Best day to weigh my self in???

I have been using the site now for a week and I was wondering which day of the week does everyone do their weigh in?

A doctor told me to only weigh my self once a week. And dont get obsessed with my weight, but I thought that was one of the reasons I was doing this. Was I needed to worry about my weight more.

Anyways, let me know when you guys do the weigh in and what do you weigh yourself in, pt gear, fully clothed, buff, undies, what ever. I am thinking just PT gear for weigh ins. That stuff seems to be pretty light weight.


  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I am planning on weighing myself every Tuesday. I started last Monday, but didn't weigh myself until Tuesday. I plan on doing it after I do my morning duties on the toliet. I'm not going to go crazy on about what I'm wearing at the moment.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I think the point is to be consisent.
    I do mine when I wake up on Sundays, in the buff.

    You can do your whatever day, as long as it's the same time of day, and the same clothes.
  • ntw25
    ntw25 Posts: 149 Member
    I weigh on Monday morning, that way if I have had a bad week, I can use the weekend to hit the gym.......I also use Monday as my cheat day so something to look forward to
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    I feel It's better to weight yourself every day as your weight will fluctuate to significant degree. Stepping on the scale during the high point of a fluctuation could ruin your whole week from a motivational standpoint. Weight every day and pay attention to the trend rather than any difference from day to day.
  • StephS77
    StephS77 Posts: 4
    Hi ! I'm new to this site myself but i've been doing the P90X thing for 5 weeks, today starts week 6. I do weekly weigh ins. Although i weighed myself Sunday morning first thing in my undies and I had dropped another pound which made me happy. Then for curiosity i weighed in Monday morning (an hour later that I did Sunday a.m.) and It read that I was up 1.5 lbs. That did not make me happy. I feel try to weigh in weekly the same day of the week, first thing in the morning in your underwear( go nude if you wish) the less clothes the better.
    BRADYDUFF Posts: 20
    Cool, thanks... Good luck on the P90X...I tried it once but got frustrated trying to find a place in my house I didnt mind getting soaking wet from sweat every I had a hard tmie with the meals....but keep going you are looking great...
    BRADYDUFF Posts: 20
    Do you post your new weight every morninig or just weigh in for your own curiosity???
  • as a few people said its about being consistant. If yuo weigh yourself Monday at 5 P.M. and Thursday at 6. A.M. it will be drastically different. Also take into account how much you had to eat and how much water you drank the day/night before.

    I know that occasionally i will step on the scale(monday morning) and see that it reads a pound more than the week before, and it is alway one of two things. Either i ate alot the day before and havent passed it through, or had more water than usual. Good Luck!
  • i weigh myself every morning after i wake up just because i want to know whats working and whats not working. Like my first week i would go down a few days and then one morning it went up a pound and i knew that i couldnt do what i did the previous day. My metabolism has been off for a while now and the doctors dont know why so i had to play with my diet and excersice some but so far im doin good:)

    Good luck i guess its all what day you want to do. Some people does it on Sundays, mondays or Fridays and some twice a week.
  • qensita
    qensita Posts: 1
    I weigh on a monday morning when I first get up in my pjs. The reason the dr says weigh only once a week is that you can get too obsessed with it.
  • i did both in the beginning. i am also blogging my weight loss also so i can write about it and look back and stuff.
  • Claire594
    Claire594 Posts: 349 Member
    I weigh myself officially on a Saturday morning in my underwear and log that weight. Then I have my treats on Sat, some chocolate and maybe a Chinese takeaway then Sunday I'm back to eating well for the rest of the week. I also unofficially weigh myself on a Wed to see how I'm going. If I've lost I know I'm on the right track and if not then I step up the exercise for the next couple if days. It's working for me so far.
  • racinsnake
    racinsnake Posts: 3 Member
    First thing Monday morning, after I pee and before getting dressed.. fresh new start of motivation for the week. I hear that it's important to weigh in at the same time of day.