C25K is not the only choice

I am going to start a war right now because I am really ticked off by a post that I tried to contribute to. Here it goes:

C25K is not for everyone!

Start blasting away. Start telling me how it works for you and that you can now run an ultra-marathon because you started with C25K. Tell me how you got your best friend to start running and now ran 10 Iron man Triathlons because you got him/her using C25K. Please tell me how it changed your life.

Now let me tell you that there are other ways to start running out there. They just don't have clever names to them. One is called, go out and run. Another is trying to run for a bit and then try running farther next time. Now there are no websites for these. There are no t-shirts or apps that you can buy. But you know what, they work.

There is not always one answer to everything. Why are you here on this site? Maybe because Weight Watchers didn't work? Or maybe you tried Atkins and found that didn't work for you. But there will be people that swear by them.

My point to this whole rant, there are choices.


  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    My point to this whole rant, there are choices.

    Yes, there are...and for a lot of us those "choices" got us injured in the past or turned us off to running for a very long time. C25k works because it helps prevent runners from doing the #1 thing that leads to failure to become a habitual, healthy runner -- doing too much, too soon. There's a reason it's so popular...it works damned well.
  • holmevik
    holmevik Posts: 33
    Sure, who said C25K was the end all be all? It worked for me, though.
  • Kbritske09
    Kbritske09 Posts: 31 Member
    This is my first time of hearing about C25K. I'm getting back into my running routine after having foot surgery. Prior to surgery I was training for my first half marathon. I found that Hal Higdon's guide worked well for me. I took a look at C25K and honestly it looks like any other training guide there is on the internet. It sounds like a workout training track I have on my iPod. Nothing special or crazy different. What I don't understand is why are you so angry by it? Just curious.
  • returnonetime
    returnonetime Posts: 33 Member
    I think what I liked best about it was when I tried the go out and run method, I was running for about 5mins before walking then maybe making it another 5mins before thinking I've had enough. What c25k has done for me was get me out for half an hour straight off, ye only running less than half that time but I felt like I was making it through a run, and before I knew it I was still taking half an hour out my day for it but I was running all of it. Pretty easy to get the progress and almost never feel like failing. My first attempts at running without the program felt like failures every time, I was coming home feeling fat, unfit and like I couldnt change.

    I have nothing to say on the injury side though. I got injured doing c25k but that was my own fault for not buying good enough trainers because I didnt anticipate running so much!

    I hear what you are saying about other options but I reckon there is a pretty obvious psychological reason why so many people get hooked on c25k and thats what it was for me.