Endometrial Ablation vs. BCP - Pro/Cons/Personal experiences



  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I had an ablation about 3 years ago. Best. Decision. Ever. I have fibroids and was told that at best my periods would be lighter. But they are gone. I was very lucky. And no cramping at all. I had very minimal discomfort after the procedure too. I'm a poster child for ablation. :P
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    It's been almost 6 years since I had my ablation. No periods ever since. However, last year I did have some issues and had to have another laparoscopy for endometriosis and adenomyosis. So, yes, you can still have those problems after the ablation. Honestly, though, I know how to control mine and don't have any problems when I'm doing the right exercise. I've had issues for about 16-17 years and they all go away when I'm lifting heavy. If I stop lifting for whatever reason, then I end up having problems. Last year, I hadn't lifted weights seriously for about a year because of trying to drop muscle mass to do a kidney donation. I had surgery in August to remove the endometriosis and in September and October I was back in my doctors office to get pain killers for the adenomyosis still bothering me. They can fix the adenomyosis with a hysterectomy, but I didn't have the time to take off for the recovery at the time. After being ruled out as a kidney donor, I went back to my normal weight training in late September, early October. By November, my monthly pain was gone. I haven't had a problem since. So, while the whole not having a period for the last 6 years has been awesome, I would actually recommend heavy weight training for control of the problem first. I believe in it so much that when I get to my grad school in August, I'm planning on doing research on the effects of heavy weight training on the hormone profile of women. I believe that it can be an effective preventative treatment for PCOS, Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, and Estrogen Based Cancers and plan to do the research to prove it.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Just this past Feb I had Novasure, a D&C, my left ovary removed, laproscopy, hysterscopy, and a 7cm cyst removed. If I'd had a job outside the house I could have gone back 2-3 days later. I don't know if Novasure is different now or if some had a different thing but my doc said that it's over 90% effective. I should have had 2 periods since then but nothing at all. I used to get cramps every day. I always felt like I was about to start my period even though I was pretty regular. Now that's gone too. I can't speak for long term results yet but I'm already very happy. Oh, and I'm 42.
  • bane0317
    bane0317 Posts: 60 Member
  • tcarsus
    tcarsus Posts: 1
    I had the Endometrial Ablation December 5th - it was the absolute BEST decision I have ever made. I am 41 - with Thallsemia - so the doctors had me on the pill for years - my new OB/Gyn told me with the meds I was on, I was a walking stroke when combined with the pill - my husband had a vasectomy in 1996 - there was no need for me to suffer. I had so much pain and bleeding it was almost impossible to function before the pill.

    I went in early in the morning for my surgery (yes this is minor surgery) - was in prep for about 1/2 hour - in the operating room for what I am told for about 10 minutes - then in recovery for an hour or so and back down to post care for another few hours until I regained all consciousness and could walk on my own.

    I had almost no discharge, and what little I had lasted for about a day if that. I haven't had any bleeding since. I do have some cramping, but it is nothing compared to what I had to deal with for 25 plus years.

    I know this isn't for everyone - if your partner has not been sterilized, then you need to use protection (unless your tubes are tied) - They would have performed tubal litigation, however there was no concern of pregnancy with my husband.
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    Ablation (Novasure) rocks. Still have periods, but not the kind that leave me anemic! Very good decision.
    Mirena was my other option, but I've never liked the idea of IUDs. Just personal preference.
    Good luck and be fearless!
  • Tennolina
    Tennolina Posts: 2,413
    Horrible experience with Novasure. After the procedure, I had fluid getting trapped in my uterus causing me TREMENDOUS pain. Ended up having to have a d&c in the emergency room. Because of the problems caused by the novasure, I ended up having a complete hysterectomy just two weeks later.