DDP Yoga

Does anyone out there have any experience of DDP Yoga? DDP (Diamond Dallas Page) is a former pro-wrestler who has developed his own system of yoga blended with other types of exercise. I'm kinda tempted, but before I drop $120 on the first pack of DVDs, I'm just looking to see if anyone has tried it. Sure, I've read the testimonials on the website, but I want YOUR opinions.



  • curvatrino
    curvatrino Posts: 33 Member
    There's a DDP Yoga?! This might be the thing I need to get me into yoga!

    Let me know if it's any good!
  • I've actually been doing it for quite awhile. I love it and the results I've gotten. I'd check out www.teamddpyoga.com that's their community site. Awesome support system but if you want a bunch of opinions on it I'd check it out.
  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member

    Has anyone tried the DDP yoga??
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    My friend Chad (5th before and after pic on the DDPYOGA website) studied with DDP while he was out here in Cali. DDP has since moved back to Atlanta.

    Chad absolutely loved it and I am looking into buying it.

    So, no I haven't tried it...but from a guy that has his pics on the site and is a personal friend who still practices...it's good stuff. If you pay for it in one payment it's $99.99 for the pack that has both level 1 & 2.

    Hope this helps a bit.
  • acrx3
    acrx3 Posts: 7
    My husband recently ordered the DDP basic program and we have just started doing the beginner workouts. I have also started tracking my diet with myfitnesspal again. I fully expect to see results with DDP Yoga because of how the workouts are designed, you control the intensity and there is zero stress on my joints and back. Since starting working out on Saturday and dieting on Sunday I have lost 4 pounds. That is four pounds in three days. Check out the DDPYoga website if you haven't already. I'm impressed with the workouts and I'm not usually one to get sucked into these gimicky workout and diet plans.

    I wish there were more people out there using the DDP and MFP because I am interested to find out the calorie burn values on some of these workouts.
  • EEmmaG
    EEmmaG Posts: 1
    I started DDP Yoga on Sunday (four days ago) and absolutely love it. I was really concerned (and embarrassed) to try yoga before because I assumed I wouldn't be able to do much - but I'm finding that I only have to modify one move/position. I sweat like a maniac, and after all is said and done burn around 400-450 calories in the 45 minutes or so it takes me to go through two of the beginner routines. When my thighs feel like they're on fire, sweat is dripping down my nose, and I want to scream, DDP keeps me laughing because he stays really positive and says some really strange things during the workouts. You can't help but laugh. I'd recommend trying the system - if you're not interested in buying the full pack like I did, you can try just doing the beginner or intermediate DVDs and I am very sure you'll get results with that. My tummy already feels tighter! (four days and 3 exercises later). Good luck!
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
    I just ordered my set yesterday, cant wait for it to arrive!
    The beginner pack I ordered was one payment of $70. You can do payments though.
  • jcnjsgurl
    jcnjsgurl Posts: 42 Member
    I just ordered mine this week and awaiting it. Anybody else doing it or starting out, feel free to add me.
  • 0400772
    0400772 Posts: 80
    My partner just showed me this. He is a big wrestling fan hence why he even knows who DDP is. The videos look awesome. Not to hardcore but the moves are slow and steady and i think thats why i would succeed at this.

    Has anyone done this? Seen results? Its all fine looking at the website but you cant be fooled by their results. Got to come from us lot :) x
  • Jtorres326
    Jtorres326 Posts: 157 Member
    I actually just bought this set and will be starting today. I'm trying it a bit skeptically because I am a high impact cardio addict. I want this to supplement the intensity of insanity and turbofire (other programs I own)

    I really want to see if I can get a good cardio workout from low impact yoga. I even bought a heart rate monitor. I might make a blog on here to document my experience and Ialso joined teamddpyoga, but don't entirely trust the testimonials there veither. I'll keep you posted if you'd like a true unbiased opinion on it.
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    I actually just bought this set and will be starting today. I'm trying it a bit skeptically because I am a high impact cardio addict. I want this to supplement the intensity of insanity and turbofire (other programs I own)

    I really want to see if I can get a good cardio workout from low impact yoga. I even bought a heart rate monitor. I might make a blog on here to document my experience and Ialso joined teamddpyoga, but don't entirely trust the testimonials there veither. I'll keep you posted if you'd like a true unbiased opinion on it.

    What are your thoughts after a few weeks?

    I am contemplating getting this as well...
  • I just started with My Fitness Pal, but I've been doing DDP Yoga for 7 weeks and I've lost 18 pounds using it and a better diet. However, despite just the weight, my spine and posture are better, my wrist, which has carpal tunnel, doesn't ache as often, and everything is noticeably shrinking faster than it did with just regular exercising that I was doing before. (I've lost a total of 38 pounds in 4 months so far, but honestly could hardly see the difference until I started this Yoga).

    My friend, Chris, broke his ankle in two places last January. The doctors told him it would pretty much never be the same and to expect pain for the rest of his life. He's 5 weeks into DDP Yoga and has lost 28 pounds. The pain is going away and he's more active than he's been since he broke it. Or before he broke it.
  • Glad you posted about DDP Yoga as I have been wondering what it is. I am going to check it out.
  • SRMcEvoy
    SRMcEvoy Posts: 18 Member
    I have been doing it since July 1st and am down 29lbs. Have got my brother started and a few guys at work. if you join teamddpyoga.com there is a sample workout on the new members page.

    If you are interested I reviewed the book that started it all Yoga for Regular Guys http://bit.ly/1DDPYoga and also did some research and wrote a history of DDP Yoga http://bit.ly/shDDPYoga1
  • Aloha! I am new to MyFitnessPal and look forward to using it in conjunction with DDP yoga. When I started in Sept. 2013 I was just under 500 lbs at 6'2" and just turned 30 years old. I am now at 417 lbs and feeling better than I did in high school. I even have friends who i have shared and taught the program with and am now plannig on taking the first steps in becoming a certified DDP Yoga instructor.( more motivation!) I would recommend this program for anyone at any fitness level. Pro athletes and fluffy comedians alike use DDP Yoga!(Tito Ortiz? Gabriel Iglesias? Yup!)
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I haven't tried it.
    I came to the thread because I had been wondering about some sort of home-yoga stuff.

    For weight loss this will give you a fairly light calorie burn.
    It may help preserve muscle a little, but not massively compared to other daily activities from what I can see.
    May well help with flexibility.

    So overall, you're paying your $100 or whatever for the most part (the 'results' they talk about) to be told to eat less calories than you burn. On that, I suspect for weight loss a brisk walk (maybe gently jog, depending on your current position) may well do as well.
  • It is WAY more than a light calorie burn. It is not a traditional yoga by any means. You combine the flow yoga moves with dynamic resistance and isometrics. As well as adding in some old school calisthenics. With all due respect it is pretty pretentious to criticize a program you admit to have never tried. The workouts put and keep me in a fat burning zone. Usually during a workout it gets up to a good 150-155, and my resting heart rate is now usually 63-66bpm. I am also way more flexible than I was when dancing in show choir and playing football in high school. While you are def. entitled to your opinion please before you start minimizing a system, try it out.

    Like i mentioned before I have lost over 90 pounds in 5 months. All while making barely any changes to my diet. Yes I still have my post bar carne asda fries at 3 am and then go pass out. And the program does NOT tell you to take in less than you burn. While that is a given, the nutrition break down in DDP Yoga is one of the most comprehensive and complete nutrition programs I have seen in trying to find a workout regimen. It is presented in 3 different tiers depending on how hardcore on your diet you want to be. Hell it even comes with a huge list of different foods that you can literally make a shopping list out of. You learn about meal combining, and on the extreme cutting out dairy and gluten.

    I do not sell or work for DDP Yoga, I just truly believe in the system because it works.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    When looking to explain my thoughts on 'the fat burning zone' this is the first result on google:
    Also as they are linear scales I believe, you will never burn less fat by exercising at a higher heart rate. However, you are more burning more energy overall. CICO still applies.
    Note that a high heart rate alone does not equate purely to burning calories. If I'm doing some punch bag work (3mins on 1 min rest), a HRM that doesn't monitor movement will show me burning similar calories when sitting down taking a rest as when attacking the punch bag with force, because as far as it knows that heart rate equates to me working at a certain level.
    What burns the calories (yes elevated heart rate alone will burn a few) is moving your body. There's a lot less of that in this when compared to many other forms of exercise.
    With extended use, this is likely to have significantly less impact on improviding cardiovascular health when compared to some of the popular and more energertic workout videos.

    I've had a look at the videos now and stand by comment.
    Sure, for some people it may be the limit of their current abilities, so for some circumstances may be a good start, especially for rehab etc.

    Most other workouts videos include stretching, but this may have a little extra benefit in flexibility as it has a higher percentage.

    No, I do not intend to 'try it out', but I have done similar moves and such like before, as well as having read through a good number of studies in enough detail to work how they apply to me and such like. I've also put on and lost weight enough times to have tried a variety of different methods and know how well each works for me. Generally, looking back, my findings are consistent with 'the Science' :).
    Have you tried eating at a deficit with 1g/lb protein, mostly IIMYM (but obviously an eye on micro nutrients) while doing Starting Strength/Strong Lifts every other day, as a comparison?

    In a similar way, I will happily discuss a new motorcycle I haven't ridden - I've ridden an awful lot of them in my time in most situations (as well as having geeked out tech stuff in relation to them), so I can make informed suggestions which are generally accurate about ones I haven't.

    Any system that has you eating less than you are burning 'works'. I'm not trying to deny that.
    Systems that have you eating a decent bit of protein and doing strength work will help to ensure less muscle is lost.

    In the end, if it was me, I'd look to use MFP for nutrition, do some weights if possible and cardio by trying some stuff out until finding something enjoyable. I find using a push bike to get around often isn't much slower (and in our congested brit towns, often faster) AND gives a nice few calories burnt throughout the day.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    lurker tagged :blushing:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,900 Member
    There's a DDP Yoga?! This might be the thing I need to get me into yoga!

    Let me know if it's any good!
    You should see the "diamond cutter" down dog!:laugh: Actually I've looked at some of DDP's yoga and it's pretty legit. Since wrestling caused so many injuries to him and other wrestlers, he reaches out to them to help them reduce pain and being uncomfortable after a long career in wrestling.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition