Insanity/p90x in Exercises Search

Are there community added numbers and info on these exercises when entering the info? It seems to be all generic stuff like jogging and weightlifting.


  • Manojamarnath
    Would be very useful...if we have these numbers...But it is also very hard to determine the exact calories burned...we can do some estimation based on some online info. someone have any good approximation report for P90/P90X
  • csw92
    csw92 Posts: 35 Member
    Are there community added numbers and info on these exercises when entering the info? It seems to be all generic stuff like jogging and weightlifting.

    It's a Circuit Training exercise, so you can just type that in and you should be fine.
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    try this website for P90X -

    you input your weight and estimated intensity... i have a HRM and it's pretty close.

    haven't seen a similar thing for insanity though, unfortunately.