looking for friends!

lvnnena Posts: 24 Member
Hi Everyone!!!! I'm semi-new. I've using mfp for about a month now. I'm at 192 now when I started I was 200. I am really hoping on learning a lot about just eating healthier and and losing weight. I had a trainer a few years ago and got down to 168, but gained it all back and then some. Last Xmas I weighed 217Ibs. I saw myself in a picture from a holiday party and I was so devastated. I couldn't understand how I just let myself go so bad. So now I'm back at it again and I'm hoping this will be my time to turn things around. Losing weight is such a mental battle as well as physical and I'm looking for support to keep me Goo.g and help encourage me through the not so good days. One thing is for sure is that something has got to give cuz I can't go back to the weight I was before. Here's to a new and healthier start!!!!


  • nu2012
    nu2012 Posts: 562 Member
    Hey lvnnena,You are right about it being such a battle. I have been using mfp since January and it seems like a great place to keep the motivation going and have tons of support.
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    Hi Ivnnena. This is a great place to be for motivation. I have been here since January and at first I did not lose anything I was close to 200lbs but then after plenty of support and advice I finally started losing.
    Feel free to add me, I love encouraging people.
  • grizzlymaze
    grizzlymaze Posts: 185 Member
    Hello. Your in the right place with a bunch of people that love you. I am also always looking for friends to support and encourage. Feel free to add me and we can push eachother to becoming lean mean *kitten* kicking machines.

  • booshay71
    booshay71 Posts: 20
    You can add me, I have 6 pounds to lose but its getting hard now and i'm starting to wander...So the more people to chat to the bettter. Good luck
  • It can be done if you focus. I'm half way there now lost 53lb since Christmas!! Maybe a bit quick but I started at 300
  • :flowerforyou: I was where you were. I started out at 210 in 2009. I would lose and gain it all back. Finally I snapped myself to reality and started watching my diet. I lost 30 pounds in my first 18 months then I hit that plateau. I couldn't shake 180. I was introduced to myfitnesspal when I got here to kuwait and its like now that I see what I'm eating and cut back. I plan out my meals weekly and incorporate plenty of exercise. I have to date lost another 20 pounds. I know you can do it to!!
  • simplysassi
    simplysassi Posts: 137 Member
    You're off to a great start already. MFP is packed with great tools and lots of support at your fingertips. Good luck to you!
  • mickeygirliegirl
    mickeygirliegirl Posts: 302 Member
    Welcome! Feel free (anyone) to add me :-)
  • modernartemis
    modernartemis Posts: 37 Member
    I am about the same size as you! I'll send you a friend request. Hopefully we can motivate each other!
  • GossInABox
    GossInABox Posts: 58 Member
    I'll send you a friend request. :) I had that same reaction too, looking at photos of myself and being horrified of how I'd let myself go. But I've lost 20lbs since joining MFP and it's been a great inspiration.