I haven't lost a pound since the very beginning of March. I've tried everything--changing up my exercise routine, eating very few calories, eating enough calories, eating back calories, strictly dieting, being a little more free with what I eat. NOTHING IS WORKING. I don't understand why I am at a stand still. I am frustrated and get pissed off beyond belief when I step on the scale. I don't know what else to do. I have 7 weeks to lose another 15 pounds and am totally lost.


  • lesliepo
    lesliepo Posts: 4
    Have you tried writing down everything you eat so you know what you are consuming? It helps me a lot. Also, making sure you drink all your water (a minimum of 64 oz).
  • aliciamarieUF
    aliciamarieUF Posts: 226 Member
    Yes, I write down everything :(
  • Queen2day
    Queen2day Posts: 68 Member
    Have you tracked your measurements as well as it is possible to lose inches and not lose weight - remember, the scales isn't always our friend.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Really difficult to offer advice with your diary not being public.....
  • moepwr
    moepwr Posts: 335 Member
    Sounds like a plateau. There has been a lot of threads on this so you may want to look it up on the search. It may mean upping calories or cutting out carbs. Good luck!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    First of all, if this is just an issue since March, then you've made way too many changes in that 5 weeks to see if anything is going to work. And it isn't even long enough to be considered a plateau.

    You say you haven't lost a pound, have you taken measurements?

    Do you know your TDEE? Your BMR?
    Do you know your BMI? Do you have an estimate of your body fat %?
    Are you eating at a deficit? What is it?
    How are you measuring your food calories? By measuring cup or by weight?
    Are you exercising? What are you doing for exercise?
    How are you measuring those calories? Heart Monitor, machine, MFP?
  • It's only been since March... a lot of these changes (ie: eating back workout calories) can take several weeks if you were under-eating before. Give yourself 3-4 weeks trying one thing. If after that adjustment period it doesn't work, look into maybe changing your workout routine (different cardio, different strength training, etc.). Also, drink plenty of water! :D
  • hillbillyannie
    hillbillyannie Posts: 139 Member
    Yes I also would suggest writing down everything that goes into your mouth. Also watch your salt intake. Consistancy is also important. I keep getting hung up on a certain weight and don't think I'm going to lose any more but it does happen. I went to the doctor yesterday and there it was. Fourteen pounds gone since a month ago. Don't give up. Make a plan and stick to it. It will happen. You might also try upping your exercise. It has to make a difference but remember muscle also weighs alot.
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    too many changes too fast, but maybe more Cardio?
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    Can you make your diary public? Maybe it's just a matter of tweaking your food intake a bit... a fresh set of eyes might be helpful :)
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Perhaps it's because you haven't maintained eating at your calorie goal. You said you've tried everything in a month. Maybe you need to be consistent for a month for the changes to start taken place.

    I haven't changed that much on the scales or the tape measure in a month but I am trying to just get through this. I do notice that my clothes are fitting better - not quite sure how that works if the scale hasn't budged or the tape measure, perhaps I'm toning up!

    Try and figure out what suits you and your lifestyle best and stick with that for a month.

    Personally I eat a minimum of 1200 calories and a max of my BMR which is 1580 (but I do sometimes eat my calories back too - that depends on what time I've worked out etc).

    Good luck - if your diary is open feel free to add me but leave a message in the request.

  • JonesJennings
    JonesJennings Posts: 59 Member
    therealangd has hit the nail right on the head. A lot of dietary changes in a short time are unlikely to yeild positive results, and may even panic your body into stockpiling resources. Better to pick a system that you think you can maintain, and try it over a couple of months.

    Dont forget as well, that any measurements you take will have slight errors in them. If you weigh yourself in feb and get 140kg (+/- 3kg) then in march get 140kg (+/- 3kg), that could mean an increase or decrease of up to 6kg. Better to not lose hope over a bad month's measurements and see where it fits in with the rest of the quarter.
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    Its hard to give an accurate answer unless you make your food diary public.
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I've put on weight, meh. It'll come off in time. But I've noticed changes in my definition so it's prob muscle weight and a combo of easter!

    Have you been taking measurements etc?
  • darkmouzy
    darkmouzy Posts: 227 Member
    Don't only switch up your exercise routine but increase the intenisty! If your doing more cardio do more weights. If your doing weights do more cardio.

    Try switching up calorie intakes day to day but keep balanced at the end of the week! Example) like 1200 one day 1500 the next keep your body guessing.

    Keep drinking water, lots, Maybe cut down on carb intake for a while.

    It's all a matter of making your body go "wtf?" until it starts to let go of the weight again haha.
  • Make your diary public so we can see what you are eating - opinions on that may help.

    I had been on since March 9 and also had lost nothing (well 3 pounds the first 4 days) after that nothing. A good friend looked at and tweaked my food diary and I have been eating strict since then and have dropped 4 pounds in this last week.

    Open your diary - it may help.
    Plus, when you say you have tried everything (thats what I thought too) but I realized I really didnt - just everything I knew!
    Good luck!
  • psilrn
    psilrn Posts: 1
    Don't give up whatever you do. It's so easy to throw in the towel but eventually your body WILL respond. Showing up is 80%. Try not to let the scale rule your life. See how you feel mentally and physically. Is there a difference in how your clothes fit? As everyone has already mentioned, it's too soon to really see what's going on. You may have lost fat and water and gained muscle. This would not be measured by the scale. Maybe put the scale aside for awhile. Keep at it!
  • monica2434
    monica2434 Posts: 88 Member
    If you've tried all that you mentioned since March, it seems to me that you didn't give your body enough time to adjust to either of them. What has it been? about 5-6 weeks. You have to give it time. Stay motivated and realistic with your goals, you'll become happier. You can do it.
  • MaddameKat
    MaddameKat Posts: 200 Member
    Have you tried sticking to one of them? Making lots of changes over a short period of time normally sets you up to fail. It's the second week of April so pick one and stick at it for the rest of the month, keep measuring and weighing. If nothing changes in a few weeks and you have been 100% honest in what you have been doing, then swap out for something else. You need to give it time :)
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    I agree...try to be consistant for awhile. That was my problem so now I am just trying to be consistant! Also, check your sodium intake and maybe your sugar/carb intake. Sometimes, your body could have an issue with either of them. I know that no matter what I have, if my sugar intake is high, I cant lose weight.

    And yes, keep drinking your water.