Getting Fit on a Dime. It can be done

Hi everyone. I just want to encourage others who may be where I was. I needed to lose weight but had very little money. I wanted to try WW but could not. Wanted a treadmill and a gym membership with a trainer. Such great dreams. So reality. I have two beautiful little ones and no babysitter and some workout dvd's. More than some. But even then if you have a library you can borrow some dvd's. Or watch Gilad on Tv. Ive done all this. And of course there is the God given free workouts walking, Running, calisthenics.
I may be rambling but I want to let that one person know that its possible. Even when u may be struggling financially. And once you start seeing progress who would not want that extra positive thing in their life.
Also your eating habits can be changed. A nuttionist is great but if u cant. U can go here on MFP, online, library again. Buy less junk it will cost less in the future. You can do it.
Good luck to all.


  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    Also wanted to know if anyone else had any other free or inexpensive ways to get fit and healthy.
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    That's great!

    I do actually have one for strength training, I'm a student so the cost is a bit too much right now.
    I used to use some oil cans my grandad has in the shed, they're actually pretty heavy & Free! :D

    I also dance while I'm cleaning to get my heart rate up :)

    I've also learnt to be a better cook and control my portion size and find really tasty recipes that are low cal and pretty cheap to make. :)
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I just make up my own routine for fitness - bodyweight stuff, mainly. You could do it all without buying a single piece of equipment:
    -press ups
    -mountain climbers
    -Bulgarian squats
    -Bulgarian hops
    -jogging on the spot
    -horizontal rows under tables
    -tricep dips using chairs
    -pike push ups
    -leg raises
    -Turkish get ups
    -shadow boxing (do 1,000 jabs in a row and tell me how you feel afterwards)
    -shadow kickboxing (do 100 front kicks in a row and tell me how you feel afterwards)

    Most of the exercises are on YouTube. Could even get specialist and search for MMA/BJJ fitness drills.

    You can often see weights sold cheaply on ebay, craigslist, gumtree or freecycle (ok given away).
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    It's really sad how many people out there do truly believe that it "costs too much to 'diet'". I don't have a gym option where I live and work. I do have a WW group but can't always justify paying $12 a week to stand on a scale in front of a complete stranger. I do a lot of walking outside. I utilize my stairway in my house (reps of 5 up and 5 down several times). I use an old dinosaur of an exercise bike that was passed down from my parents and I walk at lunch. I just came to the realization one day that if I wasn't going to do SOMETHING to lose the extra weight I would end up growing a bit larger every day... Excuses get you no where. :flowerforyou: Great post!
  • vkwsmith
    vkwsmith Posts: 1
    That's so good!!!!

    I'm a working contract and the cost is not there for me at this time....
    I used things around my house to help with my work out... thing actually pretty heavy

    I to do dance while I'm cleaning to get my heart rate up.......... I've have cut my portion size
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    That's great!

    I do actually have one for strength training, I'm a student so the cost is a bit too much right now.
    I used to use some oil cans my grandad has in the shed, they're actually pretty heavy & Free! :D

    I also dance while I'm cleaning to get my heart rate up :)

    I've also learnt to be a better cook and control my portion size and find really tasty recipes that are low cal and pretty cheap to make. :)

    I have been a student. Those were one of my brokest moments. Also learning to cook is the best thing for you. What u put in your body shows outwardly. Good job. Dancing hello the best thing out there.
  • JWolf7911
    JWolf7911 Posts: 63 Member
    I totally agree with your post! I walk my dog, run outside, make up my own circuits with a pair of hand weights I bought years ago, and do workout videos. I buy a lot less junk food and love that mfp is free! It can totally be done!
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    I just make up my own routine for fitness - bodyweight stuff, mainly. You could do it all without buying a single piece of equipment:
    -press ups
    -mountain climbers
    -Bulgarian squats
    -Bulgarian hops
    -jogging on the spotlight
    -horizontal rows under tables
    -tricep dips using chairs
    -pike push ups
    -leg raises
    -Turkish get ups
    -shadow boxing (do 1,000 jabs in a row and tell me how you feel afterwards)
    -shadow kickboxing (do 100 front kicks in a row and tell me how you feel afterwards)

    Most of the exercises are on YouTube. Could even get specialist and search for MMA/BJJ fitness drills.

    You can often see weights sold cheaply on ebay, craigslist, gumtree or freecycle (ok given away).

    My husband comes up with his own plans. I can usually can run on my own and lift weights. I like having the tv instructors motivate me. I have not tried making my own routines yet. But I will challenge myself to do it. So I can do it anywhere. Thanks for the suggestions.
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    I totally agree with your post! I walk my dog, run outside, make up my own circuits with a pair of hand weights I bought years ago, and do workout videos. I buy a lot less junk food and love that mfp is free! It can totally be done!
    Exactly MFP is free. You cant get better than that. This website has been that I needed for my weightloss. You just got to log and see what u eat.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    carry two water bottles while you are out walking a half liter water bottle was a bit more than a pound when full- as you get more tired and less able to carry the water bottles- you drink the water, the bottles are lighter and you are helping to meet that water requirement.

    gardening- if you have a yard/garden or even a balcony you can grow some of your own vegetables- gardening can be quite the workout (especially in the spring when there is a lot of preparation work to do) and you get veggies for the cost of the seed - which can be free through seed exchanges

    bike to do your errands- a bike can be expensive, but many of us have one that we aren't using - for shopping when the stores are say 5 miles away or less it is easy to take your bike, doesn't take much more time, you burn some calories and save on fuel costs
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    I try to stock up on my chicken breasts and tilapia when I find them on a buy one get one free sale. Same for frozen veggies.
  • patriciaannbibo
    patriciaannbibo Posts: 130 Member
    GO to a Thrift store and see what you can find. Our Store people donate equipment and Dvd.
  • Devinec67
    Devinec67 Posts: 11 Member
    I just want to say thank you for the motivation. I have be on and off MFP for the last year and have a problem staying with anything because I always feel like I can't do it without a gym or WW membership. However, after reading these posts, and how you all do it without a lot of money invested in a membership of any kind, I am going to try this again. I may be on this board from time to time asking for encouragement so please bear with me, until I start to see results. I just want to thank you in advance for all your help and ideas.
  • em435
    em435 Posts: 210 Member
    1. I'm friends with the dj at a club nearby, I get in for free and dance the night away! (It helps not to drink aswell but, sometimes water just doesn't quench the thirst :-p) ..1000calorie burn if you're doing it right ;-)

    2. I bought my trainers 70% off (beautiful, sleek purple/grey Nikes :-D) - sales in sports shops in the UK are amazing - I hope they're plenty of them wherever you all are!

    3. Who needs a personal trainer when you have youtube?! (I got rid of my TV because he has a terrible habit of letting me eat too much.. alas this included my DVD player and my teenie weenie laptop doesn't have a CD drive) But Never Fear because Youtube is here! Look up pilates, aerobics, yoga, cardio, strength training workouts... You name it!

    My current favourite:
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    I just want to say thank you for the motivation. I have be on and off MFP for the last year and have a problem staying with anything because I always feel like I can't do it without a gym or WW membership. However, after reading these posts, and how you all do it without a lot of money invested in a membership of any kind, I am going to try this again. I may be on this board from time to time asking for encouragement so please bear with me, until I start to see results. I just want to thank you in advance for all your help and ideas.
    you can do it. And its possible. People here do it all the time. I know its not easy. Its stepping out of your comfort zone. But just take the first step. What helps me is to have my workout clothes out for the day. So when I have a moment of energy but feel like I don't want to go upstairs and get dressed. No excuse I have it all in a few steps reach. Friend me if u like.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    If you are a college student, you should have access to the university gym. Great facilities, even if you have to go at the less traffic-y times.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member

    My husband comes up with his own plans. I can usually can run on my own and lift weights. I like having the tv instructors motivate me. I have not tried making my own routines yet. But I will challenge myself to do it. So I can do it anywhere. Thanks for the suggestions.

    My pleasure. I think it's good to keep things interesting by chopping and changing exercises and routines. I've just started doing Bulgarian hops to finish off the legs after deadlifts much to my gym buddy's annoyance. :D I think he's started to fear the phrase, "Hey, I've just discovered a new exercise!"

    Overhead press has been replaced by dumbbell clean and press.

    I've also replaced pull ups with "disjointed" pull ups on a Smiths machine - set the bar at the highest setting, left hand on the top bar/beam, right hand on the weights bar. Do a load of pull ups, then swap bars. After that, do pull ups on the lower/weights bar but at the highest point, reach up with alternate hands to slap the top bar.

    Bent over rows have been replaced with horizontal rows on a low Smiths machine bar... with a twist... pull up body to bar, then reach above bar as far as you can with one hand, place hand back on bar, lower body, raise body, reach above bar with the other hand. Repeat as many times (sets, reps) as you want/can.