Gained over 50 pounds! The twins are 6 months old and I have finished breast feeding.... READY TO LOSE THE WEIGHT!!!!! Hope to find the tools and motivation I need here! :)


  • AlliP0711
    I didn't have twins, but I had a baby just about a year ago. I just finished with breastfeeding 2 months ago and for the life of me cannot seem to loose any weight! I have been stuck at the same weight for the last 11 months! I am hoping this site will help me as well! I need something!!! Good luck to you on this journey!!! :smile:
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I didn't have twins but I gained 100lbs while I was pregnant the first time. Got up to 260! I lost it in 7 months then got pregnant AGAIN. You have to be DETERMINED and keep your eye on the prize. Period. Depressed about your weight is not determined. Eye on the prize!
  • newbeetler
    newbeetler Posts: 194 Member
    Congratulations on you double bundle of joy.

    I'm a twindad of 4 yr old girls.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.

    This is a great tool. I been using it since August last year and have lost about 10lbs.

    Although I have stalled a bit recently the weight has not gone back on so even if it is just useful to stop me adding weight it is doing its job.

    Good luck in your weight loss :o)
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
  • Carolk145
    Carolk145 Posts: 10 Member
    Morning! Twins huh!! I had twins but can no longer use that excuse for my weight...they just turned 13 on Friday! haha
    Let's see I gained about 65# when I had them!! I went from an athletic 124# to a OMG can you possibly stretch my skin any further 189# the day of surgery! I lost most of it within 6 months but it wasn't the begining that was hard. It was when they were about 3 and started to become a little more self-sufficent. No more Mommy getting up to get everything, hence the exercise went down a little. What I would advise to do is to keep moving. Cleaning, cooking, playing, anything. That's how most parents of multiples stayed fit in the early years but like me I'm sure some fell off the wagon. I know they are too little now but they are old enough to have a great sight seeing walk around your neighborhood or even around the block. You start off small, one block maybe twice a week? And if you can, get down and play with them.
    Mine are 13 now and my daughter is not the rough type but she is always on top of her tasks! She reminds me now of things I should do. My son is in football pretty much year round and that alone reminds me of how out of shape I am now! :)
    It's a struggle, I won't lie but it's not one you can't win! Good luck!
  • lauraladell
    Hi, Congratulations!!

    I have twins also, they are 18 months now, I am fairly new to MFP but got off to a great start but have stopped loosing weight completely for the past week, i'm not sure if this is linked to the baby weight or not. I don't have any great advice other than keep going we can do it and your not alone!! Add me for support if you would like?

    Good luck
  • docsallen
    docsallen Posts: 159 Member
    Congratulations! I have a 26 month old son and 8 month old B/G twins so I know how you feel. Before I got pregnant with my first, I gained almost 15 lbs. After I had him, I bf, lost the pregnancy weight (not what I gained before I got pg), and then gained 10 lbs back when I returned to work. When I got pg with the twins I gained 40 more lbs. Again, I bf, lost the pregnancy weight, and then gained another 7ish lbs when I returned to work. I decided in Dec. that I needed to get my body back in shape. I started eating better in Dec and lost a couple of pounds, but I gave myself the holiday to indulge. I started working out again (after a 3 year hiatus) and tracking my calories on Jan 2. I'll be honest, it's hard finding time and sometimes hard finding energy, but it is worth it. With my schedule, I know that the only time I could exercise consistently was before work - at 5 AM. For the first couple of weeks, I only made it to the gym "on time" a few times. But I made it fit into my schedule at other times and after 4-5 weeks I get there.
  • vmayen20
    vmayen20 Posts: 10
    Hey Good Morning!! ♥

    I know how you feel, Well I didn't have twins but 2 babies back to back {{I know what you’re thinking :p }} ... Uhhf!! Nothing fit, maternity clothes to big and my skinny clothes tooooo little and I’m stock …I have being using this site for about a week; a co-worker got me hock to it. She being using this site for a few weeks now, plus exercise, and motivation, she is doing and looking GooD…. I like the fact that I see what I eat and feel a bit guilty and hold my snacks :p
    Good Luck 2 All !!!
    We Can do It!
  • vmayen20
    vmayen20 Posts: 10
    Hey Good Morning!! ♥

    I know how you feel, Well I didn't have twins but 2 babies back to back {{I know what you’re thinking :p }} ... Uhhf!! Nothing fit, maternity clothes to big and my skinny clothes tooooo little and I’m stock :(…I have being using this site for about a week; a co-worker got me hock to it. She being using this site for a few weeks now, plus exercise, and motivation, she is doing and looking GooD…. I like the fact that I see what I eat and feel a bit guilty and hold my snacks :p
    Good Luck 2 All !!!
    We Can do It!
  • roosmeimei
    roosmeimei Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for sharing your stories! :)