New member that needs support and friends

Hi everyone. I'm 35 and mother to 3 girls. My job involves sitting in front of a computer all day. I recently had a physical and found out that I have extremely bad cholesterol. I'm at a high risk for a heart attack. The doctor said it is likely my family history and diet and exercise alone will not help lower it enough. So I have started taking Lipitor but I really need to get healthy. That is my main goal. I also need to lose about 50 lbs. I'm looking for friends and encouragement. Thanks.

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  • Chigger56
    Chigger56 Posts: 105
    Hi Sham!! You can ad me if you like!! 56 yr old g-ma!! This site is great!! Welcome!!
  • rosemarysage100
    rosemarysage100 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Sham!
    I am new as of today! Age 54...also looking for some support and friends! ;-)