hello again!

Hey everyone! I've used myfitnesspal before but for some reason stopped. So after a long weekend of eating badly I've decided to come back on here and really try to make a difference this time. I've been trying to lose weight for the last few years, and the only time I actually noticed a difference is when I use this site! I'm committed to not going to give up this time :) feel free to add me as a friend so we can support each other though this journey :)


  • Kudos7
    Kudos7 Posts: 4
    Hi, for me too, this site makes the difference. :wink:
  • Caiis101
    Caiis101 Posts: 25
    Hey! Welcome back. This site is the best! I added you :)
  • Actually_Mike
    Actually_Mike Posts: 61 Member
    That's exactly what happens to me! I use the site, then fall off, use it, fall off, etc. Now, I'm fully committed 100% good luck to you! I added you.