22 yr old looking for friends!!! plz read!

Hi everyone! I just downloaded the app the other day and have been logging since. I just realized that the site EVEN BETTER! so glad I found this! I'm looking for friends for support.

I'm 22 years old, college student, I'm 5'3" and I currently weigh around 132 lbs. My goal is to lose fat, tone up and improve my fitness goals. I enjoy jogging, hiking, biking and I doing some dvd workouts at home (I have stuck to Jillian Michael's 30DS in the past). I think ideally, I would like to get down to around 115 lbs, but as long as I'm fit I think I won't care about the number on the scale.

I am trying to improve my running time. I try to run 3 miles a couple times a week and my time is usually around 28 mins. I would love to be able to complete that in 20 mins or so and then progressively add more miles to my route.

My eating habits aren't too great. I eat too many carbs and I usually end up feeling hungry not too long after having eaten. Also I have problems overeating at night and I think that's why I have failed so many times at this before. Usually, I'll be having a great day: nice filling breakfast, healthy lunch, a couple of low cal snacks... but then when night time comes after eating dinner I'll "indulge" on something sweet and then that's when everything goes downhill... I end up saying "what the hell, I screwed up, I may as well keep eating everything on sight and start over tomorrow"... well "tomorrow" never comes, sometimes it does... but it may take a while.

I have a very active boyfriend and I'd like to keep up with him. I would like to feel GREAT about myself and wake up energized every morning (especially on weekends) so that we can go outdoors and actually DO stuff that doesn't involve watching tv or sitting on a couch. I feel like I'm holding him back sometimes!

Also, (and this is the shallow part!) my boyfriend's brother is getting married in July and I'll get to meet his WHOLE family. Is it bad that I want to look STUNNING? :-)

So, I'm asking you to add me as a friend and help me out in this challenge. I promise I will try my best to give you a hand as well! If you have similar goals to mine, or if you think we can help each other then, let's become friends! :-)


  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Feel free to add me, if you like. It looks like we like a lot of the same things and our stats are pretty close. :smile:
  • bozkitty
    bozkitty Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Veggiekebab. I am 21, 5'3", and weigh about 135 pounds. I have pretty much the same exact goals as you! I'd like to lead a healthier lifestyle, and looking a little better couldn't hurt. I'm hoping that eating healthier and working out more will help me lose a little weight and look healthier as well as feel it!

    Unfortunately, my boyfriend isn't very active so we need outside motivation for us both to eat healthy and work out!

    Good luck!
  • wvtracyann
    wvtracyann Posts: 95 Member
    feel free to add me the more firends the more motovation :)
  • Des0528
    Des0528 Posts: 81 Member
    Sending an invite your way!!
  • Thank you so much for the replies! I will add you!!!
    I have already eaten my easter eggs, I'm SOOOOOOOO ready to do this!!! LOL
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    Our goals are pretty much the same:

    age - 31 (much older than you)
    starting weight - 185
    current weight - 121.5
    goal weight - 115
    ultimate goal weight - 110

    I do not eat very well but I work my *kitten* off.

    Feel free to add me if you would like :smile:
  • arkansascountrygirl
    arkansascountrygirl Posts: 234 Member
    feel free to add me. I am very smiliar to you concerning the eating habits could use the extra help myself. we have the same goal weight also.
  • loseweightjames
    loseweightjames Posts: 360 Member
    22 yr old fruit on toothpicks? While you do look good, I don't believe fruit would look that good after 22 yrs, so i think that might not be your real photo
  • JCCarroll1968
    JCCarroll1968 Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. Always nice to have people and support!
  • XxJulsSxX
    XxJulsSxX Posts: 13 Member
    Feel free to add me :) Needing some motivation & support myself :)
  • Nastasha915
    Nastasha915 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi. I sent you a friend request. I'm 24 years old 144lbs (originally 152), looking to loose 9 more pounds. And I don't think it's bad that you want to look stunning. It's only natural. Good luck!
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    Feel free to add me! I just started running a little over a month ago, maybe you can give me some tips and I can help encourage you in your food choices. :D
  • 22 yr old fruit on toothpicks? While you do look good, I don't believe fruit would look that good after 22 yrs, so i think that might not be your real photo

    SSSSHHHHHH... let's keep that a secret.
  • Wow, I didn't think so many ppl would reply :smile: thank you :flowerforyou:
  • charlottey22
    charlottey22 Posts: 71 Member

    your story is very similar to mine! although i am a bit shorter and weigh more (5"0 152lbs) feel free to add me as we are all in this together! x
  • Hi, I'm 22 also, if you need motivation from the Netherlands, feel free to add me. Myself i've been weight lifting for 3 months now without (visible) success. Today I've started with writing down my consuming behaviour. Hope to give and receive tips! At this point I'm 98 kilo (215 lbs) and 186 centimeter (6'1)
  • Thanks, pals! I'm loving this site already. :heart:
  • cbbn11
    cbbn11 Posts: 121 Member
    Welcome to the site. There is a lot of great support here. i have been using this site since Jan 1st and love logging in everyday, sometimes even more than facebook...lol.

    Feel Free to add me if you like.
  • Hey, I'm 21 years old, 5'5 and currently weigh 131. I started out at around 145 but my goal is also 115!

    I am a runner as well and try to run 3-5 miles everyday. Feel free to add me if you'd like :flowerforyou:
  • cHaRlIe0411
    cHaRlIe0411 Posts: 137 Member
    Hey! I'm an 18 year old college student, 5'7 and goal weight of 130! Feel free to add me :)