Hello there...new here!

Hi just wanted to introduce myself. I have other accounts for calorie counters online but don't seem to like it much. I have started my weight loss jurney and decided to get a new calorie tracker. I like it here so far. I am a 34 year old mother of two. I have started an excersise rutine with a trainer and also go to the gym on my own. So far I have lost 10 lbs. before joining the site but have a long way to go. Hope to make some friends! :)


  • Hi there, Im new too.I joined today.A friend recommended it to me.Im fed up of paying for slimming groups and not getting anywhere.
  • bajmaster
    bajmaster Posts: 11
    Please feel free to add me. It is nice to have support that is for cerain
  • CArnold94
    CArnold94 Posts: 35
    hi i'm new too :-) this is my second day and i cant wait to see positive results. good luck :-)
  • I hear you. I was paying for WW and really didn't get me anywhere. I like the other calorie count site but they changed a few things and didn't make it very user friendly. I really like this one. I will give it a try. My trainer says to track everything I eat so this will help.
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm fairly new as well--joined last week but really starting TODAY:happy:
  • nshannon14
    nshannon14 Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome! I have to say that I like this site better than others I have tried. It is relatively user friendly and the support system on here is great as well. Best of luck to you!
  • Thank you. I will be checking th esite daily. and hope to also see some progress. I know it's hard but we have to have the determination to do it. Really wishing everyone here that they may reach their goal and enjoy the journey.
    I'm fairly new as well--joined last week but really starting TODAY:happy:
  • CArnold94
    CArnold94 Posts: 35
    tracking everything you eat is the one thing that all of my previous weight loss programs has suggested. I have been using the phone app for the last 2 days. It is a great thing to have with you all the time so you dont forget anything that enters your mouth :-)
  • Hello.... I am new here
    Looking to find some new friends to help me keep on track with losing weight and getting healthier
    I am 42 yrs old and mother of 3 very active children. I want to be able to do things with them and feel good when doing them.
    I have also tried every diet and diet pill out there and have been big ever since I had my first child. I love to exercise but just don't seem to have the time or the energy to do it so would love some pointers on this. I also do not like alot of diet foods or what they say is good for you and so have a rough time finding things that I like and so then I get bored.... Any pointers on this would also be greatly appreciated.... Am looking forward to meeting alot of wonderful people and also getting healthier
    Thanks Tammy
  • lg3703
    lg3703 Posts: 190
    This site is fabulous for surrounding yourself with support from people with the same goals. It helps tremendously jumping on here when my co-workers are stuffing down donuts! Lol feel free to add me! Good luck!
  • I am new to this site as well, and was referred here by a friend, and my goal is to achieve what she has done, she has lost probably 30-35 lbs. and looks amazing, so I ask her how she was doing it, and she told me about this site. This is only my 3rd day, and have lost 1.1 lbs. already...YAY!...where I notice the difference is in the WATER! only thing I can say about that is, drink the recommended 8 glasses a day.
  • Yes, food is very important. I am learning how to eat "clean". This is what has helped me lost 10 lbs in the last 2 months. I will be happy to share some info. Also taking some time to move your body. It is difficult when you have a desk job. So I have opted to work out in the middle of the day. That way I get it over with and don't feel guilty when I go home at night. I feel I can use my afternoon to play with my kids and relax. I think is finding what works for you. Not all diet plans work for everybody. So I am doing it my way lol

    Speaking of food, I have to go to lunch soon. Thank you all for your welcoming posts :) Loooking forward to this sharing/informative/ supportive forum. :happy:
  • CArnold94
    CArnold94 Posts: 35
    :happy: Congrats. i have lost about the same since i joined 3 days ago. good luck on your journey :-)
  • Well I joined last week and I did fairly well last week but I am struggling this week. I want to lose the weight but I find myself hungry all the time. I have type 2 diabetes and they say to eat 5 little meals a day and I try to do that but I am a real big junk food eater and don't like alot of foods. I really need some directions on this and help in deciding what I can eat and what I cannot eat. I would take any suggestions that anyone has and i would also take any advice that anyone has. I want to count my calories but I am having a hard time doing this. I also am on the run alot and so it is hard to decide what I can pack for my lunch and snack while I am gone all day. Please help anyone.......