
So, this was our 4 day Easter Weekend and I guess I did relax what I ate a little bit. I stayed within my calorie goal every day except Sunday when I went out for a nice meal (within my limit) and a few drinks (these pushed me over my calorie limit) with my boyfriend. Now I feel terrible and so guilty that i havent exercised and had more than I should have.

Does anyone else have these pangs of guilt?? I know I havent done anything wrong as I guess we all will go over at some point, and I was under every other day last week by at least 150 but I cant seem to shake this guilt.

I dont want to become the obsessed girl who wont go out with my boyfriend or friends as I am scared of going over my calories. Does anyone have any tips for days like this??


  • caramammal
    caramammal Posts: 147 Member
    Yep, and I went over my calorie goal by 1000 every day...for 4 days. But I knew I would this week because of Easter.

    It was Easter, I was javing a great time with family and in reality I probably only gained 1lb, which I will take off this week. Sometimes life gets in the way of my diet, sometimes my diet gets in the way of my life...As long as I'm mostly in deficit, i've learned not to be too hard on myself.
  • dont beat yourself up over it at all!! jus try not to make it a habit, thats wat i do!
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    Yeah, forget about it and move on.

    You can have lots of bad days (and you will), but the trick is to have more good than bad. If you used to enjoy going out for meals etc and having a few drinks then don't deny yourself that, if you do, then you may fail as you will lose sight of what is important. The other problem with the 100% saintly saintly approach is when you get into maintenance and revert back to your normal ways, you will end up un-doing all the hard work (I know, I lost 35 pounds two years ago and put it back on in 4 months!). The trick is to find a nice happy medium and lose the weight as slowly as possible, then when you do start to maintain you can treat yourself a wee bit more and you won't have the 'I am on a diet mentality', it will just be normal to be aware of what you are doing to your body.

    Good luck, A
  • I also went over my calories on Easter not from over eating but because i had some drinks. I know at my age that this could be a problem at times when I'm out with my friends. What I do to not feel guilty is allow myself one free day a week not to go completely crazy and highly over due my calories, but to allow some overage. I will sometimes eat just a few less than my goal for a couple of days not so that i am way under. I will just try to shave 50 calories or less for a few days, or i make sure i go out for a walk earlier the day im going out with friends. The point of losing weight is to be health to enjoy life, you ca't enjoy life if you always feel guilty.
  • Squiggs67
    Squiggs67 Posts: 178
    Just try and remember that you are human and you deserve to go out and enjoy yourself!!
  • katB_83
    katB_83 Posts: 41 Member
    Your all right, and I was until I read all of your posts becoming the obsessed girl. its very rare that I drink so I guess I deserve one night out.

    Its great to know that people are about to support and help you understand the way you are being. Thanks everyone and I am now happily within my calorie limit and looking forward to my gym sesison tonight.