anyone workout on the eliptical? i usually do 45 minutes a day after work monday through thursday. anyone seen major results with this machine?


  • shaX07
    shaX07 Posts: 28
    Hey there, I frequently use the elliptical at the gym. I like it as an alternative to running. I don't like to do the Same exercise every day, and on the days where I am more sore I enjoy the elliptical because it's much easier to do while sore than more running.

    I am not sure if they have contributed to any "major results" but they are definitely good cardio. I would say if you run some days, and do elliptical on others, it can be very effective.

    I do find that their calorie burning calculations usually seem high-- Like if I run 2 miles in 16 mins, that typically burns around 200 calories, but if I do 30 minutes of moderate eliptical, it usually says that I burned around 450 and I feel like that's too high of an estimate. Usually when I add elliptical to my exercise log I subtract around 50 calories burned.

    Hope that helps.