Any tips to stop snacking and bingeing?



  • ladyfingers39
    I'm sorry, when I read your title I thought of this SNL video...:) I know it's easier said than done. haha
  • lynnbeth58
    Fruit apples with peanut butter,,
    Fiber one 90 calarie brownies, or chocolate bars
  • ThePunkHippie
    I keep carrot sticks, celery, & radishes in a jug of water in the fridge. When I get munchy, I grab a handful
  • AsaraFuriosa
    AsaraFuriosa Posts: 293 Member
    Gum and water, lots of it!!!

    It's also easier if your eating 5-7 times a day
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Keep a lot of LOW calorie snacks around (ie veggies that are mostly water like cucumber, jicama, bell peppers, etc.) and also keep some chewing gum within reach.
  • karmelkutie310
    karmelkutie310 Posts: 50 Member
    Yea I have had an addiction to food as well!! I finally got on track and I say my best tips are weigh yourself a lot in the beginning… it keeps you obsessed with seeing the scale and when u see a lb or two go away your going to want to keep it off!! And if you haven’t tried shirataki pasta (and u like pasta) I suggest you go to whole foods and get some!! Google it, and youtube some recipes… I swear by it and its practically NO calories and very filling. Best wishes!
  • karmelkutie310
    karmelkutie310 Posts: 50 Member
    Keep a lot of LOW calorie snacks around (ie veggies that are mostly water like cucumber, jicama, bell peppers, etc.) and also keep some chewing gum within reach.

    Gum makes it worse for many people; it causes your stomach to growl because your mouth releases enzymes to break down food when you chew the gum, but ends up digesting nothing, so you begin to experience hunger pains. (Google it) It may work for some people, but personally it sabotages me! Just my opinion
  • Chuckempire
    Try just drinking water any time U feel the urge to snack..
  • suespottsfletcher
    A couple of things that have worked for me.........

    I have a water cup with a straw and it is full and with me everywhere I go. 1/4 cup of popcorn in a brown paper bag micro for 2 min. spray w/ smart balance spray butter. Gives me something to eat but low calories high fiber. Lastly when all else fails I floss and brush.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Bump for later!!!
  • awillcox
    awillcox Posts: 5
    I stopped smoking in jan and now eat almost everything. Crisps chocolate are my downfall I just can't give them up.

    I know how you feel. I quite smoking just over a year ago! Those first few months are hard becuase you do nothing but eat to fill the void of smoking. Just remember what a portion is of them and if you are still hungry have some fruit. For me after about 4 or5 months of not smoking my tastebuds and sense of smell came back STRONG so Ive become more satisfied with food!:smile:
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    I agree with the people that suggested calorie dense foods ( lean meats, whole dairy, eggs) they def keep me full longer. So I'm less " snacky". And water... Yep, I'm guilty of this too, I don't drink nearly enough.. But more often than we realize we mistake hunger for thirst. So drink up! :smile:
  • donald149
    donald149 Posts: 211 Member
    Making sure I eat breakfast and eating small amounts every 3 hours there after has helped fend of binge eating for me. Before this, I was like a cookie monster by the time lunch came around.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I've heard this many times before and I'm considering doing it myself. Put a picture of yourself on the refrigerator or cabinet so it will remind yourself. You could even put a little post it of your goal weight. Heck, put on the post it "Think Healthy".
  • GeorgiaSlover
    brush your teeth after dinner and drink those La Croix waters or other citrus flavored water (not soda, just carbonated flavored water) When you want to snack. It fills your stomach and is yummy. (may take some getting used to the taste if you are used to a lot of sugar, but keep at it!) Goodluck! :)
  • Batchoy
    Batchoy Posts: 19 Member
    What has worked for me is eating the right thing at the right time and in the right amount. So three meals a day with my calorie allowance and some of my calories gained from exercise spread reasonably evenly across the meals, a mid morning drink, a mid afternoon drink and an evening drink. Also keeping myself busy helps and finally if I do get overwhelmed by the urge to eat something I keep a banana handy though I haven't had to resort to eating one outside of mealtimes for a while.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    It's stopped being an issue for me since I switched away from wheat products and upped the eggs, meat and veggies ... real food, unprocessed in other words.

    I don't get hungry between meals now, it used to be a terrible problem back in the days when I went 'low fat' ... rice cakes, skimmed milk and all that madness. Constantly hungry and undernourished basically.

    I agree with previous posters that it's about keeping the blood sugar level under control and understanding when you are actually hungry rather than crashing due to previously excessive sugar levels.

    It's worth remembering that 2 slices of whole grain bread will spike your insulin more than a Snickers Bar. And the grains used have been genetically modified beyond all recognition. 'Healthy Whole Grains' is a laughable phrase for me these days.

    The 'food pyramid' is, basically, a joke founded on Bad Science and it's making people fatter and more ill.

    If I don't watch the carbs then it just sets me off on the familiar rollercoaster of 2 hourly snacking.

    Tuna and full-fat-whole-egg-chuck-it-in-there mayo for lunch, lovely.
  • Shirvona
    Shirvona Posts: 43 Member
    Snack and binge all you want, what matters is what your snacking and bingeing on!

    I am a huge fan of quick and easy, I use to go for a granola bar, bag of chips, chocolate bar, etc. anything that was just ready to eat. Especially since a work in a store where junk food is in arms reach! Now I make a hugh tray of healthy stuff like today, I have a container with 1 cup Broccoli, 2 cups snap peas, 200 grams, deli turkey, a cup of red grapes, and a small container of yogurt and that is what I eat all day wether I am at home or work and I has all I need to get me through the day. My husband loves it to because when he gets in the snack mood he goes for the plate of veggies and fruit I have on the table instead of going into the cupboard for whatever crap he has hiding in there.

    Hope it helps
  • cufirst84
    cufirst84 Posts: 127 Member
    easy one...i carry gum with me, throw in a piece and chew away !!!