Jillian Michaels Body Revolution starting april 1/12-WHO IS



  • kmihalik
    kmihalik Posts: 6 Member
    I just got mine today. Will be starting on Monday. I also run 3-4 days/week (avg. 26 miles/wk) and take spin classes. I'm going to do the Revolution in the evenings. I find I need to change things up at least once a year. Last year I did Insanity so this will be my change-up for this year.
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Day 3 for me... I hadn't been doing the cardio because I wasn't getting myself up in the morning to do a workout, so was doing the a.m. workout in the p.m. Today was my Day 3, and tonight I saw it was Cardio a.m. and Cardio p.m. so I did the cardio. It wore me out, but I'm glad I did it.

    A bit of a funny: I didn't read the book and just popped in disc 3. Boy was I surprised when Jillian noted it was month 2. I was like, 'wait, wait, it's my first week!' I stopped the disc and went back to the menu to make sure it was the right disc. When it showed Disc 3, my first thought was the manufacturer had made a mistake. But then I looked in the book and saw today was the cardio disc and tomorrow it's back to Disc 1. Whew, what a relief. :bigsmile:

    Hope you're all feeling success! :drinker:
  • gunchik
    gunchik Posts: 56 Member
    Day 5 - check! No cardio for me today, though.
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    we are on day 6 awesome ladies !!!
  • gunchik
    gunchik Posts: 56 Member
    Day 6 - check. Cardio 1 + a 30-minute bike ride! I think I'm gonna do Killer Buns & Thighs Level 2 tomorrow (it still manages to get my @ss sore), and, weather permitting, do a jog.
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    day 7-rest day -today did not follow the food guide- had bad food day , but not going to sweat it -tommorow is another day
  • gunchik
    gunchik Posts: 56 Member
    Day 8 - check. Did Workout 3 and two circuits of Cardio 1.
  • kmihalik
    kmihalik Posts: 6 Member
    Day 1 with Jillian. Pretty easy but I'm just looking for something to change my workouts up. I also ran 10 miles this morning. Over 1100 calories burned today. I only burned 157 with the DVD. I need to add some of the hops and heavier weights.
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    Forgot to log yesterday day 8 done
  • rosentlc
    rosentlc Posts: 4
    I started this mid-March and sadly haven't seen a ton of weight come off yet. But I haven't been following her diet either - just trying to track on MFP...although I have fallen off that wagon lately too... but I'm starting tracking again today and starting week 5 today...hoping for big results this month. Does anyone know how many calories her workouts burn? What do you enter in for exercise on the non-cardio days?
  • gunchik
    gunchik Posts: 56 Member
    Workout 4 - done! This was tougher, but great!
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    day 9 done yahoo
  • gunchik
    gunchik Posts: 56 Member
    Cardio 1 - check! Got a nice burn (and legs still sore from yesterday), used 2.2lb dumbbells for the first five moves, arms are feeling it a bit! Might go for a jog in the evening, but I think I'm getting shin splints :(
  • gunchik
    gunchik Posts: 56 Member
    Workouts 3 & 4 - check! I really like both (and I do some moves with two dumbbells in each hand), but I have no abs strength at all, so hollow man and squirms are a nightmare! + went on a bike ride for an hour today.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • mrscooks1
    mrscooks1 Posts: 16 Member
    I will be done with Phase 1 tomorrow. I like Jillian, but I am not going to continue with the program. I have osteoarthritis in my knees so can't complete all of the moves. I modify, but don't feel like I work as hard when modifying. I am just going to start lifting heavy weights and low impact cardio.

    If you know anyone who wants to purchase the program, I will give it to them for half the price or best offer. I just don't want it to go to waste.
  • gunchik
    gunchik Posts: 56 Member
    Week 2 - check (Well, it's Week 3 according to the plan, actually, since I only did one week of workouts 1&2)! Starting to get a bit bored with the cardio DVD.
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    im gonna start day one monday i messed up few weeks
  • gunchik
    gunchik Posts: 56 Member
    Rest day for me, but I did Extreme Shed & Shred Level 1 this morning. I'm moving my rest days to Mondays, though.
  • gunchik
    gunchik Posts: 56 Member
    One more day of Cardio 1 for me, and I'm moving on to Phase 2 as I want to be done with Body Revolution by the end of May.
  • gunchik
    gunchik Posts: 56 Member
    Substituted Killer Buns & Thighs for Cardio 1; wow, those step-ups to backward lunges with a 9 lb dumbbell in each hand nearly killed me!
    Moving on to Phase 2 tomorrow, but I don't see any results, though, my pants even feel tighter than before.