Day 1 and struggling already :(



  • tilfordj
    tilfordj Posts: 54 Member
    wait till you start to say i choose i choose so that you dont have health problems at aGE 50

    This is GREAT advice.....Because when you are in control!!!!!!!!!!
  • Diamondgirlbiz
    Hello today is my first day too and I have been having a hard time staying away from the chips and soda. So I understand how you are feeling.

  • Dixietrink82
    Dixietrink82 Posts: 33 Member
    My first two -three weeks were just about education and holding myself accountable. I had to relearn how to eat. It's ok if you go over a little bit or if it takes you some time to figure out what is healthy and what isn't. It's not a diet. It's a lifestyle change. You're changing habits to be healthier and stronger. When I dieted and I had a bad day I would give up all of it. This is a lifelong change. You didn't learn how to whistle, or tie your shoe, or learn your job in a day right? It's really ok to cut yourself slack for the first week. Read the boards, read nutrition labels, and just be patient with yourself. Make better choices.

    Feel free to add me and good luck!
  • pat6250
    pat6250 Posts: 90
    You can use the MFP food diary to plan your food day before you begin to eat (and get into trouble), like this: Think of what you want to eat all during the day. Then, log it into breakfast, lunch and dinner to see how the calories add up. Then, re-do your portion sizes, to see if you could have smaller portions and get everything you want. Leave some calories for a snack, and figure that out. I usually pick a good breakfast, so I do this after breakfast to plan out my day. Sometimes I see that something I wanted is too highly caloric, so I alter my plan. Like, if I wanted chicken in cream sauce over dumplings, I might decide to instead have grilled chicken with veggies and fewer dumplings. After you learn to eyeball portion sizes and recall calorie counts, it will be easier to choose on the fly. And remember, if you mess up today, you WILL do better tomorrow, if you let go of yesterday, and keep thinking positively. :happy:
  • Myweightlossdiary
    Myweightlossdiary Posts: 185 Member
    I set my calories the same: 1200/day with 2 lbs a week. Recently I joined a gym at work and have been going swimming for 30 minutes a day (which burns a ton of calories) so I'm able to eat a bit more than 1200 cal. Drinking water is a great idea and I try and drink 4 water bottles (about 8 glasses) of water during my work day not including what I drink at home. I don't always get to to this but I try. Also, I keep several 100 cal packets but try to make sure they are healthy (preferably low sodium, low fat, etc) but I've really fallen in love with these 100 cal almonds which come in cocoa flavor or even cinnamon! It's delicious and it does fill me up. You should try and eat something every 2 hrs or so (which is where the hundred cal packets come in handy).

    For me, when I have a plan of when I eat, it helps me to stay focused. I used to type it out at the beginning:
    7:30 breakfast
    9:30 snack
    11:30 snack
    1:30 lunch
    3:30 snack
    5:30 dinner
    7:30 snack

    If you get 100 cal packets of stuff you like and enjoy, that's 400 of your daily calories. The key is to make your meals between 200 - 300 cal if possible. It's hard to do something but I've been looking at the frozen sections and finding things I like that falls in that range. If it ends up being more than 1200 calories, picking up a sport like swimming will definitely help burn those extra calories.

    Good luck with whatever you do. Everyone is different and you gotta find what works for you.

  • Marge321
    Marge321 Posts: 131 Member
    I find it easier when I can't find chips or cookies in the kitchen...Then I make myself some tea and feel good for not eating those fat things! On weekends, I can have some nice dessert and a glass of wine.

    But don't worry if you have a crush sometime...using the diary on MFP will help you to put those stuff aside when you'll see how many calories they count for.
  • huntindawg1962
    huntindawg1962 Posts: 277 Member
    Try to find a Bouari Clinic (Non-HCG) Their program produces amazing results. It's safe & simple. Most people including me report no cravings or hunger if you simply forget what you think you know about dieting & DO WHAT THEY TELL YOU. I dropped 44 lbs. in 5 weeks & feel great. You don't count calories, but I use Fitness pal to record what I eat because it's easy to reference. Everything they told me initially has been correct. It is almost unbelievable how effective their program is.

    9 lbs a week for 5 weeks? That is even more than folks on the Biggest Loser put up week after week.
  • mmarin81
    mmarin81 Posts: 241
    Take the first week or two to figure out what you perfect balance will be. The first few days I started I did not plan ahead enough and was settin myself up to fail. There are different choices that will fill you and have less calories.

    I enjoy toast with peanut butter for my breakfast. I used strohman whole wheat but found it had 90 to 100 calories per slice. Now I use wonder smart wheat that has only 110 calories for 2 slices!! So now I get to eat more quantitiy but stay under my calories. Just gotta find what you like and then find lower calories alternatives if you can.

    Hope this helps a little.
  • atlantapiper
    atlantapiper Posts: 133 Member
    It will get easier, explore others' diaries to see what's working for them so you can adjust what will work for you and keep you from getting hungry.

    Be sure to watch your carbs, sodium and cholesterol...I haven't looked at your diary, but if you haven't included those in your categories, you can add those.

  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Take it slow. Being that hungry just starting out isn't very good. There really ins't any need to go hungry doing this. Don't overreach, don't set your goals to high. Start off with 1 pd. That's where I did and I haven't gone hungry and I'm losing as well.

    Take it one day at a time.
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    You have to retrain your brain and body for the new lifestyle. It is going to take time and effort and won't be easy at first, but it will get easier. Don't give up. I set my goal for 1/2 lb a week and when i consistently have several calories left over each day, i cut my calorie count back a little.
  • aheartbeatsos
    A day at a time :)
    Why don't you try setting your calories a bit higher and then gradually cutting them down.
    I know when I started I went from probably around 2500 calories a day to 1500 a day.
    Big adjustment! But I'm glad I stuck to it :)
    You will be too! We're all rootin' for ya!
  • hanahlai
    hanahlai Posts: 281 Member
    It was hard for me the first week. It gets easier. The best thing that has helped me is to shop healthy, and keep all of my personal temptations out of the house. I also avoided my old 'haunts' (fave fattening meals at restaurants etc.)
  • RumOne
    RumOne Posts: 266 Member
    What did you set your weight loss to? 2 lb/week? Try scaling it back to the recommended 1 lb/week, or even .5 lb/week. It will make it easier.

    Also, drink your water. And eat some more protein, which tends to make most people feel fuller.

    ^^^ This
  • rgunn02
    rgunn02 Posts: 169 Member
    the more you exercise the more you can eat!!!! It's the only way to make it on 1200 calories :)

    Edit: get yourself a heart rate monitor to get an accurate calories burned count - MFP is usually fairly conservative in the calories they give you for your exercise

    Add me if you like!
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    sometimes what I do is to log on what I plan to eat first...then see how much it adds up to, then NOT eat it...or eat half the portion. I noticed with fitnesspal that my snacks were healthy, but way too many calories, so now I eat fruti instead of a granola bar. Maybe don't set a gola per week, and maybe for every 14 days or so. Good luck
  • MAponte73
    MAponte73 Posts: 46 Member
    Eat! it takes about /at least 2 weeks to create a habbit. walk, jump, run, whatever... food also applies.. I fall off the diet cart all the time, but I find away to burn those or some of the extra calories. I see what I can be if I follow through and that gives me the power to continue on!!

    I know you can do it..
    Baby sets...

    How do you eat an elaphant?
    --- one bite at a time :happy:
  • SkettiGurl
    SkettiGurl Posts: 186 Member
    Change IS hard. If it wasn't we'd all be fit and not need MFP!

    Don't beat yourself up today is just one day. If you have a dozen roses and one dies, do you throw away the full dozen?

    If it helps you could eat as you normally do and log that for a week to see where you are making bad choices. I find knowing is half the battle.

    Good luck.:wink:
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    Remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint. It is a lifestyle change, not a diet.....there will be good days and bad days until you get into a routine...You can do this!!:drinker:
  • smithhm12
    smithhm12 Posts: 23
    Don't give up! The first week is the hardest. It took me so many times to get on track because every time i had a "bad" day i would just quit or say "there is always tomorrow." I still have my bad days, but I try not to think about it all that much. If i am in the mood for a piece of candy, I will eat it and move on. I don't get caught up in the whole Now my day is ruined thing. Something that has helped me. When I see something that i really want but i know is bad for me, i will tell myself "I am going to make a better choice," as opposed to "I don't want this." When I say I don't want something, i always find myself saying "oh yes I really do want it." Don't give up on your first day. MFP is fantastic and if you want add me. It always helps to have a support system and I would love to help support you!