harder journey than you have.

    Are you sure you should be on here?? Losing weight and getting in shape are two different things. You're obviously eating correctly if you're as thin as you are, so you just need to exercise to get that muscle tone back in your stomach after having children. That's a very difficult thing to do because your stomach muscle's stretch and seperate down the middle of your stomach when you are pregnant.

    Maybe you should concentrate on exercise and asking for support for that instead of asking people for support for losing weight.

    good luck.

    agreed- besides- isn't the name myFITNESSpal? if it were just for weight loss, they would have named it something else!

    WOW! :noway:

    My Fitness Pal is for anyone looking for a healthy lifestyle...... It shouldn't matter if someone is thin, thick, muscular or flabby..... everyone is here for their own journey and should receive support.