need a buddy!

I am looking for someone to keep me motivated, like an accountability partner who is looking for the same.
my goals are to eat healthy and work out on a daily basis, Ideally I would love to lose 25-30 lbs but am not too focused on the number on the scale as I am about just looking and feeling healthier.


  • rpounds1957
    rpounds1957 Posts: 177 Member
    I too would like to have a buddy. I started MFP last week and have lost 6 pounds in that time. It seems that I am losing maybe a little too fast, but I have been very good about hitting my calorie goals every day. I'm guessing that over time, the speed of my loss will slow down.

    Anyhow, if you want to be buddies, I'll be one.
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    I could not have done it with out MFP.... I have been at it for a few years. Started at 185 and currently at 122.5, and would like to get to 110 - 115lb's. The support that I have received from this site is unbelievable!!! I am on everyday and try to keep my friends motivated, feel free to add me if you would like :smile:
  • sabrina32576
    sabrina32576 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm also on here everyday and you are welcome to add me. I haven't had the huge loss yet but I'm still learning.
  • texasyarngirl
    I need buddies, too!

    I'm trying to take things "one lb at a time" - but I have a very hard time staying motivated. I've gained lost the same 20# over and again since I gained when I had my son - six years ago.

    I'm at 190.1#, my heaviest non-prego weight. I've "done" WW, South Beach, Clean, Atkins (ages ago) - you name it. Long and short is that I eat the wrong things and too much of them and don't exercise. So - no surprise I am where I am. But, at 35 I feel like I need to get it together and get fit and healthy.

    I'd be happy to friend and be buddies!
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    thanks guys, the more the merrier.
    Also I just i opened up my profile to the public, not only will this keep me motivated to eat healthy since people will be able to see,
    but I would like some feedback so that I know what I am doing wrong/right.
  • Tuphmama
    Tuphmama Posts: 4 Member
    I too am always looking for support and willing to give it as well! Consistency is the MOST difficult thing for me! Add me as well!
  • susieq_pt
    susieq_pt Posts: 12
    I too would like some encouragement and support. I have been struggling with 20-30 pounds for the last 4 years and they just won't budge.
  • Cindio
    Cindio Posts: 74 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • Carolk145
    Carolk145 Posts: 10 Member
    Count me in too!! Kind of new here. I've tried to keep on track with mfp before but just let life take over. I always thought I didn't eat bad but I kind of do. I love veggies and don't wolf down carbs like I thought but it's the lack of exercise that is my demon!!!
    I feel like reaching out to people here (before I always just kept everything to myself) will be my 'kick in the pants' I need everyday to remind myself that I am truly not alone!

    36 yrs old
    Mom to 13 yr old twins (as of last friday! oh boy!)
    183 now (I weighed 189 the day I had them!! YIKES!!)
    Want to get down 5# at a time to eventually lead me to the glorious number range of 135-140. Oh yeah..being 5'3" doesn't help either! :)
  • jpfost
    jpfost Posts: 194 Member
    You can add me, will help all I can.