Any tips to stop snacking and bingeing?

Hi everyone, im new to this and trying to shift a very stubborn stone, my meals are generally homemade and healthy, however i have a big problem with snacking and binge eating, has anyone any tips to help?


  • SCVSarah
    SCVSarah Posts: 231 Member
    I have a HORRIBLE binge eating problem. I can't keep any sweets in the house, so that would be my first suggestion. If it's not there, you can't eat it. The thing that helps me is to stock up on foods that are healthy and easy to snack on (egg whites, cheese, nuts, grapes, veggies with salad dressing, etc) and then if you have to snack, you snack on that. Also protein, fruits and veggies will keep you full longer.
  • Kudos7
    Kudos7 Posts: 4
    include lean protein like chicken and turkey breast at every meal, drink lots of water/ herbal tea, eat lots of green vegetables and maybe include a fiber supplement like Metamucil once a day. This will help control the insulin spikes that come with fast food and salty / sugary snacks. The insulin spikes are responsible for bingeing.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    I would just build in healthy snacks. I make daily snack boxes for myself, and find that it keeps me from picking at junk.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    I have a HORRIBLE binge eating problem. I can't keep any sweets in the house, so that would be my first suggestion. If it's not there, you can't eat it. The thing that helps me is to stock up on foods that are healthy and easy to snack on (egg whites, cheese, nuts, grapes, veggies with salad dressing, etc) and then if you have to snack, you snack on that. Also protein, fruits and veggies will keep you full longer.

    This is great advice! I can add a few more things that are helping me as well. One thing is to brush your teeth and rinse with mouthwash when you find yourself in the middle of a snack attack. It helps "reset" my tastebuds. Also, I like to chew on sugar-free gum (in moderation) to give my mouth something to chew on. Another thing that helps is to keep yourself busy...get down and do some stretching, catch up on laundry, come on MFP and check out success stories, etc, etc.--in other words, distract yourself with something productive. :smile:

    Wishing you all the best on your journey!
  • I have a huge snacking problem too!! Its usually just boredom eating though, not actual hunger. When it is hunger, I'll wait a good 10 minutes or so to make sure that it is that Im hungry and its not a craving and then have a substantial snack to keep me more full because I see it as my body's way of telling me that I need more food. When I'm not hungry though, I think to myself "why do I feel the urge to eat" and kinda do a check-in with my body. Am I tired? Bored? Sad? Angry? Whatever it is, I try to think about why I'm eating if I'm not hungry. Its really hard for me, because I had always thought, "it's 3 o'clock, Snack time!!!" even if I'm not hungry. Im trying to train myself to listen to my body moreso than what a particualr website tells me. I actually find that I snack a lot more when I'm counting calories since counting calories makes me obsess about my intake and think about food more and crave it more! If you don't want to stop logging your food though, I suggest keeping the foods that are easy to snack on way up high in your pantry or tucked away behind something else. That usually does it for me because I'll walk in there looking for something to munch on and if there's nothing easily accessible, I'm too lazy to get out a plate and fork! lol. Its just so easy to walk in and grab a handful of cereal or a cookie etc..much easier than trying to nibble on a can of soup lol! even better would be just to get rid of the foods you like to snack on, but unless you live alone that may be difficult. anyways, good luck along your journey!
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    As far as the snacking, keep healthy options available. As far as the it because of emotions or because you've deprived yourself?
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    My only tip would be make sure you're eating enough -- yes, calories, but also volume. Some people like the feeling of eating more and sometimes when you're losing weight, you feel "it's all over" and now food is "restricted."

    But it doesn't have to be that way. I read a book called "Volumetrics" which has photos of different meals, comparing calories, etc. The purpose is to show you that you can actually eat more food by volume if you choose the right ones.

    And, also build snacks you really enjoy into your schedule. I make sure to eat chocolate every day. One subsitute I like for a candy bar is 1/4 c. roasted almonds with 1 Tbsp of chocolate chips. It's filling and crunchy, and the almonds are really good for you, too.

    I've also learned to make some soups that are really filling and I can use throughout the week.

    Basically, you have to find what works for you, so that you feel like it's something you can keep doing.
  • Actually_Mike
    Actually_Mike Posts: 61 Member
    Have you tried just simply drinking water? I find that when I feel the urge to snack or something, just by drinking a glass of water curbs my appetite because I was really just dehydrated more than I was hungry.
  • Smartypantz4u2
    Smartypantz4u2 Posts: 7 Member
    I don't deprive myself. I keep some baked goods in my freezer. Like individually wrapped home made brownies or chocolate chip cookies. I allow myself 1 treat a day. I save for it. I usually eat mine with with a cup of tea. The warm tea seems to satisfy me. If I feel deprived I want to binge and I try to make sure to deal with my feelings my working out or talking to a friend. Make sure you are eating lots of lean proteins and drinking lots of water.

    If it's too hard to keep them individually wrapped and in your freezer, then don't keep it in your house and plan for it so you know that you will have something you want soon, not NEVER. lol

    Hope that helps you....

  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    Oh i forgot another thing that helps me, and it's actually kind of a big deal! Lol... I've truly changed the way I view food, and I do not consider anything "off limits." I know I can eat anything I choose, and if I really want something, I try to build it into my day. My brain does NOT like to be told "you can NEVER eat X,Y,Z foods. Knowing I can have whatever I want has freed me to make mostly healthy choices, but enjoy my treats 100% guilt free. Guilt makes me fat, and freedom is gonna make me lean and strong. :flowerforyou: MFP has given me freedom and power over my choices in a way I've never experienced before.
  • Thanks guys some good tips to keep me busy!

    Wish I didnt think about food so much lol
  • Nothing tastes as good as thin feels :smile: I have read the above suggestions and they are all great. I use the one about drinking water instead of eating something.
    Hobbies are good and can distract you from thinking of food.
    Take a walk even if it's just out in the yard.
    Your profile says you have young children, you can go outside and play. Toss the ball around. Playing outside with the children is fun and the kids love it too.
    Put a sign up at the kitchen doorway, "Kitchen Closed until . . . . . " Fill in the time you'll go back in to start the next meal. (I understand that may be difficult with small children as they always want drinks and snacks. Make sure they are healthy snacks and pay attention to portion control on the packages.

    Basically what I'm saying is, replace one behavior with another. Reprogram your brain and plan healthy snacks for certain times of day.

    You can do this! :drinker:
  • I also have a really bad snacking addiction. I really am trying to work on it, but it is really hard!:ohwell: I don't know what to do either, but that's why I'm reading this. I feel for you girl.
  • I stopped smoking in jan and now eat almost everything. Crisps chocolate are my downfall I just can't give them up.
  • You know, I have the same problem. I love to eat, especially after dinner. It's like a craving that won't go away. I came up with a partial solution. I started watching movies in the evening. I shut everything down, turn out the lights and rent something off of or find something free to watch on Youtube. Then I get a big glass of water. I always pick something that will totally engross me and next thing I know, it is bed time or I am falling asleep on the couch. It has worked very well for me and I have lost 19 pounds.
  • Daizy426
    Daizy426 Posts: 37 Member
    Drinking water, eating good food to help you feel full longer and if these don't help I go take a long look in the mirror. If it's good, I won't eat. If it's bad, I won't eat. It's a win/win for me, lol.
  • itsalaina
    itsalaina Posts: 27
    I have the same snacking problem and these are some great tips! I'll be trying a few of them as soon as I get home
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Make sure you eat enough, I find if I don't eat my exercise calories, i will binge like crazy. Its almost like my body is saying, FEED ME and will grab whatever it can.

    Good snack: Quaker Rice Quakes with mediumsalsa. The spiciness slows you down and the quakes are filling.
  • janecl
    janecl Posts: 121 Member
    Thanks for asking this question! These ideas are great! I needed to reread some of what I already know but it helps along the journey. Thanks everyone!
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    Just refrain from doing it. It gets easier and easier, like quitting any habit or addiction.