Hi, I am Jessie :)

Hi, I am Jessica, a 24 year old SAHM of 3, I currently weigh about 210 and my goal is 140-150ish. I have never been "skinny" and I don't need to be "skinny". However, I DO need to lose weight, I am currently a smoker and today I decided that I am kicking that habit and moving on with my life to be a new, healthier me. I had my daughter when I was 20 and weighed about 175, I slowly lost some and got to about 160, in 2010 I had my son, after I had my son, I felt better than ever about myself, it seemed that all the baby weight just melted off, but within a few months I was back up there and the pounds have just kept piling on ever since. I think a lot of this has had to do with the food I have been eating, since I have had my children I am always looking for a "fast way" in other words, fast food, boxed foot, already made meals...etc..etc... the list goes on. I also don't get out as much as I used being a SAHM. I believe one of the biggest reasons I have not tried to lose weight is because I smoke. So I am smoking my last cigarette tonight and starting on a new, healthier path. What I would like to "gain" lol, is a better understanding of healthier foods, what's healthy and whats not, I would like to not only make myself healthy but teach my children that there are healthier alternatives. So I am looking for someone to take me under their wing I guess, kinda help me out with what to eat, what not to eat, help me with exercised I can do in and at my own home, as I cannot afford a gym membership and be there to PUSH ME!!! lol, I am usually someone who gets very discouraged if I do not see fast results. Anyone? :)


  • CEQuick75
    CEQuick75 Posts: 311 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You'll find no lack of support here, but you will also have to make yourself accountable. (As much as I would love for those people here to come over and kick my *kitten*, I know ultimately, it's me that must do the kicking!) I am a former smoker (ok, I still have an occasional one), and that is a huge step to getting in shape. I've still got a long way to go, and plan on sticking it out here at MFP.
  • OMGLeigh
    OMGLeigh Posts: 236
    Losing that first chunk of water weight can go quickly, and hopefully it will provide you with the boost to keep going. I'm glad that you are doing this for yourself and for your children.
    I love good food and I love to cook, but I also don't usually have the time. If you have some time once a week try making your meals ahead of time and portioning them off. It'll make all the difference when you are low on time. (that's a lot of times!)
    If you are honest about when you smoke I'll be happy to chew you out for it. <3
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    Quitting smoking is the BEST thing that you can do for yourself...and for your children! It should take precedence even over losing the weight. I was a very heavy smoker from the age of 13 until I was 62! I quit cold turkey in October 2009 and have never had one again. For me it was too late...I now have COPD. You are so young and have your whole life in front of you (and your childrens) please do all that you can to quit now.

    The best help for me was reading Allen Carr's book, The Easyway to Quit Smoking and signing on to the website quitnet.com it is very similiar to MFP.

    People on here will be very encouraging and give you lots of help on the weight issue, just make sure that your food diary is open for people to view. That way they can give you more helpful advice. Log absolutely everything you eat; the good, the bad, and the ugly. That's the only way you will take control.

    I wish you every success in both endeavours and if I can help just let me know. Good for you for taking this first step. :flowerforyou:
  • WVHeather
    WVHeather Posts: 53
    You sound a lot like me except I have 2 teenage boys and I'm 41. I have learned more here than I have ever learned anywhere else. I've learned how to be healthy and that those diets that promise that you will lose 15 pounds in a week are just crazy. It's a lifestyle change, and sometimes the changes are slow but if you stick with it and committ yourself to a healthy lifestyle you can do it. Both of my boys are healthy and athletic. They are my inspiration and they hold me accountable. So, welcome! You will find lots of friends and support here. :flowerforyou:
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    Hi Jessica,

    Wow, you are young and have a lot of responsibility with three young children. I know what you mean about not getting out much. I am also a stay at home mom. However, I am much older than you (49) and I've been doing this for a long time, as my oldest will be 21 next month. But, I still have four younger ones that I am homeschooling, so I can definitely relate. :-)

    One thing that is hard for me, and may be for you as well, is that I'm always home and always having to prepare meals. And, kids seem to stay hungry all the time. It is just plain hard to always be fixing food for the kiddos, espcially when cooking and smelling the food!! Anyway, I agree with what another person posted about trying to prepare some of your food ahead of time. That really helps so that when you get hungry, you have something healthy available. Otherwise, it's so tempting to run for whatever pops up first.

    Try to eat lots of fruits and veggies. Stay away from fried foods very often. And hey, just use this website and key in your food intake every day. That is really an eye opener. That will help you start to see the truth about some foods and enable you to make wiser choices.

    I am new here myself -- actually just started using the site yesterday -- and I really love it. I have about 95 lbs to lose. I had twins 9 yrs ago and after that I became hypothyroid and also hypoadrenia, so my body isn't functioning up to par. But, I am now determined to be disciplined about my food intake and see if that will at least help. I think it will. I am a "health nut" so I basically eat healthy, but I really think keying my foods in will help me see where I might be stumbling.

    Hope you have a great week!

  • JazzyJessy88
    Thank you to everyone that replyed. I am very excited to start a new journey! :)
  • lewisboysthree
    Hi Jessie,
    As painful as it can be at times, stick to quick healthy foods like fruits and veggies. I have 3 boys and they like them all! Easy ones like carrot sticks and ranch dressing. Good luck and keep us posted.
  • mainebabe
    mainebabe Posts: 32
    Hi jessie! My name is Ada. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can support each other in our journeys. I too am a smoker and plan to quit. Whenever you need support just ask =)