"WOW!!"- doesn't even begin to cover it



  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Depends...on whether I'm anticipating kissing them or not. If so, they better be minty-fresh and sparkle-clean.

    My "thing" is fingernails. I don't give a care what you do for a living...you can take care of your fingernails. Trim, clean the dirt, pumice off the calluses, and use some friggin lotion. If a man has sexy, well cared-for hands....well, **wipes sweat from brow** lawdy, lawdy...
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    Nasty teeth give me the heebie jeebies.

  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    First thing I notice is teeth the majority of the time. But as long as i dont have to kiss them i can get past it.

    Even if I'm not planning to kiss the person.. It STILL bothers me... Staaaaaring... At that caramel ripple running across someone's front teeth. Ugh.

    Makes me wanna carry bandanas and tell ppl we're playing cowboys and Indians. "Mask up! we don't want the bad guys to recognize us!" :laugh:
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    Ever meet someone that looks like they've been brushing their teeth with a Snickers bar for the past 30 years??!

    What's worse, they're ok with it.


    now that is the funniest thing ive heard today!

    You're welcome, :laugh:
    I love to laugh. It's my favorite!!
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    Yep the receptionist at the gym but nobody has the heart to tell her.

    Offer her a bandana and tell her it's " cops and robbers" day at the gym.
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    I think I just barfed a little in my mouth!! Mouth hygiene is a huge one for me. I can not understand how people can go without brushing!!

    So I will ask....Anyone ever break up with someone over bad oral hygiene????? I have. :ohwell:

    I've never dated anyone with a funk-nasty mouth.
    I mean, someone's smile doesn't have to SCREAM "my father is an orthodontist".
    I'm not talking a commercial ready Pepsodent smile.
    Just keep it clean.

    Now, I've not gone on a second date... Or not let it go past the friend-zone with guys who have bad teeth.

    One of my best friends is married to a nice looking guy. (generally speaking) but he's got RED FLAMING GUMS and CHRONIC HALATOSIS. ::puke:: how only earth she can plant her mouth on his is beyond me... And they have two kids... Their kissing lead to making humans?!?

    I'd need a whole lotta LOVE and an asbestos suit before any relations could happen with that guy.
  • ConcordPhil
    ConcordPhil Posts: 118 Member
    Hmmm... "they're ok with it". I've never met anyone in my life that was 'ok' with bad teeth. I've met people who have had problems in their lives such as alcoholism and/or drug addiction and let their teeth go and now they don't have the money to get them fixed. I've met people who have other issues, such as severe autism or some other developmental disability and so are really not capable of taking care of their teeth. I've met people who were long-time smokers and hated themselves for the way their teeth looked. But I've never met anybody who is "ok" with bad teeth.

  • goofyrick24
    goofyrick24 Posts: 125 Member
    I think she was in my office a few minutes ago..... with "SINUS" problems and one good tooth!!
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    Depends...on whether I'm anticipating kissing them or not. If so, they better be minty-fresh and sparkle-clean.

    My "thing" is fingernails. I don't give a care what you do for a living...you can take care of your fingernails. Trim, clean the dirt, pumice off the calluses, and use some friggin lotion. If a man has sexy, well cared-for hands....well, **wipes sweat from brow** lawdy, lawdy...

    I'm ok with fingernails. I can look past it, As long as they arent in a perpetual state of grime. I've dated some pretty handy guys. That's a major turn-on for me. I'm highly creative... Very imaginative... But when it comes to tools. Meh, I'm out. Growing up with all girls our "tool kit" was a hard-heeled shoe and a butter knife. I had my sisters bf take a look at my treadmill. One of the wires fell between rales. I said " oh man, want me to get some tweezers to get it out?" he started laughing, " or some needle-nose pliers would be nice."

    Dating wise... Related to hands... I CAN'T STAND SWEATY PALMS. I dunno what it's related to... Or really care to know... Metabolism, high strung, nerves... Whatever it is, But guys with dishpan-hands when they haven't done dishes... Blech, ca-ca, yucky-doo-doo. Me no likeeeee.
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    I think she was in my office a few minutes ago..... with "SINUS" problems and one good tooth!!

  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Hmmm... "they're ok with it". I've never met anyone in my life that was 'ok' with bad teeth. I've met people who have had problems in their lives such as alcoholism and/or drug addiction and let their teeth go and now they don't have the money to get them fixed. I've met people who have other issues, such as severe autism or some other developmental disability and so are really not capable of taking care of their teeth. I've met people who were long-time smokers and hated themselves for the way their teeth looked. But I've never met anybody who is "ok" with bad teeth.


    Agreed, and some people were just not raised with those kinds of good habits, I mean really?!?! Shame on you for poking fun at peoples physical appearance when we are all here on this website to make ourselves better physically and mentally.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Hmmm... "they're ok with it". I've never met anyone in my life that was 'ok' with bad teeth.

    I have.
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    Hmmm... "they're ok with it". I've never met anyone in my life that was 'ok' with bad teeth.

    I have.

    I have too. PLENTY. They voice it openly. " I hate the dentist" "I don't have time to brush" " flossing hurts or makes my gums bleed"
    "toothpaste is too minty" " mouthwash burns" .
    I'm not talking kids. I'm talking adults.
  • JimandLin
    JimandLin Posts: 76 Member
    I wish I would have read this post BEFORE lunch.
  • pattan59801
    pattan59801 Posts: 142
    Yep the receptionist at the gym but nobody has the heart to tell her.

    leave her a note...it's for her own health!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I have a good friend who grew up dirt poor. His parents never had money to take him to a dentist or orthodontist. As an adult, he's never had a job that provided insurance or paid him beyond minimum wage.

    His teeth are awful - crooked, rotting, some missing. I was startled by them when I first met him, but as I got to know him better, I hardly notice them at all. He's a kind and generous person. He's funny and smart. I don't think less of him for his lack of access to dental care.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Are we talking about the same snickers bar or a new one each day? I think now they have more nuts in them they must be better as toothbrushes compared to when they used to be called marathon bars.
  • ASMartin3
    ASMartin3 Posts: 9 Member
    Saying that you would "take fat and bald over jacked up teeth" is offensive.What is wrong with being bald and this website is about helping people with their weight loss journey. I'm sorry to hear you feel these types of people are catagorized as just a step above your jacked up teeth.
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    ... Oy, can't get this msg to thread properly
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    Saying that you would "take fat and bald over jacked up teeth" is offensive.What is wrong with being bald and this website is about helping people with their weight loss journey. I'm sorry to hear you feel these types of people are catagorized as just a step above your jacked up teeth.

    I love fat and bald.
    But generally speaking it doesn't carry mainstream appeal.