is goal possible by this date?

yentasdoitbetter Posts: 82 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
so im 198 right you think its possible to get to the 170's (i'll take 179 lol) by october 17th?

my best friend is getting married and we have to buy the brides maids dresses then

im doing 1200 calories, about 30-45 minutes of exercise 5-6 days a week


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    that's 19 lbs in just under 2 months, that would be about 2.5 lbs a week, that's extremely aggressive, I don't want to sound like a downer, but I tend to doubt (with the amount of weight total you are looking to lose) that you will reach that mark. I would look more towards say 10 or 12 lbs in that time frame. It's a more attainable goal, and while having a hard to reach goal is good, having an unreasonable one (IMHO) is just going to cause you to feel disappointed.

    Heck, 12 lbs in 2 months is great! that means you'd reach your goal in probably 6 months! And that's a great accomplishment!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I agree that reaching 179 by then is likely unattainable. But that doesn't mean you can make some significant progress and lose a few dress sizes in time for the wedding. Just remember that it is much easier to take a dress in than to try and let one out. I only say this because when I was picking out my wedding dress I wanted to buy a smaller size than I was when I tried it on, I thought I could lose the weight to fit in it before the wedding. My friends and family talked me out of it and I am so glad they did. With all the craziness before the wedding I wasn't able to dedicate as much time to eating healthy and working out. I didn't gain weight but I didn't lose much either. Anyways, best of luck and have a great time at the wedding. Fall is such a great time for a wedding!:happy:
  • cdgbelle
    cdgbelle Posts: 4 Member
    I lost 17 lbs in two months without exercising very much when I first started. I mainly kept the calories to 1100 lbs a day and divided up my meals to eat every 3 hours. It's slowed down since then and I'm eating 1200 cals a day {still not exercising), and I'm losing about 1 lb a week. So while I don't know that you will reach your goal by that time, I think you can get close with your plan. It certainly won't hurt to try. Go for it!
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,277 Member
    When I started Iost 20 pounds in that time frame so I believe its attainable. A lot of what I initially lost however was water weight so it may be harder for you to shed those pounds than it was for me. But, just remember ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! (Just don't do anything unhealthy to get to that weight) :flowerforyou:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I am not the expert in nutrition...but you may want to watch the sodium in those prepackaged meals you eat... that can cause problems. Look towards eating more fresh foods...fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean meats
  • I am currently on the same plan. 1200 calories a day and I work out 1-2 hrs a day 40-60 min cardio and a relaxed weight train for the remainder of the time. Since starting this routine I have lost 4lbs in the past 2wks. So although I am not sure how close you will get to your goal, I encourage you to push yourself (stay focused on your routine and watch what you eat).

    Good luck!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Just remember guys, while when you have a lot to lose 2.5 lbs a week may be attainable, she doesn't have all that much to lose in total, that makes a big difference. Someone with 70 or 80 lbs to lose might be able to lose 2.5 lbs for a few weeks to a month, but someone with less than 40 to lose probably can't do much more than 1.5 a month. That's a big difference. We have to look at all the factors before we give someone hope for something that may not be reasonable for them. Better to err on the side of caution, and also, with the wedding comming up, as Kat said, who knows what kind of other issues (stress, time constraints, weird hours...etc) can arise that will road block weight loss.

    Stressful periods are not really a great time to push weight loss, they are a good time to set your habits and try to lose small amounts or maintain, but not really a great time to try to really push weight loss into high gear. This comes straight out of my ACE personal trainers book, they state straight up that people with large amounts of stress should be made aware that this can (and usually will) inhibit normal weight loss. And I can't think of many times that are more stressful for a woman (maybe child birth, or loss of a loved one) than her wedding day.
  • yentasdoitbetter
    yentasdoitbetter Posts: 82 Member
    oooook maybe i should rephrase my you think i could LOOK like i lost 20 lbs? lol i dont really care what the scale says lol i just wanna look 20lbs thinner

    only reason i say this is....i know when your working out, you look like you lost more than the scale actually says, so im ok with only losing 10 but looking like i lost 20

    should i start adding weights? what should i do to start looking smaller. this is a sleeveless dress so i'd like to look nice
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    I think that if you earnestly start now, you will look markedly better by October 17th! Not only will you be slimmer, your skin will glow, and you'll have more energy.

    For sure.

    I love your forum name btw. I want to be a Yenta! I'm not Jewish, but I'm very old testament! :)
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    oooook maybe i should rephrase my you think i could LOOK like i lost 20 lbs? lol i dont really care what the scale says lol i just wanna look 20lbs thinner

    only reason i say this is....i know when your working out, you look like you lost more than the scale actually says, so im ok with only losing 10 but looking like i lost 20

    should i start adding weights? what should i do to start looking smaller. this is a sleeveless dress so i'd like to look nice

    I don't see why you couldn't make remarkable strides, firm up the arms with some medium weight upper body weights, maybe do some circuit training, that will definitely give you some muscle tone. That's a much more attainable goal. Heck, you could even tell people you lost 20 if it is something you feel like you want to do. I'm sure no matter what, you'll be beautiful!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I agree you can definitely make noticeable changes. Any idea what the dress is going to look like? This might help give you an idea of what area you should focus on to get the biggest impact in the dress.

    One more note of advice, make sure you leave a little room to breathe in the dress. The waist of my dress was pretty snug which meant I couldn't eat as much I wanted to at my wedding :sad: But hey I guess that isn't really a bad thing :laugh:

    Hey could that be a new diet trend, wearing corsets at the dinner table to prevent over eating?:laugh: Might not be a bad idea for holidays where we tend to overindulge like Christmas and Thanksgiving:drinker:
  • yentasdoitbetter
    yentasdoitbetter Posts: 82 Member
    I agree you can definitely make noticeable changes. Any idea what the dress is going to look like? This might help give you an idea of what area you should focus on to get the biggest impact in the dress.

    One more note of advice, make sure you leave a little room to breathe in the dress. The waist of my dress was pretty snug which meant I couldn't eat as much I wanted to at my wedding :sad: But hey I guess that isn't really a bad thing :laugh:

    Hey could that be a new diet trend, wearing corsets at the dinner table to prevent over eating?:laugh: Might not be a bad idea for holidays where we tend to overindulge like Christmas and Thanksgiving:drinker:

    lmaoooo thats funny you say and my best friend call them fat suckers lol so im definitely wearing a fat sucker for this dress...the dress is very flattering, just worried about my face n arms (cant suck that in!)
  • MyKids04
    MyKids04 Posts: 178 Member
    it very possible but it will come with severe hard work and a very strick diet.

    You may want to be on a low carb and low sodium diet

    Drink water until its coming out of your ears

    And try Banish Fat Boost Metabolism from Jillian Michaels 6 days a week. She is insane and it is tough but I was doing it and lost 4 lbs the first week on it. Sad to say I love it and it was hard took me 3 days just to get throught the 45 min work out. But I injured my leg so I had to slow down but I will be restarting it.

    Good luck and remember the scale may not move but inches may. Just be safe and don't starve yourself.
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