What do YOU do to stop a binge BEFORE it happens



  • kristyjoy16
    Great thread -- I struggle with this too. So far I'm trying to do research before I go out to eat and plan ahead. I also don't have snacks in my apt right now because I can't be trusted with them. And I'm trying to focus on having healthy balanced meals and spreading my calories throughout the day because I find that if I skip meals or eat too light during the day that I want to binge at night (like my body's trying to make up for it or something).

    Would love to hear other suggestions!
  • charliesmagic
    Bump to read and follow. Great post :flowerforyou:
  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    Get to the bottom of what is really bothering you and that will help you to stop self sabotaging.
  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    Take a deep breath and think about my goals. Think about whether I am truly hungry, or just "not full" or bored. Look at a before photo of myself. Realize I will be filled with remorse 20 minutes after my binge, and that it's not worth it. Know that my pride and confidence will continue to grow each time I say no to crappy food.
  • carriealampi
    I took the work DIET out of my vocabulary and I mentally know that I EDIT (same letters as diet) my food choices - diet sounds so negative and I felt like I was "missing out on the good stuff" - the stuff I love! I eat whatever I want, I just have less of it and if I "nibble it, I scribble it" .....I fuel my body with healthy good food and I feel GOOD doing so! I plan my meals and that works for me and keeps me on track. Best of luck to you - You Got This!!! :)
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    For me binging has very little to do with cravings or being hungry. I binge when I'm stressed so what I've tried to do is binge on healthier foods. Last time instead of buying drive thru I went home and got out everything I wanted to eat. I ate a salad, salsa and chips, cottage cheese and one light beer. I ate til I was satisfied, hit maybe 1000 calories and was still around my goal for the day. I was surprised because in the past I would eat 2500 in a single binge. With not eating as much in general, I get fuller sooner so if I were to even try eating what I have it the past, it would be a complete waste of money and I'm trying to save for vacation. What better motivator then not having work for a week? Lol
  • drmryder
    drmryder Posts: 181 Member
    It truly is a mind game that you have to master. It's truly hard, but something I tell myself before I eat something, is 'are you going to regret eating this later?" The suggestions of water is excellent. Keep yourself busy on the weekends, don't give yourself time to sit and eat the bin of cookies. Heck, throw the cookies out!

    When I was going to WW, they also pushed that if you are going to a party, position yourself away from the food table. If it's in reach, you'll keep reaching. Also something they always talked about is knowing when you are full and look for that signal your body gives you. i.e. that deep breath or sigh you make when you are eating which happens somewhere in the middle of the plate of food. That is a comfortably full signal that you have had enough food and to push the plate away.
  • dtucker4403
    dtucker4403 Posts: 47 Member
    The weekdays are easier for me because I control what food I keep at work. Weekends are harder. However, I do multiple workouts on the weekend. This gives me more calories to play with, but it also suppresses my appetite (less time to eat, and I crave healthier foods after exercising).

    Drink more water. Clear out the junk food. Do not allow yourself to go through a drive-thru. Keep lots of fruit and healthy snacks around the house. Cook good, clean meals and dishes.

    This is great advice. I have weekend cravings too. I think you have more time available to think about goodies and to my dismay... my family still snacks and eats junk like crazy. I find that if I work out it helps me control cravings. I try to stay away from the kitchen as much as possible... at night especially.
  • Knitiquegirl
    I look at a picture of where I was at the beginning and where I am now. I did a split picture on photobucket. When I'm feeling the need to overeat, which lately has been on Easter Candy ;o), I look at that picture and realize I've come along way. I agree with thinking this is a lifestyle change and not a diet. Perhaps your calories are too low. Depending on your exercise level you might want to add more calories. I know my daily goal is 1800 calories to eat. I burn somewhere between 2000-2700 a day and I"m happy to lose one lb a week.

    Good luck with stopping the emotional eating,

  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Eat enough food on a regular basis and don't deny yourself what you're craving. Find a way to work it into your daily calories.
  • silkandsugar
    Paint your nails! I love doing this. Or make a big mug of green tea and sip away.
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    Walk around my house half naked... Seriously. I have found the more I can see of my body, the less likely I am to gorge myself on the sweets I constantly crave.
  • 1RBelle512
    1RBelle512 Posts: 53 Member
    It depends on if your problem is really binge eating or just the weekends. If it's binge eating, I find that right before I'm about to reach for something, if I can take a deep breath and really be present in the moment, I can stop myself. Just be aware of your breath and take a calm look around. Do you really need to eat that? Are you actually hungry? And after I think this, I usually do some yoga/stretching to help me stay in touch with my body, so I can feel what's really going on instead of just eating my emotions. Unless my emotions are peanut butter. Then I have to remind myself that for every spoonful I eat in 10 seconds I'll have to run 10 minutes! Not worth it!

    Now, if the problem is WEEKENDS, I can tell you I've had a hard time figuring that out and still mess up sometimes. Right now I'm trying not logging on MFP but still exercising for at least an hour each day. I wouldn't say they're "cheat days", but I put a little less pressure on myself and it seems to help.

    Best of luck to you!
  • kajo50
    kajo50 Posts: 12
    I remember to H.A.L.T.. I do an internal check to see if I am really Hungry, if I am Angry about something, if I am Lonely, or if I am Tired.

    Also, I wait a bit of time say an hour or some other amount that seems manageable before I eat that trigger food. Chances are I will forget about it or if I remember I might not really want it anymore.

    I ask myself how will I feel about myself if I give in to the binge.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Don't bring food into the house on which you binge. If for some reason you buy it and you feel an urge to binge on something unhealthy, say, ice cream, throw it out.

    Drink lots of water, or some pleasant low-cal liquid, such as tea. Make a ritual out of it: nice glass, lemon slice, bottled water. Don't drink alcohol; it tends to lower inhibitions and you may end up eating more.

    Brush your teeth.

    If possible, take a walk.

    I'm normally a very analytical, self-examining person, but self-study often doesn't help me in this situation. I often do stop and think that I'm not hungry or that my nutritional needs have been met and I don't need whatever it is. And then I eat it anyway. Maybe I'm not bingeing, but it food that I should be eating. Willpower has been shown to be weak. That's why it's better to structure the situation to the extent possible to avoid the food altogether.

    That's all I got.
  • ChrisRN75495

    This is amazing--pretty much all you need to build and stick to a program that will work for you.
  • kvissy
    kvissy Posts: 205 Member
  • blynn2708
    blynn2708 Posts: 275 Member
    I work a lot, 2 and a half jobs...so I keep very busy, this past weekend I was home more then usual, being a holiday, I was scared, didn't know what to do with myself...kept going to the cupboard looking for a snack..then my MFP's told me to go do a workout, I did and felt great after doing it, so no more wanting to snack! Thank god for my mfp's...if it weren't for them I would have sat my a** on the couch all day eating:flowerforyou:
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    Absolutely nothing. I wouldn't binge because nothing in my diet is off limits if I truly want it. It's all about portion size to me and not depriving myself so I won't want to binge.