I want my daughter to run



  • cyndispot
    cyndispot Posts: 135
    if you've checked and it's something she wants to do....buy her a good pair of running shoes, some socks and a couple of "outfits" to run in. I don't know your weather conditions or her wardrobe so the outfits might be unnecessary. Once you get the shoes and the socks, pick a time and say let's go. Seems like the best way to start for me.

    BTW, if she's not a runner - shorten your runs and go her pace to start...try the c25kprogram for her to start with. move when she's ready....
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    tell her she isnt allowed HAHAHAHA

    Ha ha - ya, that should work - would've for me at that age!

    I know how you feel... I want my 5.5 year old to run with me... I know she's too young, but we take short jaunts to school - it's only 1.3km... sometimes she will run/walks and sometimes I run behind her while she rides her bike - I am so glad that I got active so that she will want to be as well... My kids will NEVER know that their Mom was once a couch potato - and I LOVE that!
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    Her other interest is cheer. But that's a no go.


    Because cheer down here is big and you need gymnastics background.
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    Anyway, my oldest daughter is 11.5 and let's face, she's kind of awkward. I want her to start running with me. She needs something to be good at. I want her to feel good about herself and to be proud of herself, I want her to know that she can do anything!!!

    How about helping her try lots of new activities until she finds something SHE loves instead of forcing her to do what YOU love?

    Read my above posts. I'm not forcing anything upon my child. She has expressed interest.
  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
    Her other interest is cheer. But that's a no go.


    Because cheer down here is big and you need gymnastics background.

    Maybe she would like to try gymnastics?
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    As a mother of two, 18 and 14, I have found that you need to encourage them to do the activities they like. How I handled the deveristy in the house when it came to activities, we did a weekend "Draw from the hat". Everyone put in the hat an activity (physical activity) that they wanted to do, then we would do it together as a family. Then my daugher who lives dancing would get in her family dance, dance Rev time, I would be able to do on family bike rides or hiking, and my son liked to play ball in the park. But the bottom line was we spent time together and my kids were encouraged to try new things.
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    Introduce her to C25K ~ and she can take it from there. :)
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    if you've checked and it's something she wants to do....buy her a good pair of running shoes, some socks and a couple of "outfits" to run in. I don't know your weather conditions or her wardrobe so the outfits might be unnecessary. Once you get the shoes and the socks, pick a time and say let's go. Seems like the best way to start for me.

    BTW, if she's not a runner - shorten your runs and go her pace to start...try the c25kprogram for her to start with. move when she's ready....

    Absolutely!! Thanks for the great advice!!!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I'll say it again since it seems to be getting looked past ... She Has expressed interest. She WANTS to learn.

    Her other interest is cheer. But that's a no go.

    if that's the case and you are a runner-why are you asking for advice. You know what you did to get started....
    take her shopping for some proper running shoes and go!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    my real answer? let her pick out and buy her her own running gear and outfit to fuel her enthusiasm and infuse it with her own style thats got nothing to do with how 'mom' (sorry!) does it.

    Sometimes all a preteen needs to go gung ho about something... is the kit that it comes with.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    tell her she isnt allowed HAHAHAHA
    Most brilliant poster award respect5.gif
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    what I heard from your post is that YOU want something to be proud of your daughter for, because you feel she's too awkward and talentless. I may be wrong, but honestly, just invite her to go with you when you go and LEAVE it at that. Tell her to pick a sport or exercise she wants to do if you are really wanting her to get physical exercise, but let her be her own person, and NEVER nag her. She's a lot more mature and understands more than you think, so just casually invite her to run with you, and put your energy into supporting and loving her. Give her the TOOLS to find her own passions, don't force her or try to convince her she needs something she really doesn't, or she will not flourish.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    If there one thing that preteen girls are dying to do, it's to hang out with mom.

    know a lot about teenage girls do you, rock.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    if you've checked and it's something she wants to do....buy her a good pair of running shoes, some socks and a couple of "outfits" to run in. I don't know your weather conditions or her wardrobe so the outfits might be unnecessary. Once you get the shoes and the socks, pick a time and say let's go. Seems like the best way to start for me.

    BTW, if she's not a runner - shorten your runs and go her pace to start...try the c25kprogram for her to start with. move when she's ready....

    ^^^This! Take her shopping for some running shoes and a few starter running outfits - the shopping allows for extra time together! Then perhaps you can both look for a 5K to run as your 'together' goal! My Dad is a runner, but I hate it - however even now when he asks me to run with him, I'll go every time just to spend time with him (he's 74 and still runs every day, although a lot slower!) :) My daughter works out with me and I admit that I think its just to spend time with me because I like to weight lift and it's really not her thing - but she'll gamely workout when I ask her - we are close, too!

    Sounds like a fun thing for you and your daughter - maybe you could alse give her a small iTunes card and ask her to create a fun play list for you both to run to! :)
  • amyniceneasy
    amyniceneasy Posts: 143 Member
    wow...sorry you got some backlash from other posters.
  • amyindm
    amyindm Posts: 93 Member
    seconding the C25K program idea... because if it's something new to her, even if she's interested, she may get easily discouraged if you just "go run". By having very attainable goals that are laid out, you guys can celebrate her achievements and her progress. It's also less likely to give her the discomfort that so often comes with starting up running. Focusing on how she feels after she runs and your time together coupled with a sense of achievement seems like a win to me. If she hates it then you can move on positively. :)

    Hope it works out!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    wow...sorry you got some backlash from other posters.

    in all fairness-her original post never mentioned her daughter showed interest in running-it came across as what SHE wanted her daughter to do
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    what I heard from your post is that YOU want something to be proud of your daughter for, because you feel she's too awkward and talentless. I may be wrong, but honestly, just invite her to go with you when you go and LEAVE it at that. Tell her to pick a sport or exercise she wants to do if you are really wanting her to get physical exercise, but let her be her own person, and NEVER nag her. She's a lot more mature and understands more than you think, so just casually invite her to run with you, and put your energy into supporting and loving her. Give her the TOOLS to find her own passions, don't force her or try to convince her she needs something she really doesn't, or she will not flourish.

    You absolutely misunderstood my post. Completely. I'm proud of her no matter what she does!!! She is NOT talentless at all!!! She's just at that age where she wants to find her groove. If its running I can help. If its something else that's great too.
    All I wanted was to come here and ask HOW to get her started IF she really wants to do it.
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    seconding the C25K program idea... because if it's something new to her, even if she's interested, she may get easily discouraged if you just "go run". By having very attainable goals that are laid out, you guys can celebrate her achievements and her progress. It's also less likely to give her the discomfort that so often comes with starting up running. Focusing on how she feels after she runs and your time together coupled with a sense of achievement seems like a win to me. If she hates it then you can move on positively. :)

    Hope it works out!

    Thank you!!!
  • PoochPottery
    I am a coach for our Girls on the Run! It is a wonderful group! Check them out. If they do not have a group where you live you can start one!