Lookng for friends and advice

Hi! I'm 22- just decided to get serious about getting into shape. I'm almost 5.5" and weigh about 139 lbs. I'd like to get back down to 130 by the end of the semester by eating healthier and exercising.

Please add me as a a friend! i need buddies to help keep me motivated.

I'm also looking for advice on exercise. I work out minimum three times a week. Spend about 40 minutes at the gym 3X (doing treadmill, elliptical, weigh lifting, sometimes pilates or ab class).
is the elliptical a good work out?

I also try to run outside twice a week. I'm not very good at this and need the most motivation in this area. I'm signed up to run a relaxed race with a friend in a couple weeks- 4.2 miles. But currently can barely make it to 3 miles outside (about 9 mins each). Any Tips?
Are there good ways to prepare for the race on the treadmill?


  • shelton_1992
    Hey! I'm 19 and at university in England, looking for some friends on here too to swap exercise tips with because I've never been able to stick with anything! Feel free to add me if you like!
  • craigmdean1974

    The elliptical is a good workout. I run 3 days a week and use the elliptical machine 3 days.

    And yes, you can use the treadmill to prepare for the race. But they say to use the treadmill at a 1% incline to offset not running outside.

    Good luck to you!