Spanking is NOT abuse...

sma83 Posts: 485 Member
Saw something about this on another thread. I can't believe people really cant see the difference between using your hand to swat a child on the bottom (ie: spanking) and hitting, punching, slapping, kicking or other such forms of punishment (ie: abuse). It will not teach a child its ok to hit. Hell, I was spanked growing up and I never ONCE thought "Oh hey, that spanking just told me its ok to hit." What it did was teach me right from wrong behavior and respect for authority. Maybe if more parents used appropriate spanking there wouldnt be so many unruly, rude, obnoxious, think everything is owed to them little brats running around out there!

That being said, I do think other forms of correction should be tried first: talking, time out, grounding, taking away privillages, etc. But sometimes those things don't work, or sometimes the offense is to serious for such mild discipline. I do not think spanking should be the first or only course taken, but dang sometimes a kid needs a spanking! I will also clarify that I believe the only appropriate spanking is using your hand on the childs covered bottom. I dont use belts, switches, shoes, wooden spoons or spank any other body part than the bottom. Im not talking about smacking a kid in the face or upside the head when I say I think spanking is ok.

Ok, let the fun begin!!!! :smokin:


  • StatutoryGrape
    I totally agree. I can count on one hand the number of times I was spanked as a child--unless you have a really dumb kid, it doesn't take more than one time to get the point across. I don't think it's abusive at all, as long as it's done for a reason (not out of anger).
  • CrzyAte
    CrzyAte Posts: 55
    I don't see why this always becomes such a heated argument. I will raise my kids as I see fit and everyone else raise theirs as they see fit. If it is out of controll thats another story but come on people life is not a one size fits all. Your was is not the only way. Respect others rights to chose their methods.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I would never hit a child in any way, personally.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    damn, I saw spanking and thought this was a totally different subject
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 485 Member
    I dont care one way or the other if someone chooses to not spank their kid. However, when I get told that swatting my child on the butt with my hand is abusive, then yes Im gonna say something! lol I am not abusive for doing that. Its more about people who dont spank having an issue with those who do.
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 485 Member
    damn, I saw spanking and thought this was a totally different subject
    Lol....I happen to prefer a little of THAT kind of spanking!
  • ConcordPhil
    ConcordPhil Posts: 118 Member
    I think the key words you used were "appropriate spanking". Nothing at all wrong with that. Whaling on your kid is not ok but an infrequent spank on the bottom when called for by outrageous behavior can be very effective and is NOT abuse.
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    damn, I saw spanking and thought this was a totally different subject

    me too, so will refrain from posting original thoughts

    But I do agree with OP, spanking is not abuse... Open hand not out of anger and no other instrument (ie belt, wooden spoon, spatula)
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Oh lord, here we go....
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    :laugh: :smooched: :drinker:
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    This is the day we lock our threads...
    Lock our threads...
    Lock our threads...

    This is the day we lock our threads...
    All around the boards....
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 485 Member
    I knew this would be interesting. Wonder how many times Im gonna get called a bad mom before this thread is over? lol :laugh:
  • kesteele
    kesteele Posts: 127
    I believe that spanking includes 1-2 swats on the bottom, it REALLY doesn't hurt the kid if it's done right it just hurts their feelings that's where the term "it hurts me more than it's hurting you" comes in. I got spanked when I was litle with a fly swat 1-2 times when I did something wrong, it stung for like 5 seconds but it was more my feelings were hurt not I was in pain.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    Everybody parents thier child differently.

    I dont know why this thread was even made...

  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I don't see why this always becomes such a heated argument. I will raise my kids as I see fit and everyone else raise theirs as they see fit. If it is out of controll thats another story but come on people life is not a one size fits all. Your was is not the only way. Respect others rights to chose their methods.

    This, This, This!!!

    It's annoying when you have folks hurling insults at one another when they don't agree w/ someone else's method of parenting. What happened to the days of respecting dissenting opinions?

    It's not that complicated....Agree to disagree and keep it movin! Sheesh!!
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    People love power.

    You wouldn't spank a random child in the grocery store for calling you an a-hole, right? So why would you treat your own child worse than someone else's? Pooowwweerr.
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    I would never hit a child in any way, personally.

    & how many children do you have exactly?? Mmmm me thinks NONE!!!:mad:

  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    I don't see why this always becomes such a heated argument. I will raise my kids as I see fit and everyone else raise theirs as they see fit. If it is out of controll thats another story but come on people life is not a one size fits all. Your was is not the only way. Respect others rights to chose their methods.

    This, This, This!!!

    It's annoying when you have folks hurling insults at one another when they don't agree w/ someone else's method of parenting. What happened to the days of respecting dissenting opinions?

    It's not that complicated....Agree to disagree and keep it movin! Sheesh!!

    Pretty much.
    I dont believe one parent has any right to judge the way another parent does thier job as long as thier kid isnt in any harm.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    Saw something about this on another thread. I can't believe people really cant see the difference between using your hand to swat a child on the bottom (ie: spanking) and hitting, punching, slapping, kicking or other such forms of punishment (ie: abuse). It will not teach a child its ok to hit. Hell, I was spanked growing up and I never ONCE thought "Oh hey, that spanking just told me its ok to hit." What it did was teach me right from wrong behavior and respect for authority. Maybe if more parents used appropriate spanking there wouldnt be so many unruly, rude, obnoxious, think everything is owed to them little brats running around out there!

    That being said, I do think other forms of correction should be tried first: talking, time out, grounding, taking away privillages, etc. But sometimes those things don't work, or sometimes the offense is to serious for such mild discipline. I do not think spanking should be the first or only course taken, but dang sometimes a kid needs a spanking! I will also clarify that I believe the only appropriate spanking is using your hand on the childs covered bottom. I dont use belts, switches, shoes, wooden spoons or spank any other body part than the bottom. Im not talking about smacking a kid in the face or upside the head when I say I think spanking is ok.

    Ok, let the fun begin!!!! :smokin:

    I always laugh when people say, "Spanking doesn't teach you it's ok to hit. I was spanked and I never thought it was ok to hit because of it." Yet they grow up to hit their own children. LOL

    I respect my kids way too much to hit them. I also like to use logic while parenting. I wouldn't say all spanking is abuse, some can be...but it is lazy parenting for sure.
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