I feel like I have had enuf.

First a little about me.
I am 6f3, 279lbs. I am on my feet at least 6.5 hours a day at work. I sleep around 6 hours a day (can't change that). I work out with weights on Mon, Wed, Fri and do cardio on Tues, and Thurs. I log all my food faithfully for the most part (missed this weekend) and log my exercise the best I can. I eat back around 1/2 my workout calories. I do not have a HRM so I use what MFP has set.

In the last 6 weeks I have lost 2 lbs and lost only 1 inch.

This is becoming very discouraging. At my size and eating at the deficit MFP set I should be losing fast.

I change up my weight routine every 4 weeks so my body does not get used to it.

Any advice?

Edit: I opened my diary so everyone can see it.


  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    I can't comment on the diary since I can't see it, but I'd suggest taking a week or so off and then come back and design a new workout.
  • cbbn11
    cbbn11 Posts: 121 Member
    I can't comment on the diary since I can't see it, but I'd suggest taking a week or so off and then come back and design a new workout.

    Sorry, you got to it before I could open it up...lol
    It is open now.

  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Many times it is a slow process and a bit discouraging. I spent 6 months last year maintaining when I really wanted to lose, that was annoying.

    I do wonder why you mention you can't change your sleep habits?
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    have you seen this post?


    Some MFP users recommend this style of training your body to eat in a new way, instead of the goals MFP sets. The good news is that you get to eat more food.

    I will say, I have my loss set on 2lbs, read the above post, and switched to 1.5lbs (getting to eat more) and am now losing more. I may even up my calories all the way the post says to, but I'm still a bit scared.

    Fact is, if you're not losing now, you might as well try it, although I think any change you make you need to give at least 4 weeks to see if its really working.
  • talzybob
    talzybob Posts: 80
    i always feel like i have had enough. you could be doing to much exercise. i used to do every day like yourself and then fond my body became so used to that it wasnt beneficial any more so i only work out every other day and do half an hour of weights and half hour of cardio. on the days i dont workour i try to walk every where and sometimes throw in half hour of cardio for those stressed days. i found this to be more useful and its more beneficial.

    i would suggest taking a break but you may like the break to much and only start thinking of starting again without actually doing it. im not saying you will but it could happen. we dont know these things untill we try.

    you could maybe talk to someone professional about the foods you are eating as well so when you are wokring out you are getting the best from your food and energy and maybe pick up a few ideas for new meals etc to help you on your way.

    hope i have given you some help.
  • MizAngie
    MizAngie Posts: 113 Member
    Perhaps adding more protein?
    and getting a good amount of rest is key also. your body needs time to recover..

    looking at your diary, I would say you are eating pretty darn good. Do you feel like your missing anything or are you hungry?
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    Based on the few days I've looked at, I kind of wonder if you're eating enough. I don't know what your body fat % is, but at your size, I'm guessing that a larger deficit would probably be ok.

    Realistically when things stop working, it ends up being an issue of trial and error. I'd suggest taking a week off, eating close to maintenance, and see what happens when get you back to it.

    if after two or three weeks and you're still not losing, adjust your deficit down by 10% progressively until you are. Of course there are limits there. At some point if things seem ridiculous and you're pretty sure about tracking your activity and calories accurately, then it couldn't hurt to see a doctor.
  • solskinnzombie
    solskinnzombie Posts: 122 Member
    I notice that a lot of days you go over 2500 mgs of sodium. try and stay under that and make sure to drink a healthy amount of water.
  • cbbn11
    cbbn11 Posts: 121 Member
    I do drink a ton of water, at least 15 glasses a day (8 oz). Sleep is because I work nights and get home at 6am, then I get my kids up and off to school so I get to sleep at 9am then I am up at 3pm for them to come home from school.
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    I'll tell you what has been working for me. I spread all my calories out throughout the day, such as 300 calories each meal between 6 meals, depending on my exercise. I usually just make sure I get in my exercise some time of the day, even if it's the end of the day.

    Also, if you are only sleeping 6 hours a day, you need more sleep. Studies have shown, that people who get at least 7 hours of sleep a night are more successful at losing weight. Any less, and you start craving the wrong things... :-) This is stuff that has worked for me. I've lost almost 40 lbs since 1/1/12... :smile:
  • cbbn11
    cbbn11 Posts: 121 Member
    have you seen this post?


    Some MFP users recommend this style of training your body to eat in a new way, instead of the goals MFP sets. The good news is that you get to eat more food.

    I will say, I have my loss set on 2lbs, read the above post, and switched to 1.5lbs (getting to eat more) and am now losing more. I may even up my calories all the way the post says to, but I'm still a bit scared.

    Fact is, if you're not losing now, you might as well try it, although I think any change you make you need to give at least 4 weeks to see if its really working.

    I will try this but I sometimes find it hard to eat 2050 calories a day when eating healthier foods. I could eat that on pizza tho. (my weakness).,.lol
  • cbbn11
    cbbn11 Posts: 121 Member
    I'll tell you what has been working for me. I spread all my calories out throughout the day, such as 300 calories each meal between 6 meals, depending on my exercise. I usually just make sure I get in my exercise some time of the day, even if it's the end of the day.

    Also, if you are only sleeping 6 hours a day, you need more sleep. Studies have shown, that people who get at least 7 hours of sleep a night are more successful at losing weight. Any less, and you start craving the wrong things... :-) This is stuff that has worked for me. I've lost almost 40 lbs since 1/1/12... :smile:

    Very nice. I try to spread it out on most days, sometime I do eat a little more in one meal but usually stay below the 2050 MFP has set plus 1/2 my burned calories.

    Unfortunately I can not get more sleep during the week. I do catchup a little on weekends tho.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    have you seen this post?


    Some MFP users recommend this style of training your body to eat in a new way, instead of the goals MFP sets. The good news is that you get to eat more food.

    I will say, I have my loss set on 2lbs, read the above post, and switched to 1.5lbs (getting to eat more) and am now losing more. I may even up my calories all the way the post says to, but I'm still a bit scared.

    Fact is, if you're not losing now, you might as well try it, although I think any change you make you need to give at least 4 weeks to see if its really working.

    I will try this but I sometimes find it hard to eat 2050 calories a day when eating healthier foods. I could eat that on pizza tho. (my weakness).,.lol

    when I have trouble filling with healthy calories, I do my best to meet macro goals (protein, fat, fiber in that order for me personally) then I eat pizza if I want pizza and have cals for it. I eat ice cream. I add protein powder to a milkshake to reach both calorie and protein goal. I don't see anything wrong will filling some of your cals with 'unhealthy' food, especially if you have eaten well for the rest of the calories!
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    Your diet looks pretty okay - although personally I would recommend finding a new kind of bread. 240 calories just on bread - also high in carbs - not a wise way to use those calories b/c that bread isn't going to keep you full that long.

    Look for a lower calorie, high fiber bread.

    Have you tried calorie zig-zagging? That can sometimes give you a "jump start" when stalled.
    I would also recommend taking & tracking your measurements. It is quite possible to lose inches but not see much movement on the scale.

    Don't quit now. You've come this far!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    You could try Beachbody. I'm in week 2 of Insanity and I've already lost a couple inches, and have so much more energy!! They have a ton of workouts to choose from.
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    Your diet looks pretty okay - although personally I would recommend finding a new kind of bread. 240 calories just on bread - also high in carbs - not a wise way to use those calories b/c that bread isn't going to keep you full that long.

    Look for a lower calorie, high fiber bread.

    Have you tried calorie zig-zagging? That can sometimes give you a "jump start" when stalled.
    I would also recommend taking & tracking your measurements. It is quite possible to lose inches but not see much movement on the scale.

    Don't quit now. You've come this far!

    As far as breads, I know there are way healthier breads, but those seem to be kind of dry to me. I LOVE Sara Lee 45 calories and Delightful breads (100% whole wheat with honey) 90 calories for 2 slices is AWESOME, and it seems to stay fresh for longer... :)
  • cbbn11
    cbbn11 Posts: 121 Member
    Your diet looks pretty okay - although personally I would recommend finding a new kind of bread. 240 calories just on bread - also high in carbs - not a wise way to use those calories b/c that bread isn't going to keep you full that long.

    Look for a lower calorie, high fiber bread.

    Have you tried calorie zig-zagging? That can sometimes give you a "jump start" when stalled.
    I would also recommend taking & tracking your measurements. It is quite possible to lose inches but not see much movement on the scale.

    Don't quit now. You've come this far!

    I will look for that bread. I do measurements every week as well and have lost 1 inch in total, actually gained in a couple of spots.

    My wife says I look thinner.
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    I'll tell you what has been working for me. I spread all my calories out throughout the day, such as 300 calories each meal between 6 meals, depending on my exercise. I usually just make sure I get in my exercise some time of the day, even if it's the end of the day.

    Also, if you are only sleeping 6 hours a day, you need more sleep. Studies have shown, that people who get at least 7 hours of sleep a night are more successful at losing weight. Any less, and you start craving the wrong things... :-) This is stuff that has worked for me. I've lost almost 40 lbs since 1/1/12... :smile:

    Very nice. I try to spread it out on most days, sometime I do eat a little more in one meal but usually stay below the 2050 MFP has set plus 1/2 my burned calories.

    Unfortunately I can not get more sleep during the week. I do catchup a little on weekends tho.

    That's good... just don't give up on yourself... Keep at it, you'll find something that works for you and before you know it, you'll walk past a mirror and have to do a double-take to see if that really was you you saw... :wink:
  • cbbn11
    cbbn11 Posts: 121 Member
    TY msmrg. I will keep going. I just needed a little vent and some encouragement. That is why I love this site. You can blow a little steam and get a TON of help.

    Thanks to all that replied.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    I do drink a ton of water, at least 15 glasses a day (8 oz). Sleep is because I work nights and get home at 6am, then I get my kids up and off to school so I get to sleep at 9am then I am up at 3pm for them to come home from school.

    Just a thought: what age are your kids? Can you enroll them in some extracurriculars after school? It's really a win-win. You get to sleep longer, and they get the benefit of learning a new skill/sport/hobby. We have a similar schedule problem at home. My husband is working thirds, but we only have my step-daughter some of the time. I'm sure you've been told again and again how important sleep is to overall health as well as weight loss. My husband has been averaging about 5 hrs of sleep a day, but he just is having trouble sleeping during the day :( He is beat by the end of the week, and catching up on the weekends doesn't really count.